Why are white nationalists always fat maladjusted losers?

Why are white nationalists always fat maladjusted losers?
How come you never see a successful and socially well adjusted white nationalist? Why is your movement full of freaks? Sup Forums explain...

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White nationalists actually have food

Why are communists fat

Because a successful man has better things to do than embarrass himself on street holding handmade paper posters.

The ones who take photos for news articles are plants.

Because they're hiding - they have too much at risk, to show themselves.

Because of selection bias on the part of the person taking the photo/people selecting the photos for publication.

Name 10 successful white nationalists from this decade

It's not like they just out themselves like that.

From this decade? I can't say George Washington?

same can be said for you commie traitors.

Oh but they do and whenever they do it doesn’t look good.

And look, that kid got hounded out of university. Clearly if you reach some high point in your carrer you aren't going to start saying "lets create a white paradise".

Because just like white nationalism communism offers a complelling reasoning why somebody else and not yourself is to blame that you are a fat neet failiure of a human beeing.


What about those guys suggests "maladjusted"? Do they look more maladjusted than leftist protesters to you?

Hmmm dunno

One of the few times the right got violent. Granted both sides are a bunch of neets the right has been pretty peaceful while the left has been more violent so I'm wondering what your starvation loving ass is going on about.

>use violence to shut down legally sanctioned political speeches
>get run over
I don't have a shred of sympathy for that dead communist. This is the game they chose to play.

When someone at a white nationalist rally drives into a crowd, probably on accident or becaue he freaked the fuck out because his car was being attacked, it reflects on all white nationalists, but when a Muslim does it, you practically trip over yourselves to jump on Twitter with #notallmuslims. Double standard at all? Pic related, white Nationalist, popular on YouTube... ALWAYS fat. Always.

We're not. I'm a lawyer in Spain, very involved in local politics.
The problem is only "losers" don't have anything to lose. One's power level is in relation to one's ability to leverage change.

There are much more of us than you can imagine in the Judiciary,Military, and Business.

Everyone has a part to play in moving to realm of "respectable" conversation to the right. The White nationalists are doing a fantastic job of this. We, who can, have the responsibility to finish the job.

>Totaly not malajusted, now let me explain why killing counterprotestors with your car is justified

They look pretty decent.
Now compare and contrast with literally any gathering of anti-nationalist commies.

because they fought the system and that's a very hard life. you with your money and job security can live easy. nationalists cannot. they are not allowed any form of success and protest the experience they endured. Would you take that away from them as well after taking away everything else for comfort?

Because they where originally "progressives" then became alienated and switched sides.

Why are Communists always soyboys and mentally ill faggots?
How come you never see a succesful and socially well adjusted Communist? Why is your movement full of freaks? Sup Forums explain...

The well adjusted ones are at work building the 4th reich from the inside.
the fit ones are in the gyms fucking your girlffriend in the sauna when you think she is doing cross fit so that she looks good for you.
and these are the rest.

>they think they can demoralize us
we hit peak demoralization years ago, now it just fuels us

Why do commies look like railpunk junkies who sleep under bridges and haven’t bathed in months?

>Name 10 successful white nationalists from this decade

Name one commie that’s EVER been successful.

When the Day comes you will burn.

Everybody who critizises my movement must be an antisemite/patriarchal rapist/literaly Hitler

The Golden One. He's a fucking inspiration to stay in shape

Could have been avoided if the left weren't actually violent animals. The more and more that evidence comes to light it's painfully obvious that commies are responsible for the death of hh. Now please explain James hodgkins.

>Be a communist
>Make fun of average working class people

There are bunch of retards in far right movements indeed, but it's nothing compared to the absolute freak show that is the left.

Modern day Communists are retarded
Stalin would shoot them all

Lenin called communists in the West "useful idiots" for a reason.

Because it was an easily avoided scenario. It was made worse by the rioters. Those commies weren't protesting. They where there to commit criminal acts of violence.

>Violent animals
Name 5 people antifa has killed


Sup, yeah, I'm a commie
I like to be poor and yeah
My hero is Obommy.
Gonna spam and shill
To protect muh niggers
Those alpha whites make me ill.
I never get tired of shilling
I'm a fag with no life
A coalition of the willing
If i just shill one more time
Maybe someone
Will change their mind.

-lil fag commie shill on 1/28/18.

You can't even explain why I'm wrong. If you're using violence to disturb the public space and shut down the free exercise of a basic right, it's the responsibility of the police to use force to keep you under control. I'd prefer the police do it in such a way that violence is minimized, but they didn't do their job, even siding with the agitators. So instead it ended with vigilante violence. Why should I have sympathy for them?

Now if the agitators had been kept under control, and the speeches were allowed to continue, then I might disavow running them over. But in this case we're not just assuming the agitators had violent intentions. Those intentions were actually carried out.

Fuckin this. I used to be full communist. It disgusted me the company I used to keep degeneracy was the norm

Clement Meric.

Oh wait no he was actually an antifa faggot killed in one punch by the natsis he tried to punch from the back.

