Finland is about to elect its first openly gay President today. Let that sink in, bigots

Finland is about to elect its first openly gay President today. Let that sink in, bigots.

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Nope. We're going to round two.

Canada elected tredeau dumb ass. We won this before you even considered it

You can fight with Paavo for the third place, this is Haavisto's year.

>Faggot president
>Woman president

Trudeau is straight.

A queer vs a woman? There's no possible win here.

Niinistö is gonna win though

>In October 2017, the Security Committee of the Finnish Ministry of Defence released an assessment on the possibilities of Russian involvement in the presidential election.

I hate this meme

My mom was right about you, yellow cunts. You're shame of finno-ugric kin.
t. Mari