Society leaning towards females

Honest question here, is there a war against boys?

there's a war against your mom by my dick

reasonable because she is dead otherwise no woman would let your stinky stinky touch her

>because she is dead
guess my dik won the war

Yes, there has been one for years. Even as a child in the 90s, I remember every cartoon had an episode with a “boys vs girls” theme. Every time in every episode, the girls won and the moral of the story was “girls are just as good as boys at everything”. I never thought boys were inherently better than girls, just different. Most kids think this way, until liberals tell them “No, you’re a boy which means you hate women. But that’s not ok and you need to respect them” even though there was never any hate to begin with.

What do you think user?


This is a good book. Christina Hoff Sommers showed herself to be a typical woman when she called harassment because one of trumps people,barely bumped into some reporter.

If there is, it's no more violent than the war on women. We're all fucked?

exactly my thought. As a kid I never thought females were weaker and whatever but as soon as I got into high school people started to lecture me about how females are discriminated against and we need to be kind to them, was a very weird time because thats when they started to give you blowjobs.