
>Even my 13y sister is 175cm

Why anime girls are so short?

Because they are japs and all japs are fucking manlets.

Because petite women are the best

Unless you live in Netherlands that is above average for a girl anywhere else in the world, why do you faggots pretend this isn't the case?

Try visiting Japan and then ask that question again.

Hey OP do I have permission to breed with your sister?
gif related it showcases how much of a gentleman i am

Probably because asains are just short in general.

>be 5'11" American

>shortest in comparison to all my friends

Kill me

spot the otaku neet on his way to get food

Because tall girls aren't cute.
Men are supposed to be tall and women are supposed to be short. Not hard to understand.

>Even my 13y sister is 175cm
Considering she's still growing that's actually a little bit too tall.

wish we were more like spiders

females are larger, dominant ones, and use their males breed small armies, followed by vore of their partner or even children

>Even my 13y sister is 175cm
That's way above average, even in western countries. Average female height for adults is below 170 cm in most countries.

175 cm is legitimately gigantic for a girl my dude, let alone at 13. Just wait until she starts to contort her back to make herself seem shorter
You've spent too much time here

nutrients are easier to pack in foods these days

height average will increase in about 10 years

>Because tall girls aren't cute.
pic related would very much like to disagree
>[...] are supposed to [...]
that's just your opinion man don't try to pass it as facts

because anonymous thinks that everyone is 7ft tall normally. furthermore, user is too stupid to convert from metric and just guesses.

>user shits on black dudes
>but cites their height as the normal height

fucking hell I bet he's only 6'3"

He's like a tree in an open field.

>You've spent too much time here

I'll leave Sup Forums someday. You'll see. You'll all see.

Girls need to be under 165 cm to be considered cute otherwise they are a freak show. I can already see the betas responding "I love to be dominated" kek.

So if men with shameful heights are called manlets.
Women with shameful heights are called wogants ?

Alright, some tall girls are cute.
>that's just your opinion
No, it isn't. The man is the one who should protect and princess-carry. the girl, unless the girl is his onee-chan, in which case he should be the one being protected and princess-carried.

>Girls need to be under 165 cm to be considered cute

You are so fucking wrong.


its far too difficult to headpat them otherwise

There's nothing more pitiful than a woman taller than her man, it's worse than watching little african children starving, you just want to put them out of their misery.

Are you shitposting? I hope you are.

I love this copy pasta.

Bless you user.

No problem, man. I am the same height as her. And

>There's nothing more pitiful than a woman taller than her man

This is just social construction.

Why do you think that? I admit may be trying to pass my opinions as facts, but I truly believe in the things I wrote.

>Because tall girls aren't cute.


>You are so fucking wrong

you're right though, tall girls are cute too

are you hispanic?
are you gay?
where does it say that the man should be the one doing the princess carrying, it's 2017 ffs a girl princess carrying a guy or another girl would only make her cuter.

I'm a male and I'm 170.

>are you hispanic?
>are you gay?
No, I just like small girls.
Are you a tall girl? You are, aren't you?
>it's 2017 ffs
I know what year it is. Why are you telling me?
>a girl princess carrying a guy or another girl would only make her cuter.
I agree with the "carrying another girl" part, but if she's carrying a guy it doesn't make her cuter at all.


>thinks 165 is too tall

Fucking spotted the manlet.
t. 188 widd that 180 gf

>tfw 167cm manlet
>There are 13y girls way taller than me

Ooh I'm so tall ooh everyone with my genes is so tall.

>all these manlets itt

Risa a shit

>tfw 203cm giant
>girls taller than me don't even exist
it's not fair

I've seen this a few times recently and I want to read this manga. what is it?

tall girls a best

Listen to all these insecure manlets in this thread trying to rationalise being shorter than their (desired) partner.

It Truly does look pathetic seeing a short dude standing shoulder to shoulder with a tall girl.

google says Sakuranbo Syndrome - Cupid no Itazura II, didn't read it though

I'm not a tall girl
I'm a relatively tall guy
I included the year because the idea that a princess should be carried by a man has its origins in stories written a long time ago, and you're clinging to these ideas even tho there's no real(strong) "basis" to the fact that girls are/should be carried and not vice versa, even tho these stories aren't that popular anymore
I was confident you knew what year it is now.
my pleasure

insecure, i don't understand this logic

I'm not basing it on old stories, I'm basing it on the fact that on average guys are taller and heavier and girls shorter and lighter, and that feminine girls are cuter.
Is it so hard to type 3 more letters?

yeah it's uncommon to see girls that are even able to princess-carry a guy, but that doesn't automatically make it bad or non cute or anything of sorts
the fact that feminine girls "are" cuter isn't a fact tho, it's another opinion
also yes, I could type 3 more letters
tis hard tho, and it's more because I like how it reads/looks better, it conveys what I feel and how I sound better

> feminine girls "are" cuter isn't a fact
If you don't think feminine girls are cuter, then you might prefer men.
You also write like a retard. Please, use some periods and capital letters.

>you might be gay
I'm not gay nor retarded, thanks for the concern about something different from the topic
I looked in the first three dictionaries I could find online and femininity is mentioned nowhere - even more, cute might also be used when referring to a guy, so cuteness has nothing to do with femininity
I like less girly girls and I usually write like this, what are you gonna do about it?
apart from telling me I might be gay and retarded, that is

>tfw no 7' gf

>be only 5'1
>but it's ok because you're a grill so it's acceptable
I'm okay with things as they are

>mfw I'm only 152 cm
Fucking giants, every last one of you.

5'11 is above average for most countries in the world and pretty fucking average for a European country. Stop being a little bitch, your height is fine. Anything at 180 and above works for a male.

Why do these threads always turn into blog faggotry

OP has successfully a made a shit, bait thread

>tfw I'm about an inch taller than her

I was 170 cm when I was 13 and then I literally stopped growing. This is a really shit feel.

If you're cute enough you should just find some dude and let him rail you in yhe ass daily.