Why do we even need terms like "gay" and "straight?"

Why do we even need terms like "gay" and "straight?"
Why not just let people fuck whoever with no judgement?

Other urls found in this thread:


Fuck off Schlomo, you pedo scum.

25:39 black soldier describing how white French women loved BBC


Added: Because defining differences between things is important to understanding basically anything.

What? My point is that we shouldny label sexuality. People should feel free to sleep with a member of any the genders withput there being a label

Whats the difference between the type of sex you have with a human? Gender doesnt matter becaise we are all people

>Why not just let people fuck whoever with no judgement?

Because there is a proper use of sexuality and the rest are perversions.

your mom fucked my dog and catched gonorrhea

*the dog catched gonorrhea*

>Why do we even need terms like "criminal" and "innocent?"
>Why not just let people do whatever with no judgement?

Define people.

> Muh Jesus
Aside from fairy tales do you have an objective reason to believe any sexual act between consenting adults is wrong?

We are all humans no need to make dostinctions between gender when it comes to sex

When did I mention religion? You think there are two options? Either "Jesus" or else anything goes?

Sexual promiscuity is highly destructive and in no way natural, disease spreads and corrupts entire nations.

Nevertheless, natural selection is a cold, unforgiving bitch, who accepts no bribes.

What makes you think that "consent" has anything to do with things being moral or immoral?

>do you have an objective reason to believe any sexual act between consenting adults is wrong?
It is well known that AIDs is often spread through gay sex, there were entire AIDs epidemics in gay "communities".

And miscegenation is obviously evil, as you are betraying your own race.

Yes. All morality is objective and situational anf the only ones who believe other wise are christians

>Why not just let people fuck whoever with no judgement?
you dont need to be a conservative to see why this is bad

Evil doesnt exist and AIDS is largely contained.

If you don't know the answer to that yourself, you are rather unintelligent. Or perhaps a niggerfaggot in denial.

>Evil doesnt exist
Do you mind getting murdered?

> AIDS is largely contained
Yeah, whatever you say buddy...

why do mods allow these stealth cuckposting threads to stay up

How can gays continue to be attention whores if they can’t constantly, publicly prove to everyone they are gay?

>Why not just let people fuck whoever with no judgement?
Because gays don't have sex.
They are just dudes who stick their dicks into shit pipes and wonder why they get sick all of the time.


Mods have always hated us. They let actual cuck shit sit here forever too. Try to post a pizzagate thread and they'll delete it within minutes though.


because gay people are fucking gay

Nice try shlomo
>slide thread

By your logic why don't we stop using language to describe anything?

Aside from dismissing religious people by calling their beliefs a "fairy tale," do you have an actual argument to provide?

Why are you faggots replying to shill threads


That's right, keep AIDS where it belongs, in the kitchen!



This is now a white women hate thread.

Why do black man + blonde white woman couples look so good? It's like they were made for one another.

It's the perfect union of savage rugged masculinity and delicate beautiful femininity.

It's just so beautiful. I guess that's why stormcucks get so triggered by it.

Whenever you see a white man + white woman couple they always look like brother and sister lol

A farmer never lets animals breed without a breeding program

Humans are born with a natural revulsion response for a reason and no amount of indoctrination or moral relativism will change that fact.

>It's just so beautiful.

Actually the market for interracial pornography is driven by white males. That's because nothing is more degrading than a white woman having sex with a black male.

cuck, nigger or jew? doesnt matter. i put you in my shower.

Relativism and tolerance are on their dying bed. We will see what will arise ...

>Why not just let people fuck whoever with no judgement?

Because putting things into categories is essential. It's not "judgement" to notice that there are differences between things.

>Whenever you see a white man + white woman couple they always look like brother and sister lol

Whenever I see a nigger couple together they look like the foundation of a criminal conspiracy.

>Asks a question pertaining to gays and individual freedom.
>Posts a picture of a nigger male and human female

Actually not a bad bait thread, OP

You've never actually grown up with blacks and just have this artifice presented to you by the internet and the entertainment industry. I grew up in a 30% black county, went to school with them, and they're overwhelmingly quiet pothead neets who drop out by the sophomore year. Finding an intelligent, well-spoken, charismatic black is like finding a needle in a hay stack. They're overwhelmingly stupid, feral animals who are only called "men" because they happen to have oral cavities capable of uttering a rough approximation of human language. As a Millennial, whites and blacks almost completely segregated themselves, with a few wigger kids joining the nigs, and a few articulate blacks the white kids let hang with them. Go to any lunchroom in an American public school and they don't mix whatsoever.

And those wiggers I remember from high school were all young men. Girls didn't hang out with blacks because it was known implicitly they would fall out of the social food chain.

>triggered little white fuckbois
Listen up you pussies. You see that black guy in the OP? He's smashing that petite little blonde pussy. He's stretching it to its absolute limit, hitting her cervix and making her orgasm over and over again.

A white man will never be able to satisfy her now. Meanwhile, you fap to hentai and cry about the white race on an internet message board. This is why your race is dying whitey. Hahahahahaha!!!!

this fucking brit in every thread posting interracial shit