Why do City folk refer to rural areas as "Flyover States"?

Why do City folk refer to rural areas as "Flyover States"?

You're retarded, right?

cause they got no airports


Shh... don't ruin the illusion. If city people stop thinking there's nothing here worth having they'll start moving here.

An unwarranted sense of self superiority. Funny how they're all metastasizing to these areas because their urban centers are shitholes™. If you ever hear someone unironically use that word, you can safely disregard anything they have to say.

Because they're jealous. You can't do any of the following in cities.
>drive with no license plate
>drive a lawnmower on the roads
>shoot guns in your backyard
>light fireworks
>drinking and driving (if the police catch you they don't arrest you. they just drive you home)
>let your kids play in the streets
>light giant bonfires
and many more things

Because they have no reason to go there. They think their only purpose is to exist below their planes while they're on their way to 'important' cities on either coast.

My local bar back when I lived on a farm was 6 miles from my home. The trick was to take only roads between corn fields so you couldn't be spotted wobbling the whole way back. Every single person drove home drunk as fuck, and in 4 years there was never an accident or arrest. Everyone just drove at like 20mph on the country roads, and you'd be able to spot eachother based on how slow you were going.

I'd sometimes drive my parents home because I was the 'least drunk', which really just meant I was the least likely to wreck. It was like a sport for the people out there, just trying to get home without a DUI. It was never a problem, and I think the cops were pretty cool with it so long as there were never any accidents. If anyone wrecked, they'd be shamed at the bar for ruining everyone's good thing.

I could set up a range back in the fields and shoot to my heart's content and nobody cared. I love the rural midwest and I want to go back and raise my children there.

Sounds like my town before it got built up

Yeah, this was 12 years ago. And by the time I left, the mexicans were already flooding the town. They'd even come to the same bar, but sit in an area away from the whites.

Small towns have factories and manufacturing jobs that the Mexicans tell eachother about. So after a few years of word-of-mouth spreading about our town, there were thousands of Mexicans flooding in. It had a massively negative effect on my old farming community because the spics were literally stealing jobs away from the young, rural whites who wanted to get into the job market.

Also, Mexicans suck at obeying simple rules like "don't be a fuckup and ruin our good thing", so all of a sudden the cops started enforcing laws that never needed to be enforced when it was a 100% white community. Well, we had one or two black guys who were so steeped in white, rural culture that they may as well have been white. But the spics just spoke Spanish and kept insulated from white culture. They brought drugs and got a lot of people hooked. Then they messed up the culture of the local bars and gathering places. They got fat and had dozens of little brown babies that flooded the schools.

If you want to talk about the death of rural America, you can't do it without talking about spics.

That's sad.

Why is Salt Lake such a hub but Denver isnt?

This. DIA is huge

Because it's harder for them to find their designer drugs and to find someone who will peg them in the ass. Also it makes them feel superior that they live next to other retards who think like they do rather than think for themselves.

Spics are a plague.

airline pilot here

i go to a lot of backwards ass places like des moines, cedar rapids, fargo, etc.

Because Denver is a DUMB pretending to be an airport.

Calling them flyover states is bullshit.

Sometimes, people drive through them too.

Fun fact - suburban and rural areas are where city people move to when they get a bit of money and decide to have children

They fly over them to get to the next city. There's nothing there for most people, especially in America where you have no history

this reminds me of Australian peeing games

This. Also fuck all the jew york city and commiefornia trash who are flooding out of their containment zones en masse like a metastatic cancer and fucking up the rest of the country.

My nice beach community is being overrun by kikes from NYC fleeing south. Make it stop.

This is a dumb post
This is a slide post

Why do ruraltards always post things like this, like their towns are some kind of best kept secret they need to humblebrag about? Is it an attempt to maintain the delusion that their choice to live in nowheresville is a good choice? Is it a kind of defence mechanism to cope with the constant bombardment of media coming out of cities that shows them what they're missing out on?

>originally immigrated from rostov’ in the 90’s as a kid
>family lived in southern Minnesota Worthington (west of, along I90)for 3years
>dad worked some farm truck driving job

It took us 3 years to realize rural life in america was a joke. All the luxery of a city, theres just straight up nothing to do. Superiority complex through the roof, they have non of the ingenuity of farmers in other countries. It’s just mass market food manufacturing, nothing wrong with that, but its not a true rural lifestyle.

That's the flight path of one airline.
Literally DIA would take over that entire fucking map if included.
You're retarded.

Because this map is Delta Airlines only.

this map is delta. united has denver, or it's american.

Grandpa, this has stopped being true for at least 25 years already, get in with the times.
Today you go out in the boons only of you're that poor that you can't afford a place in the city.

All rural peoples need to see this. Let them think there is nothing here.
These Canacucks is what we want all cityslaves to think. Let them hate the rural areas, don't try to convince them otherwise.

ask Tomi lahren.

she likes to call everyone a snowflake but she cant go 2min without crying about her fly-over state sensitivity

Rural and suburban flyover retards all voted for Drumpf.

I don't mind my "flyover" state at all. All my work is done via digital communication, and I charge big city hours on Midwest operating costs. I have virtual offices in Chicago and New York, and haven't physically met a client in two years. Want to go to Vegas for a weekend? $100 round trip flight. Want to go camping? 30 minute drive out of cell service.

I'm happy to let city people think they have it all. Enjoy your $1,200/mo studio, I put that towards vacations and whatever the hell I want to put in a garage.

>implying they know what a garage is