Does pros tump really believe that CNN, MSNBC, HLN, NBC, CNBC, CBS, ABC, PBS, BET, OWN, TBS, MTV, VH1, The BBC...

Does pros tump really believe that CNN, MSNBC, HLN, NBC, CNBC, CBS, ABC, PBS, BET, OWN, TBS, MTV, VH1, The BBC, The New York Times, The Washington Post, The LA Times, The Chicago Tribune, The Huffington Post are ProShillary Clinton/anti Trump?

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I don't think it's a matter of opinion, it's pretty clear they are.

seems that way senpai desu tbqhf

Yes faggot

I think they are pro a certain political bent and will support whoever fits in that and attempt to fuck whoever doesn't.
This applies to every media entity I can think of.
It is literally part of marketing at this point.

In 1914, J.P. Morgan, a Rothschild agent, bought up the 21 most influential newspapers in America and used them to get the US into WW 1 so the Rothschild could get Palestine for their Zionist project.
They found the media quite useful, and have been buying it up ever since. Even Alex Jones, I believe, has been turned.

Why would this be surprising when they're all owned by the same Jewish cabal

where is that pic from?

Yes OP the Jews hate Trump