>Criminal acts of violence
>criminal acts of violence
You’re truly the ideology of peace
>Irony intensifies

I can name whole countries. Your trying to tell me that antifa has not killed anyone? Maybe your just that big of failures? I mean there where fractured skulls stabbings etc. It's not like you haven't tried in the us.

Because Chads don't care who they fuck unlike these white nationalist dorks.

>Can’t even name 5
Ok case dismissed

When do you turn 18?

Sage and report all off topic and troll threads.

>Killed whole countries
So Antifa has personally destroyed entire countries?

No one gives a shit about your case. We're obviously violent and given the opportunity we would kill you and all your comrades. Do you want a medal for making this tremendous discovery?

I wouldn't subscribe to the ideology I do if you didn't exist. The rise of (((evil))) is the natural reaction to the rise of totalitarian power grabs by communism. To beat the monster one must become a monster. I mean I wonder how many people have been pushed further right because of the events that have unfolded the last five years?

Stop answering to modern-day Communists.
They are brainless retards who worship Stalin despite the fact that he punished homosexuality with 5 years of GULAG, oh but no, he's a true progressive and DRUMPF is the homophobe!


Yes, antifa is the extrajudicial arm of the commies before they take power any state ruined by Communism falls on antifa.

Name 5 or 10 successful communists from this decade. No literally who's.


because the successful among us have a lot to lose by being doxxed at a rally and having the jews blacklist us from research grants and security clearances. dumb ass fucking underclass idiot


These guys get it. I'm all about a sensible agenda of promoting the primacy of the European descendants who built the country I live in, the democratic principles upon which it was founded, and continue to drive the innovation that makes modern society possible. What I'm not willing to do is lose the career I've built over decades to join an autistic street manifestation.

There is an identity issue with nationalism that makes it unpalatable for anyone living in a cosmopolitan city or working in a professional career field. The unfortunate reality is that the loudest on either extreme are the ones setting the tone for the conversation, and society has decided that it's okay to be a loud, unabashed black supremacist/nationalist, but the opposite makes you a nazi. People like Richard Spencer are cringeworthy retards, and the alt-right as a whole has a severe lack of experience with proper messaging. The phrase 'white people', or 'white americans' should never be used in a defensive context during media appearances. Changing the message to 'people of european descent' or 'of european ancestry' is the sort of bullshit PC code language that would make arguing for white causes remotely acceptable, but nobody seems wise to it.
That, or the Richard Spencers and Weevs of the world are witting or unwitting plants who are being funded by people who secretly wish to discredit the notion that it might not be a fantastic idea to push for the gradual muddling and ethnic cleansing of european ancestry from the earth.

Instead I just jizz thousands of dollars a year on lobbying organizations and political candidates that do things I value, like the EFF, various 2nd amendment groups, conservative PACs that aren't ascientific shitlers, catholic charities, irish/norwegian fraternal order scholarship endowments, and so on.

Those guys weren't always losers, user. They were the very first casualties of this...whateverthehellitis.

At first, they persevered. After some time with no success, the depression set in and they gained weight, which caused them to hurt and be less active, which caused them to gain even more weight. On and on it goes... until he keels over one day at the local pub.

That's not a loser, friend. That's a VICTIM.

25, white, 86k a yesar in NYC, fuck minorities

Gay shit shills


He absolutely would and I would give all my Money to see them under actual communist rule. Soyboys having to survive a hard labor camp in siberia for beeing lazy antisocial fags.
>Lenin called communists in the West "useful idiots" for a reason.
Do you have a quotation? I seriously doubt that because to my knowledge Lenin, like Marx, assumed that communism would start in a western Industrial country and never gave up the hope that england or germany might flip.

They had some serious mental yoga to do to explain how the fuck they are supposed to be marxists in a pre industrial country without a Proletariat and how the whole aristocracy-> capitalism -> rule of the people historical determinism is supposed to work in china or russia

Maybe it's because fat people tend to be the loudest in every group.

>The master race is being oppressed by Jews

They look more bad ass if we are going to judge them by their facial expressions.
White nationalists look like soyboys.

Ding ding ding.
I'm 29 year old white guy working as a software dev lead making $225k base. If I were to be so much as seen at a nationalist rally not as a counter-protestor I would likely struggle to ever get a job in this industry again.
The damage it would do to my life, in many regards, would be catastrophic.

I had an uncle by marriage who was a full-blown White Supremacist. He was an unmarried, under-employed, tax avoiding misanthrope who had a father he despised and a mother he mistreated. When my sister-in-law married a person with less-than-white skin, he started leaving racist pamphlets around the cabin where we spent a week in the summer.

If you spend time watching the 1991 Documentary Blood in the Face, you will see him sitting at a picnic table at 4:31 with several of his closest racist friends. Blood In Th Face 1.flv

He contracted ALS and died alone and still persecuted by his hatred of “mud people.”

Since we’re arguing usi




Why does white trash always resort to emoty threats?
Sweetie, you are a poor, fat piece of white trash. You wont do jack shit ever because you are a cock sucking pussy.
Feel free to prove me wrong, Cletus,I am on act out faggot, but everyone knows you are just a loser.

