What is your favorite anime studio?
Mine is Toei. They make Dragon Ball and One Piece.
What is your favorite anime studio?
Mine is Toei. They make Dragon Ball and One Piece.
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For me it's Kyoto Animation, the best Japanese animation studio.
Other shows but same desu
I like Toonami
Green Bunny, they made the best fap material
Studio Mir
J.C. Staff has made 3 of my favorite shows, so them.
Sunrise and Bee Train
The only studio to save anime.
They make softcore porn
Xebec from their first series until today has been really enjoyable.
Girls much healthier than in the past.
Toei for this and
I like Kyoani. They made Tea Girls and Tomato Market.
I like BONES.
They make nice endings.
The best.
Bones and Madhouse
Toei. They make World Trigger ;_; and Tiger Mask
this desu
Its still a worse job than working at mcdonalds.
Studio Ghibli for sure
How the fuck can anyone like this shit? They have the worst animation in the industry
>[The Sound of Silence intensifies]
That's your opinions.
Hiroshi Harada
This, Toei did nothing wrong
fucking >>>THIS
Of course Toei, wait people like other studios? Wat?
>cherrypicking this hard
Funny. Toei is my least favourite studio because of One Piece.
OP was being ironic, but , , and myself aren't. They have a strong track record for their original productions and a fare share of industry talent originated at Toei. They also work on too much shit for their long running anime to not be QUALITY.
Toei has been around for like 60 years dude
>thinking it's cherrypicking
>being **THIS** in denial
>Showing average animation
Are you retarded?
I like Progressive Government Sponsored Works.
Madhouse for Kaiji, Tatami Galaxy and Hunter x Hunter.
But mainly Ginax for everything they ever did
Some of the rushes in this aren't all that bad, but that's all DBS's fighting is. Fighting in DBZ rarely came to just out-right fast rushes with no real choreography. In DBS that's ALL WE GET.
Please watch the show or anything Toei makes before defending them. They set the budget low because they're stingey as fuck. They could make DBS and One Piece look ten times better than any other anime from another industry.
They fail because they hire fourth-rate animators who don't give that much of a shit. They just grind the episodes out to make that paycheck and have no real passion for what they do.
Toei somehow makes someone like Naotoshi Shida fuck up on a scene and make it look like shit pretty often.
They're a shit industry. Don't defend them or else you look like you're a goddamned PC fool.
Why are you jumping lines like a retard?
Mine is also Toei, as it happens. For different reasons, though.
All of the bad scenes on Toei's shonenshit are outsourced at Toei Philippines, made by flips. It's highly expensive to produce 1000+ episodes per series, so they resort on cheaper methods. And the budgets for those anime are supported by Shueisha, Bandai, and Fuji TV, they only offer 100,000 ~ 150,000 per episode.
The good ones are made by nips from their main studios in Japan, like on their anime movies, or on Kado episode 5, the Wam origami sakuga. When it comes to Toei originals, the only part of Toei Philippines is digital coloring. And Precure sponsored by Mcdonalds annually.
There's a lot of veteran animators at Toei, they can do realistic movements without tracing/rotoscoping, latest examples are, Tiger Mask W and Kado's origami sakuga on episode 5, unlike Tsuki ga Kirei, Mappa Bahamut's dance scene, and Pierrot's Nardo. And qt girls, introverted animators, like Hifumi on New Game!, there was a reference about them in Shirobako. These qts only work on girly stuff. These scenes are just one of their latest work. Those introvert qt girls are good. youtu.be
Budget matters.
A1 Pictures and their amateur Koreans are much more worse, watch QUALITY Code and Otaku Teacher. Corrupted A1 businessmen made these cheap anims so that third world countries on South East Asia can afford it.
Watch these.
Ayakashi, Mononoke, Kuchuu Buranko,
and Kyousougiga, first series by a new director, still better than your seasonal trash.
Latest one is Kado AOTS spring 2017.
For me, it's gotta be Gainax
>It's highly expensive to produce 1000+ episodes per series
On the other hand, 1000 episode series make a shit load of money.
It's not an excuse
Gainax has a special place in my heart.
Just you wait until their next arab funded masterpiece
DEEN. When they make everyone mad, I smile.
really difficult to understand, for some people
Did you read? Those animus budgets are supported by Shueisha, Bandai, and Fuji TV, they only offer 100,000 ~ 150,000 per episode.
Blame them it's their own property, not Toei's, they think it's alright because they're popular.
Look at Precure, originally owned ip, sponsored by Mcdonals annually.
Your average animu have 200,000.
factor time, huh? now I feel old to defend animation made out for kids audience, and how much can you make just for one piece and dragon ball "super", a fucking lot, still the industry deserve to fill their pockets after a bad filling --animated-- episode
Doga Kobo
Stop this toei love, theyve made literally one good show.
Kyoanus. They made Keion, Haruhi, and Icecream.
In that case, DR Movie it is for me. I'd pick JM Animation for best Korean outsoursourcing animation studio, but they've never actually worked on anime, only on American animation.
Name one from Doga Kobo.
I saw four good shows from Toei listed in this thread.
