Why did he have JUST hair all of sudden
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Incredible amounts of stress. Look at Obama.
Because he almost fucking died proper like, you seen all that blood
im done with this shit
Great episode, it's obvious now they just wanted to save some budget with the last two weeks to give us a proper fight animation scenes.
I don't understand the complaints about the animation, it's supposed to be stylistic and I think it really emphasises the surreal nature. To me there's no other animation style they could have used to pull off the ghoulish nature of berserk
What is Berserk 1997
That made me laugh so hard that I shitted all the shiet I had stored for E3
A slideshow of still images
This episode looked great overall, getting hyped for the upcoming stuff in Windham
I fucking paused it because i couldn't believe it was real.
I'll take slide shows over the clusterfuck we've got
What's wrong with it? Guessing you guys didn't read the manga
>tfw he took off his helmet
shut the fuck up you're a fucking retard.
I gotta admit that they probably put a lot of effort into this. It just happens that they don't have the technical ability to do a proper job.
Great reply there Sup Forums
But he's right.
In order to find this shitshow "great" you need to be a piece of shit yourself.
See Evil Dead 2
You can stop anytime now
What exactly is going on in this picture?
This is great.
what am I looking at?
I just don't get it, the cgi models look just fine, yet the animation is shit. Isn't that the hardest part of 3D animation, making the models? After you create the models all you have to do is make them move around but that should just be a little bit of grinding compared to making the models themselves, right?
I mean isn't that the point of 3D in the first place, you make the models and then save time on animating (compared to time it would take to animate the same stuff in 2D).
Someone correct me if I'm wrong I'm not an expert on this stuff.
>Someone makes webms
>Starts samefagging about that it looks awful
>28 posts, 17 ip's
>Every thread
>hammer bending before its hit
How should it have been animated?
>what's wrong with it?
Absolutely nothing, that's some damn good anime that they can't appreciate
Man this b8 is shit
how does this even happen
It should have been animated.
I think they actually used the manga panel that was colored by a fan in this closeup.
Both look the same.
I'm actually a intellectual from Sup Forums but okay keep baiting by insulting Miura's work.
This is so dumb right?
What kind of chuuni edgelord has a canon in his arm.
Berserk is obviously copying Kabaneri
No, who told you that? Animation is the hard part. Making believable motions that have a weight, an impact and are expressive is extremely hard.
two weeks
>intellectual from Sup Forums
Those things are mutually exclusive
Then what's the fucking point of using CGI?
hand goes down and leaves the cannon
it doesnt go down in the manga though
The point is that when everything is as detailed as it is in berserk, it's much cheaper to make a model a move it then to draw a load of little pictures with all the plates and rivets.
Don't try to reason with shitposters from Sup Forums who speedreads the manga
Just kill this adaptation holy shit
>there's "people" that actually enjoy this shit
This was awful, but the episode overall was 3/10 which is a solid improvement.
Santa isn't real.
God damn, the panel is right there though
Christ the team could have just polished it a bit and not made the surrounding 'hand' just a flat texture
Enjoy is a strong word, user.
I tolerate it because it's Berserk.
Easy. The music is great, so is the source material. Try using a bit of imagination like it the old times, when people read books for fun.
>just polished it a bit and not made the surrounding 'hand' just a flat texture
Improving the textures, framerate and camera angles and movements would greatly improve the adaptation.
Also, for the dub get the same guy who did Guts back in the 1997 one.
I told you the delay was for nothing faggot, you kept insisting that the episode will have god tier animation.
And you bet your ass there's still going to be people defending this abortion. Just end the fucking madness already.
It doesn't fucking clip through the hand, the Bererker part fades away in a mist to let the canon out. Stop defending this fucking trash.
I can't imagine Guts sounding anything other than some mix of crispin freeman and liam o'brien, but that guy was pretty good desu
Surface of his 'hand' is visible inside the barrel. They simply added it to the fucking 3D model without making hole in it.
Do you really care about that at this point? I've already accepted that the direction and graphics are meh and simply enjot the good parts
looks like some fucking Bionicle's toy
>the good parts
I just feel Guts isn't expressive enough in japanese. I get that he's supposed to be some hardass now but in Golden Age he was very emotional, made all kinds of faces and the dub guy for that was pretty good at bringing that out.
Jap Guts is just too monotone.
Were there any good parts in the last two episodes?
They fucked it up.
You're wrong.
Show me one of these good parts
Looked more like fabric tearing open to me.
It's not "meh", it's garbage.
None of the jap ones I've heard sounded deep-voiced enough. Guts is like 6'7ish, he should have a baritone going on
>Every thread is samefagging about how it looks awful
>As if this is gonna accomplish anything
Oh damn, didn't notice that. It is a really small panel though to be fair
That's probably part of it, now that I think about it.
He sounds gravelly but not deep.
Fuck off with that shit.
Gut's VA is pretty good actually. He did a great job in the movies. The direction was just incredibly bad
>people dislike something I like
>must be samefagging
Movies Guts was perfect in my opinion.
Is this shit even anime? It looks like PS1 cutscenes to me.
Thank you
Remember when we thought that the movies were bad?
Good times.
1997 japanese Guts is the best Guts. Fuck you.
More like I support this since it forced Miura to release chapters semi-frequently (for him). Although given how close we are to having some real development with the unretardization of casca I feel like as soon as the anime ends well be blue balled for a year or so until we resolve the shit with casca and the elves
Yup. But I enjoy every little moment when the show is a bit better than usual: some nice visuals, some good direction, a well places piece of bg music, voice actors playing their part. You've got got to place the plank at the right level and not try to expect from this show more that it actually can give to you.
See above
When something worse appears, the bar lowers.
Now it's pretty much on the ground and the studio is digging a nice hole to drop it into.
Why are you faggots complaining?
Berserk TV series looked like shit to what we have now, be grateful.
>Berserk TV series looked like shit to what we have now, be grateful.
That is incorrect.
>what we have now, be grateful.
This is a movie though.
What the niggeroids are you talking about.
I prefer the older version.
1997 is better to look at and fits the series more I don't care about "le slideshow xDD" most anime looks like a slide show
>Complains about slideshow argument
>Keeps posting how the new anime looks like "le ps1 cutscene"
Can we just enjoy each adaptation for what it is, a animation of Berserk, shitposting in Berserk threads is always a bore
You may be trying to be generous for this series but lets be honest: it's an animated movie, animation should be the basis for it while it's beyond terrible and it gets worse and worse lately.
user, pls. New series to the old one is like shit to chocolate.
>You may be trying to be generous for this series but lets be honest: it's an animated movie, animation should be the basis for it while it's beyond terrible and it gets worse and worse lately.
I don't agree with you. But I guess you've gotta be as disapointed as I am in every kind of media to learn to enjoy things despite them being shitting in some ways.
>good parts
this. I don't care if you faggots hate it, I'm glad we even got an adaption, whining about it won't change anything
this is how little fucks japs give about berserk
Man this episode looked really fucking bad even by this show's standards and this was supposed to be the fucking showcase of the berserk armor too. They could have at least tried a little bit.
>people unironically defending this
I want tourists to leave
Hello Sup Forums, have you made sure to reply to with a cropped porn image for the screencap?
>they're STILL doing the retarded clanging nlise
Hobo's butthurt