Haha says the guy using feelies himself. Youre just mad niggers are pussys who cant fight one on one.

White trash is even smarter than a nigger.

You little faggot ass niggers arent gonna do shit haha

Why are libtards all sexual deviants who desire to be controlled ?

Premise of question is untrue. Some white nationalists are skinny maladjusted losers. (see pic).

To answer your question, though - white nationalism and white supremacism are not all that appealing to nonwhites for some reason. Most whites are in white-majority countries. Modern white supremacist ideology is tailored to the assumption that the recruit is in a white-majority country, because the likes of Anglin or Aurenheimjob correctly recognize that the likelihood of a nazi revolution succeeding in a country without a white majority.

The sort of person who, despite being a member of the most common ethnic group in the country, concludes that they are MUH OPPRESSED MINORITY tends to be what the scientists refer to as 'well below the median' and the normies refer to as 'losers'. You don't need white male supremacy to maintain your personal status in a company like Google where almost every position of power is held by a white man unless you are a maladjusted loser. (see pic).

This, incidentally, is why most companies feel they can get away with firing Nazis - the odds are that anyone who openly expresses fashy sentiments is not merely pissing off all their customers and employees, but *ALSO* completely incompetent at their job.

False flag?

Why are Liberals all sexual deviants who desire to be controlled ?


Andrew Anglin. Hundreds of thousands of dollars in donations and he still wants moar. Steve Bannon, who made his fortune farming gold on mmogs and still resents gamers for shutting him down. Richard Spencer, who has a fuckton of money for some reason I don't know. Milo Yiannopoulos, who got hundreds of thousands of dollars as a thankyou for being degenerate as fuck (... except he then spent it all on ghostwriters and fancy busses). Robert Mercer, who subsidized Bannon and Milo. Other than that IDK?

White Nationalist women tend to be like the top pic. Liberal women how hate theirown country, their own race, their own sexuality and their own gender look like the bottom pic.

Why is that ?


There are over a billion Muslims. There are over 80 Atomwaffen members. It's obvious which one's more murderous per capita.

Joke's on you, soyboy, I'm /fit/
Remember to SAGE

Actually I am middle class white and most everyone I know considers poot whites subhuman. How poor are you?

Every time, libtards come here and post something like this with the net effect that they draw more attention to their own degeneracy.

A more important question is why, exactly, you have a subscription to a schieße porn site?

Just kidding, we all know. Winky face emoticon goes here.

Why do commies hate white people? There is a reason why juche and stalinism were so successful. You can't allow loser to thrives, and they do a good job killing the weaklings who call themselves commies. Can a state thrive with you around OP?

>things i am not

No, you arent. Youre a triggered nigger, shitskin, or a gook fuckboi. Haha.

why are marxists always underfed, maladjusted losers?
How come you never see a successful and socially well adjusted marxist? Why is your movement full of freaks? ShareBlue explain...

yawn, these low-effort duplicate shitposts you see literally every day on Sup Forums are growing boring to me. saged


Aw, that's a really cute story you have there. How long did it take you to think it up? Plenty of people in every group become losers and die alone. There are also communists who have grown old and died alone. I can tell you for a fact that's not every white supremacist; my grandfather and father are both white supremacists and, clearly, they both passed on their bloodlines and have long-term wives of multiple decades. Your anecdote is useless and irrelevant. Next.

Shill thread faggots, sage this shit
get educated newfags, click the link above.

those blokes look pretty normal. not fat, ok skin.

why are marxists always underfed, maladjusted losers?
Hmmm like this Marxist?
>Private capital tends to become concentrated in few hands, partly because of competition among the capitalists, and partly because technological development and the increasing division of labor encourage the formation of larger units of production at the expense of smaller ones. The result of these developments is an oligarchy of private capital the enormous power of which cannot be effectively checked even by a democratically organized political society…

>…I am convinced there is only one way to eliminate these grave evils, namely through the establishment of a socialist economy…A planned economy, which adjusts production to the needs of the community, would distribute the work to be done among all those able to work and would guarantee a livelihood to every man, woman, and child.

You can read the full article here:
He also thought very highly of Russian socialist revolutionary Vladimir Lenin, saying:

>I honor Lenin as a man who completely sacrificed himself and devoted all his energy to the realization of social justice. I do not consider his methods practical, but one thing is certain: men of his type are the guardians and restorers of humanity

Because the fat retards are the only ones who have the free time to be "activists". Most are just waiting for the first shot to be fired so that the purge can start, kekistanis included

Same reason all commies are fat dykes/soy boys in tortured yoga pants, cherry picking is and internet "argument".

>How come you never see a successful and socially well adjusted white nationalist?
Because they hide their power level, like all sane people.

You wouldn't even expect me to be anything other then a regular leftist University student, but in truth I am everything but that.

Try again,Jethro.


>Hmmm like this Marxist?
It's not like there weren't Nazi scientists...

They're not. I guess some of the old, 80s neo-Nazi groups might be like this, but nobody who's serious about the cause takes them seriously.

Even the worst neo-Nazi skinhead doesn't look as bad as pic related.