They don't originally own those ips, so you don't deserve it.
Hanasaku Iroha and Shirobako were so fucking good. P.A. Works is the only anime studio that can actually compete against KyoAni.
Yru yuri
gekkan shoujo
I dont like their shows that muchi just like doga kobo.
but toei is actively bad. One piece adaptation is dog shit, same for all the dragon ball shows, they make long ass shows with shit animation, boring visuals and the worst possible kind of pacing. their movies and one cour shows are good tho
That's just ignorant
This, Kyoto Animation makes feel-good anime
Ive seen their shows what am i ignorant of?
is that hina on the top? i don't remember that scene
Like 60 years of history
That's an enormous sponge.
>theyve made literally one good show
Production IG. Solid balance of every type of show. And they aren't afraid to try new things.
They also are one of the few studios who can have a solid story along with ecchi.
So what?
The fuck does that matter if it doesnt hold up
Maybe if you stop watching low budget shonenshit, you'll up your standard.
Watch their decent shows, compare them to your shit taste.
Toei is the reason why many western cartoons had great animation in the past.
And them alongside Tezuka's Mushi Pro pretty much revolutionised the anime industry back in the 50s.
So like, Dragon Ball or whatever you're complaining about is a drop in the bucket
I like mononoke, kyousou giga is boring, kado is uninteresting and i havent seen kuchuu buranko
Many of them were hits.
Denying Toei's 60 years of rich anime history is just stupid and makes you look like giant retards.
I'll say Silver Link to throw out an undermentioned one here.
Overrated tripe. --Miyazaki
I used to love one piece as an anime, yes is dog shit now because of hype, new animators getting in the industry and bad fillers, even inside the real episodes animated from the manga. I'm felling sick of the reality of this, one show that I loved is getting so boring past the last 4 years. (let's not talk about DBS, I didn't last the 2 first episodes)
Netflix Originals
They're the ones who are really leading the industry right now and pushing anime in a new direction. All these other studios itt are just shilling out the same garbage season after season. Netflix gives fans what they really want.
This mentality is fucking dumb, theyve done shit for the industry sure but their shows arent good, theyre all stepping stones and should never be replicated, its fine to apprecaite them but theyre legit one of the worst studios for tv aniamtion.
For the longest time I thought Gurren Laggan was trigger. I don't know why.
>Makes the same movie a bunch of times
Miyazaki is overatted shit
What have you seen?
I don't love DBS but its 10x better than GT to me. Also the first 10 episodes are admittedly trash.
Well, Trigger is mostly comprised of the TTLG staff
Madhouse makes pretty cartoons.
They're both trash anyway.
DB, DBZ, OP, Hokuto no ken, mononoke, kyousou giga, digimon, yugioh, tiger mask, kado, toriko, terra e.
Fuck off shonenshits.
Can't help you.
worst budget = worst animation
made by Filipinos
>they make
>implying it's their call
You don't know a fucking thing about anime production, do you? With dragon ball kai nearing ending, Fuji TV were going to have a timeslot empty so seeing Dragon Ball Z latest movies did great at selling they decided with Shueisha to start a new series cross-media: Dragon Ball Super. They etablished a production committee and hired Toei to animate it. The problem is Toei didn't have enough time to start an healthy production (need at least 6 months of pre-production to not screw the schedule) but Fuji TV told them they have two months to work on that and that's it.
The first couple of episodes were fine but it all started to fall into pieces when they catched up the schedule and didn't have enough time to finish episode 5. And it's not like they didn't make their hardest, they basically put everyone of the studio on it, just look the ending's credits. And from then it keeps getting fucked, directors leaved the show right after they finished the arc they were assigned to work in because of the terrible state of production.
Things got better with Black arc and now with have two top series directors and a new producer on board saving Super's ass. Current SDs even got a Bones AD to work on the show and he wish he could work again on it. Shida is teaching animators how to animate, anyway things are well better than the beginning and if it keeps going like that the quality will soon be on par with your seasonal shows.
>Toei is the reason why many western cartoons had great animation in the past.
LOL no
You're confusing Toei with TMS
And either way they only did a few western cartoons
Toei doesn't take anime industry seriously anymore. They're doing nothing but quick cash grab most of the time.
Even so, their occasional serious attempt on short original series always out of the box & better than the rest of the industry.
Also, It's funny reading all these 'MUH KYOANI IS BEST STUDIOS EVAA' from Sup Forums but in reality none of their anime can't even compete with Toei short series like Mononoke, Kuchuu Buranko, or Kyusou Giga.
>they can do realistic movements without tracing/rotoscoping......Kado's origami sakuga on episode 5
But that was rotoscoped.
I really like kindaichi case,bobobo,gash bell,Slam dunk,beet the vandel buster(I hope for a remake now that the manga is out of hiatus)
Ghibli for people with taste
It's not.
Real Drive was an overlooked gem.
TMS Entertainment is so fucking underrated
>In DBS that's ALL WE GET.
Not true, sometimes we get terribly animated recreations of past fight scenes between those rushes.
Trigger is basically Gainax from 2007 to 2010
Reminder: Avoid shows made by Trigger.