How did people get this triggered by Nibutani?
How did people get this triggered by Nibutani?
Other urls found in this thread:
They loved her.
>that clip poster is still posting in every chuu2 thread
That's kyoanus fags for you.
Nibutanifags are one of the worst character fanbase here.
That's literally Sup Forumstards. Thanks again, moot.
They wrongly assumed she was straight.
They got switch baited.
They expected a perfect class president type and got an aggressive alpha female bully that wasn't buying MC's shit at all.
3rd row, 3rd column sums it up nicely in your image, op.
That's fucking nothing. Episode 2 had 65 threads at once.
Man, back then it was the norm for popular shows to flood the board with threads whenever something big happened. These days people are more inclined to organize themselves into general threads. What a difference in posting culture over just several years.
Just last year Re:Zero took over the board several times.
>the same thing happened when FREE was revealed.
That was a good day.
They self inserted.
shut up incest fag
kirino is a cancer
>back then it was the norm for popular shows to flood the board with threads whenever something big happened
I never liked it, not saying I like generals either but flooding does absolutely no good for anybody. Especially with all the crossboarder traffic and Reddit here lately.
Generals definitely have their own set of problems, but Sup Forums is much faster than it was ten years ago. Right now, they're probably the best way to maintain discussions of series/movies that would otherwise get flooded away by the flavor of the month.
>My thread is there
I feel nostalgic.
Also 2pig2 is a best
What's worse is all the fucking traitors who jumped ship and became bitchclip fans in the second season.
Which thread is yours, sweetie?
I think it's amazing that most of her fans used to hate her. It doesn't happen to that many characters.
It's just her body.
Wrong dess.
Shinka's main sex appeal comes from her haughty personality.
Fuck off Dekomori
made for loser cock
>all that forced milk drinking
>only one futa doujin
>deko is the one with a dick
You had one job, japan
>gangraped by a bunch of disgusting otaku
I think that one actually got made.
Now if you post multiple threads people scream REEEEEE KEEP IT IN ONE THREAD! I don't like generals because they all become some very shitty chatroom-like subculture which has no room for dynamic discussion. To think that you can talk about every single possible aspect of a show in a single thread with a limited number of posters is fucking retarded.
Didn't she kill them afterwards?
Made for NTR
57kg of muscle
They were fags.
I liked Shinka even more when she turned out be that type of person.
>perfect class president type
Reddit zero you mean
>Shinka is hot as fuck
>MC stops pursuing her in favor of the autist because he's too fucking beta
This show lost all potential when that happened
Shinka was the only good thing about it and if she's not the end goal what's the point?
I really don't get why people don't get that the main character isn't their personal vessel.
>traitors who jumped ship and became bitchclip fans in the second season.
Deciding to hate a character forever and ignoring their growth as a character is pretty autistic user.
I'm a Deko fan myself so naturally when Shinka and her got closer I warmed up to her.
It also helps that their interactions together were funny and cute, and pretty much the only saving grace of that overly dramatic shit season. Nibutani is a bitch but she's still a fun character.
>ywn be manhandled and humiliated by Shinka
why even live?
I'm not a self-insert faggot I just like it when MC gets with best girl
Dekomorisummer spinoff when
Not canon.
She wanted the D in the novels.
But chuuni was the best girl.
I dropped it in 2 episodes, I just can't stand chuuni what what that cap?
I forgot just how big Chuu2 was when it was airing. How the mighty fall.
Oh fuck I suppose I'll have to actually watch the second season if I'm going to watch the movie
Board flood is literally what Sup Forums was founded on though. The migration to generals is just a single step away from garbage like /vg/ where people bring up the same shitposts over and over just for the sake of keeping a thread bumped.
Why is there basically no Nibutani femdom doujins? It's like nips don't understand her appeal at all
I think most of you guys are just a bunch of newfags who weren't even on Sup Forums when OP happened.
Which is sad, because OP happened in what? 2012?
First of all, while I don't want to completely broad brush them, easily most of the memespouting Nibutanifags today are not in OP's image. Frankly I've always liked Nibutani, and that scene from episode 4 was probably one of the main if not the first reasons why I came to like her at all.
But more importantly, not to say that some people weren't legitimately mad, but most of the posts in the OP were people just shitposting. Like what happens each time something takes over the catalog. And people who were here when it happened remember that.
this is a christian website user
You create that bullshit, Faggot
>Kyoanus in charge of respecting my entitlement to self-inserting by taking care to not have any character say anything that'd trigger my paranoia of girls FUCKING DROPPED
Gets me every time