How can you guys support him? He

How can you guys support him? He
>killed 7 million jews
>killed 17 million people overall
>destroyed Europe
>ruined the swastika
So why do noe-nazis exist?

7 million?! Don’t you mean 6 bajillion?

Nice try shlomo didn't work
>slide thread
Fuck off back to shareblue kike scum

>>killed 7 million jews
>>killed 17 million people overall
how is 7m jews > 17 million people, could you care to explain? Isn't every human life equal, so why are you distinguishing jews from other human beings? Please elaborate, ty

because jews were the main target and they were the majority

because they are the Chosen People, goy.

Stfu moron, Israel is the only one that has aided us and was against NATO bombing and gave us weapons to defend.
They never accepted Kosovo as independent

Because Jews are "the chosen ones"

Even though the entire globe suffered genocides and slavery, only Jewish Holocaust matters, everybody's holocaust doesn't.

well, you are almost right with millions, however neo-nazi question can not be answered easily&quickly. You better study nazi time first and compare it with present.

Answer comes automatically my son.

> 6 > 11