Astral Projection and Remote Viewing

Why are none of you doing this yet?
You know you can go to New Swabia, Atlantis, Area 51 and anywhere else

You can use this to further your own political goals you know, imagine remote viewing what Donald Trump is doing right now, or even going to the Nazi colony in Antarctica to see the new Fuhrer

Other urls found in this thread:

kill yourself

because it's retarded and made up, take it to /x/

too much effort

Tell that to the Astral SS

How do we view remotely? Instructions needed user.

sometimes I astrally project myself 5 cm closer to the ground unto myself. And then I suddenly find myself in a situation where I am able to reach my ass with my tongue. I could pretend like I didn't do this intentionally but the result is the same. So I stretch my tongue. To the utmost of its capabilities. Reach for it.

And there we are: I'm a grown ass man astrally projecting himself into a position where I'm able to lick my own self.

Jews did this?

>You can go to Area 51

Not unless you want to get literally mindflayed by their defenses.

Look up Project Star Gate on the CIA reading room, it will give you some instructions and examples of it working

Links to specific docs? Don't want to trawl through shitloads of random docs to get to the interesting ones

It's occult and you hand over your body to be violated by demons, geee yeah I wonder why we don't do something stupid like that...

> grown assman

Best one
This isn't easy, and it's not without danger.

There is literally thousands of them and it can take a few hours to find some really interesting ones.

Here is something interesting some redditer stumbled upon

>this is covered on /x/ almost on a daily basis
>you didnt provide ANYTHING except your statement. no proof, no sauce, no nothing.
fuck off memeflag Shill

I only Astral project to watch OP jerk off :^)

fucking pervert

if someones really interested:

Thanks bud, these are killer

Haha not according to the CIA, the DIA and army special forces

I tried Astral Projection. On and off again for years. Until one night it happened and the experience freaked me out to the point I've never tried it again.

Well Lockheed Skunkworks is all about magick

What happened?

The sad part is nothing. I Wasn't attacked by demons ghosts or anything. I just looked at my room looked at my body and freaked the fuck out. It a was holy shit what if I'm really dead moment. Scrambled back into my body and woke up in a full scale panic attack.

lol you need to keep trying and you wont be afraid of it after a few attempts, at least you were able to do it, some people cant even do that

You do realize that the CIA made a bunch of bullshit projects and they'd have it end up in the hands of the USSR under the pretense of being stolen to waste their resources?

It takes practice and concentration.
People have been conditioned to not believe in these things.

Why the hell arent people eeeh Astral viewing into the Pizzagate stuff to find evidence for arresting the pedos
If your not fucking retarded you will understand it's a mean to find the kids

I would believe you if it wasnt actually a real thing that literally anyone can do

Okay man maybe it is just saying this fits that time frame.

it doesn't really work like that. the astral and material worlds don't fit nicely over each what you see when you're in the light body is just the psychic blueprint of the physical counterpart. so when one sees something in the Vision, it's just mental images that are stuck to the thing, influencing the impression we get from the physical object, like iron filaments that gradually attach to a magnet until you can pull the magnet with the iron, and vice versa. it's exceedingly difficult to get a good sense of physical reality using this technique. i've heard of some other practices that are better for that though.

anyway this thread doesn't really belong here

It's real.
These projects fall under occult knowledge, which the establishment does not want the general public involved in whatsoever.
Knowledge is power.

Fucking hell this is cringe.

Take your LARP somewhere else.

Sup Forums /x/ superhivermind when

I wonder what it’s like being on this much cocaine.

probably like thinking you're going to be named Poet Laureate and being interrupted by one of your cigarettes burning a hole in your canary yellow jeans

so earth has wizards now

I've been doing it for 18 years.

>it's a "filthy dumb schizophrenic /x/ scum shits up Sup Forums" episode

>General Astral Projection thread on Sup Forums
>Political Astral Projection thread on /x/

I've been doing this for years, it began when I was 12.

I have never been able to really control it and a lot of the time I simply can't do it, and as it has got more difficult the older I got I reached the point about 6 years ago where I stopped trying.

My most successful attempt came when I was 15, I was able to 'see' outside my window, I then 'travelled' up the street to the shops around the corner and was able to enter buildings, even sort of float up to rooftop level and see all the back gardens in the block including my own.

I never speak about it because I'm aware how mad it sounds, but there was a time when I was able to project my consciousness to places where my body was not, I know it to be true, and I know I was neither dreaming nor imagining it, it was very real and quite unnerving to experience.

will try to do remote viewing now. first try, lets see what happens.

a cool experiment is having someone in a remote location hold an image in their mind, and then astrally traveling to that person's location to try and see what they are thinking of. as a beginner data says it's not uncommon to guess correctly once out of every seven experiments.

I last did this three winters ago and am still recovering.


Chuck schumer!
Or new swabia!

Remote view Antarctica and let's see what they're guarding

10-1 the CIA wrote this shit for the lulz to scare the Soviets into believing we could see them taking a crap from half the world away.

Do lake Vostok!
Base New swabia should be underneath it

astral Sup Forums meet-up when?

