if you haven't noticed the kikes are already trying to ban living like varg.
for eg home schooling is already banned in Sweden and Germany and is also being heavily regulated in other European countries
collecting rain water is being regulated and in some cases outlawed
growing your food is also illegal in many countries
its already illegal to build septic tanks for sewage in UK
Spain has introduced "sun tax" to discourage solar
vaccination is becoming mandatory in majority of countries
So no, living like varg is not a long term soultion
Ethan Howard
>>waterproof overalls so we don't have to wash clothes >>no running hot water >>dry toilet and wood chips >>our pharmacy has dried herbs >>chalkboard for homeschooling >>solar lanterns this shit is super sad minimalistic hippy bullshit
i feel sorry for the kids and i feel sorry for anyone who would think that living like this is ok
Angel Reed
>i feel sorry for the kids for having to play outside all the time instead of sitting inside shitposting on Sup Forums and facebook This is why the white race deserves to die.
Easton Ortiz
Move faggot.
Ryder Bell
Move to where dumass ? eventually your gonna run out of places to run.
Its gonna take alot of blood to save the white race
shtting in a box is not gonna cut it.
Jaxson Wilson
>growing your food is also illegal in many countries Which ones?
Easton Morales
>i feel sorry for the kids the kids are probably very happy
they don't know any better they don't have TVs or the internet to see how rich kids live and they don't go to school so no one bullies them so they just believe everything's fine and feel happy
Landon Williams
>i feel sorry for the kids
This is my biggest problem with it. Having your kids grow up like this ensures they'll never fit in with peers. Helping your child fit in with peers and become normal is your biggest goal as a parent. Making your kids into total weirdos who are guaranteed to be bullied if they come in contact with peers makes you a bad parent.
Eli Barnes
>France Kids will be much better off home schooled