Do stay at home wives/girlfriends still exist without all the bullshit equality brainwashing?
>Fulfill my part as a man >Pay for almost all of joint expenses >I take care of the tough issues, expected to make most decisions >Good career, will make more in the future
Meanwhile >Girlfriend gets pissy when asked to clean more >Always sleeps in late >Wants to go out more, contributes zero ideas >Can't cook worth a fuck
This isn't my first rodeo either. They're all like this more or less. More educated generally means more spoiled. Where can I find a woman who will understand and appreciate these social dynamics? It's tough living up to moderate standards as a man and I want the benefits that come with this responsibility.
Adrian White
>ITT: beta bux
Jason Reyes
If you put up with this sort of stuff, this is what you will get. You get what you take.
Leo Myers
you probably have to join an Amish commune or some shit
Brayden Baker
Look here
Eli Green
make your expectations of her known
Juan Williams
I have. It starts a fight where neither person backs down. It's fruitless, trust me. It's easier to just break it off and start over which is what I'm trying to avoid.
i meant earlier next time. didn't realize you were wanting to save this one. what happens afterwards? do you go back to the same routine or do you alter your behavior in response to her unwillingness to compromise or what?
Cooper Gomez
Not really, it's just the nature of women. Men have been stripped of all authority and this is the result. If you try to enforce it they leave or it turns into a big fight where they just act pissed for a week.