The Metaphysical Reich

Stonehenge or somewhere similar is/was amazing.

because no you cant go to those places
because you're make believing in your mind to go to these places
because video games are actually shareable experiences

It is very real but also takes a lot of time to do. I'd highly recommend anyone looking into this to stay in their house when projecting for now. Places such as the moon and Area 51 ( and I assume most government sites) have people guarding them that will literally rape your mind

RV works only if you have a high extra sensory affinity and even if you have it, your individual accuracy rate will be about 15-25%.
Astral projections are straight up bs.

Also, Area 51 has no ayys or any ayytech and they aren't even remotely near our star system.

Government has indeed released info on their programs pertaining to this.

On a related note: MK Ultra - Theta Alter

We need a /polx/ astral division that can travel back in time and speak to hitler and see if the holocaust really happend.

If this actually had worked. They wouldn't have released the documents. Sure they tested it but since it didn't produce any credible results they defunded it.

didnt work. antarctica is also my favourite place to go to desu. im having a cold which might hinder me but i will continue.

Warning. Seek a teacher in these situations. Damage is permanent when inflicted. Theres low vibrational fags that prey on the weak

No, they really did have this program. Some of the remnants are quarantined here.
It's not very accurate, and the ones who are usually go crazy.

I'm currently astral projecting OP. He seems to be sucking dick.

>Theres low vibrational fags that prey on the weak
For what purpose though? Is there something the astral jews doesn't want us to see?

>have people guarding them
I also thought of this. People sharing fake visuals/holograms to keep you off the track or even using their energy as a barrier

lulz, mostly.

In this crazy world, it’s nice to have consistency in your life. Thank you, OP, for being a faggot. It brings me calm to know you won’t let me down.

they feed off you you're food idiot

>You know you can go to New Swabia, Atlantis, Area 51 and anywhere else
How do you separate astral projection from lucid dreaming?

protip: you can't

You don't need to AP to know OP is sucking cock all day

How does one protect oneself then?

tits or gtfo

They feed off fear which is quite common when in the astral plane. Im not sure what they do with it but they arent human. They also have Gov trained projectors to guard certain sites (moon, Antartica etc) to catch any newcomers. It all sounds like new age hippy shit but its very real.

Its alot of work to know these things. This guy does nothing but teach autistic kids and read occult literature.

why do you think we live on this planet in the first place moron retard
we're not the top of the food chain off world how dumb are you

build up will

Lucid Dreaming: you can control any aspect of your dreams
Astral Projecting: you can see raw data of locations where you are not or havent been

thats why some systems teach you not to have fear and trust in your own life energy

build a wall.

it's unironically true

Lad please, it's just a question. I don't want no astral jews stealing my soul or whatever it's they do.

>Astral Projecting: you can see raw data of locations where you are not or havent been
That's far sight dummy.
Projection is to literally create a telekinetic copy of your energetic self and walk around interact both with the code and if you're good enough the real world

The problem is that you can easily conjure a lucid dream and fool yourself you're doing it.

When you stare in the void, the void stares back. One instance of exploding head syndrome was enough to dissuade me from making further attempts.



You sound like an astral jew that doesn't want me to investigate if the holocaust happend.

Mental Radio by Upton Sinclair for some interesting farviewing/telepathy experiments.

>I don't want no astral jews stealing my soul or whatever it's they do.
There's nothing wrong with psychic vampirism.

What are we gonna kill off all the carnivores just because they eat meat instead of grass?

>tfw no reptillian gf to feed her my semen



yeah kinda. i confuse projecting and travelling sometimes. one needs the hypnogogic state which is basically the bridge between awake and sleep status.

this could be a nice method to get intel which could be a reason why people try to scare you off this stuff or call it bs/tinfoil


Actually, I'll heed your warning because they have clearly done something to you.

I think it's half that, and half they don't want people going crazy. Stuff like this tends to blur the line of reality for normies.

Its safe enough to try. But I wouldnt reccommend leaving your room while projecting. Youll stand out to low vibrations like a sore thumb and they will notice you and come.

I can't tell if this is a LARP or a mental health emergency.

>this could be a nice method to get intel which could be a reason why people try to scare you off this stuff or call it bs/tinfoil
So? Even if you let's say warp to area 51 and see ayys who'll laugh at you and your weak ass psi-architecture and techniques, what are you gonna do? Make a tinfoil site and try to persuade people you were A51?

Projection or farsight albeit nice are useless if you can't do it on the go or at all times but I think that requires you to quite literally have a kundalini awakening and years of experience of fucking around around Astral.

there is intel and politics in the cosmos and beyond that doesn't see earth as anything more than dirt. Ideally they don't see Earth at all. We're renegades. Maybe even criminals. The sons of sons of sons of sons ect of something or someone very hated.

clearly we're the good guys and these forces are wrong. our existence matters more than theirs. we're better looking and we smell nice. we can cook food and eat it too. but what we dont understand is that we're food too.

Little do most people know, every night when you go to sleep you go to the Astral plane, dreams are merely our own little worlds within the astral plane that you can play around in, you can enter other peoples little dream worlds too, so dreams are not fake, they are very very real

it's spiritual health emergency

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