Just wanted to say I came hard watching videos of Bakugou Katsuki tonight for the first time after jacking it to...

Just wanted to say I came hard watching videos of Bakugou Katsuki tonight for the first time after jacking it to bondage pmvs. He's so beautiful and violent, I'd let him fuck me any day.
Pic related, his deltoids make me horny.


All I can think about is how rough he would be in bed and how hard is dick would be to match how hard the rest of his body is. Perfect god body right there. He's probably All Might's true love child there's no other explanation for being that perfect.

>not teasing Bakugo into submission with nipple play handjobs and fisting instead
The best part of Bakugo is the gap moe, not the violence.

He's clearly a dominant top, how dare you.

My fetish is doming the dominant ones.

You guys are fucking gay.

I'm a grill.

>insecure beta: the character

you can lie on the internet, but the penis between your legs don't lie user, we all know you are a girl(male)

nice blog post faggot

Cuntboy please, stop projecting. Not every girl on the internet is a tranny like yourself.

I want the omegaverse tumblrinas to fuck off.

>there are girls on the internet
>on Sup Forums
>a jailbait-loving and waifufagging board

Woah there you sure convinced me user-kun

Uhh what? Convince me he isn't a beta

>this completely retarded reply
yeah that's a woman alright

I think it's safe to assume he has a tiny dick.

Well I'm not posting my boobs so you'll have to take my word for it. Sorry user.
But then again if you never noticed up till now there were female on Sup Forums then it's not like I can convince you. Convincing means making the assumption the other party has a brain.
I don't know man, just go to a YoI thread, a homothread, a SNK thread, a Jojo therad, a Kado thread, it's not like they're trying to be discrete.

I'll do no such thing because I don't care to classify characters according to kink meme Supernatural fanfiction prompts.

yes, but those women are all fujoshit, you imply that "this" part of the female race is one we want to be affiliated with, wich personnaly I don't, for the same reason that i came here to annoy you because this shitposting needs to stop, male and females alike

>he thinks he's less of a degenerate than we are
Oh user. This pic and your post alone tells me all I need to know.


>'insecure beta' is now Tumblr fan fiction terminology

I don't know where you belong but it's not here, retard

just because i fap to animals and underage porn doesn't mean I can't be a decent human being
Pic related it's me and my bitches, no fake

> he believes this wasn't a fujobmlr thread from the start

I just wanted to discuss Hero Academia but whatever

pretty gay desu

So somehow fapping to guys fucking makes me more of a degenerate than you, a fucking fury?
Yeah, no.

This thread is fucking gay.

I want to hold Nighteye's hand.

Fuck you user. I never ever get (You)s and you got my hopes up for something good

then don't come to the thread where it's marked "shitposting" all over it
yes because i'm not fucking gay

everytime l think bnhafags can't get any more cancerous they manage to surpass my expectations

bravo you spectacular retards

question, all-mighty female-race, what is the point of pointing out you are a female?

it doesn't add to the conversation other than to point out you have a vagina. and not only that, you're an obvious newfag by the non-understanding that on here, you are by definition female(male)

I think we should all cool down and talk about best boy.

thanks, here's your (You)

Haha, that delusion. Anyone would agree you're higher than me on the degeneration scale.

>the degeneration scale

that's exactly what a fucking faggot would say user

I was merely pointing out a fallacy in user's statement.
>we're all little girls here! uguu
If that was true then how do you explain people saying this thread is gay? If anything it's only natural for little girls to be attracted to Bakugou. Instead the board is full of waifufagging and forbidden love.

this thread is dead, give it up, shitposting has taken it already

isnt the
>we're all little girls!
a meme used in special circumstances
because otherwise i thought it was pretty obvious we considered ourselves the lowest of the low trash who want to fuck everything

>pointing out a fallacy
it's gay to want to fuck a male if you're male by definition of your posting existence as a male, desu

what the fuck happened to this thread

bait thread through and through

I should've been able to tell just from the OP but shit what the fuck is this level of retardation

I hate his personality but my ovaries like his design too much

little bit gay

The funny thing is that Bakugou is unironically a good boy who didn't do anything wrong. What he says gets taken out of context, why he is angry at Izuku is completely misunderstood.

As the OP lyrics for season 1 allude to.
>Those you can’t seem to understand… those who pretend to understand you…
>Both exist in this terrible world.