How am I supposed to still watch anime?

I graduated highschool today. Now I'm older than all anime characters. Is there a point in watching it now when I can't relate to the main characters' age group anymore?

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You will relate to characters less and less with time, so yes.

Anime characters barely even act like actual human beings in the first place. You're not supposed to relate to them, you're supposed to just fap to them.

Watch Steins;Gate

>letting age be a determinant

If you let that happen, you'll be giving up everything as you get older.

Welcome to the NHK is also a good choice

No dipshit start watching Seinen
Or better yet quit anime and start reading manga like an adult

nostalgia will keep you relating to them, but you won't be able to watch as much shitty anime as before.

Give it a few years and you can start relating to the cakes

Of course I've seen those shows already. What fool do you take me as?

A fool who is debating on whether or not they should keep watching anime.
>the answer is yes keep watching it

>Now I'm older than all anime characters.

I'm 32 and have been watching anime since I was about 9. Shit is always relatable.

>start watching Seinen
90% of seinen is cute highschool girls doing cute things.

Well, I'm 27 and I don't watch it to relate to characters, I watch it for for juicy animated teenage girls. So maybe your reasons for watching will change as you mature.

But there is still good Seinen to choose from
>20th Century Boys
>Anything by Inio Asano
>Anything by Junji Ito


How do you feel about high school girls now at 32?

they are still sexy.

Interesting choice of words, user. Do you think this will keep up for a while?

You graduated but youre still retarded.

Different 32 year old user here. Real high school girls are intolerable, but the cartoons are still just about perfect.

As you get older they stay the same age.

I started watching anime after I graduated because I'm a failure

>Real high school girls are intolerable

perfect case of this is this and that is that
as long as you compartmentalize you wont get vanned

>posts a cute girl doing something cute. Well naughty, but who's asking.

Dude university and your 20's are now just extended adolescence.

That's the problem.

I never related to anime characters that much, and while people says that I doubt people really relates to them. Anyway, if you can drop anime now, do it.

It's hard relating to Japanese high school students given the cultural differences. Watch anime about adults if you want to relate more.

I'm a mid-20s fujo but Tiger and Bunny is really good. One of the MCs is in his late-30s or so, the other I think is mid-20s. The first half is mostly enemy-of-the-week kind of shit, but the latter half deals with more serious personal issues the two MCs deal with. I put off watching it for years for whatever reason but it's become one of my favorite shows.

I haven't heard of it yet. Thank you for recommending me the obscure anime.

The more you try to relate with anime characters while aging the more retarded you become to be able to do this. So just stop watching anime. Or just watch retro anime.

>not just watching anime with characters your age

Come on now.

Try watching Death Parade.

I think you mean read Steins;Gate.

Not the user you replied to but that anime is the exact opposite of obscure. It's was pretty fun and crazy popular in 2011.

I started watching anime after I dropped out of high school. Never had a problem with OP's stuff. I'm not looking to relate, I'm looking to have fun because everything else in life is retarded. Btw, drop out, learn a skill on your own like programming and security, snag an internship or get in because you know somebody, spend all the time you would be wasting away in school watching 90% anime 10% learning actual job shit, make money, use less time, go through less bullshit, profit???
No seriously I should have dropped out in fucking junior high. Would've added 2-3 years to my current power level. Would definitely recommend. OP you seem like you care too much. Just turn on the toons and let your brain go to town.

>dropping out of high school

I'll never understand this, HS is so easy.

Not the material. Health and family issues. My school was top 1% difficult in the nation btw.

>My school was top 1% difficult in the nation btw.

I don't believe it but if you say so.

And not that any of that matters now. Whether you have an elementary education, GED, or Ivy graduate, if you work and make decent money they are all the same. Education is mostly nonsense.

Private catholic school system from central Illinois. Not gonna dig through google to find it for some rando on the internet, but believe what you will

I understand the relatability concern; I find the Yakuza game series interesting because throughout most of it the characters are in their 30s and 40s, same goes for Yuasa's Kemonozume where the characters are in their early 30s. I'm 25 now and time goes by faster than ever now so I'll be in my 30s in no time. It's cool to give older nerds something to project their power fantasies over.

BUT. I also think focusing too much on relatability is why a lot of neat characters who aren't meant to be traditionally likable or relatable are hated on. Violence Jack (at least in the mangas, the OVAs are overhated but not really >good

I never thought about it like that. I guess I can keep watching anime. Thank you for providing the insight I oh-so-needed to keep watching anime.

You don't have to "relate"
You only need be entertained
> Is there a point in watching it now when I can't relate to the main characters' age group anymore?

you were once in high school op
you can empathize with them
Been that done that approach

I didn't start watching anime until I was in college. I only slightly ever identified with highschool characters but that never bothered me. I think do find the 20+ yo characters more interesting, however.

>he relates to anime characters
I think this says enough about you to know you've never seen a titty in your life.
How does it feel to graduate from highschool without losing your virginity?

My favorite characters are usually the antagonists (depending on setting), which tend to be older than me.

Time to lay waste to your life for a few years, then pick up Kaiji.

Just use your imagination.

>relating to high school anime characters

If you have autism I'm sure those issues won't go away unless you're NEET.

So? I'm in my mid 20s and still enjoy it. The only thing I've noticed is that anime with high school settings or coming of age themes are a bit bittersweet. Kinda makes me wish like I could go back and do things differently.

Don't post until you are 25

>Just graduating highschool today
What ever happened to lurk moar?

>Had Tatami Galaxy on my backlog since I started uni 6 years ago
>Only just watch it last week
>Made me depressed as fuck

At least Etsuko Yakushimaru was there to warm my soul at the end of every episode

just dont

>Now I'm older than all anime characters
Maybe in all the shit anime you watch, sure.

Another point I'd like to raise:

There are too many anime characters nowadays

>consuming any form of media because you "relate" to the characters

Do normalfags really do this?


Literally what the fuck are you trying to say here?


>you have to relate to the main character to enjoy a show
>you have to be someone's age to relate to them

what retardation is this?