This is how they talk about us Americans in Europe now.
Embarrassing. The price of a Trump "presidency": the loss of world respect
This is how they talk about us Americans in Europe now.
Embarrassing. The price of a Trump "presidency": the loss of world respect
Agreed. I love to travel around a lot. Whenever I go to Europe, to avoid getting laughed at about the Shithole where I'm from, I tell them that I'm from a respectable country like Canada, Panama or Australia. It's humiliating for me.
>imblying we didn't want this to happen
american empire: defeated
Fuck off faggot. We never had any respect from Yurop, and we never needed it.
Pretty shitty bait sir. You did the same exact style of posting along with op image everytime.
I just ate a cheese burger for breakfast.
America: 1
Europe: Shithole
>Samefagging on Sup Forums
Was it autism?
>when you troll but put no effort into it
Bait OP aside, do Americans actually believe that Europeans think about them?
The average American could not care less about Europe. Only cityfags who wish they were Europe do.