Can u handle em?
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Wel yeah it makes sense from an evolutionary standpoint, I will give them that.
Niggers are dumber than I thought
Blacks exist because they were evil in previous lives.
I never understood the whole "whites are just albinos" argument.
If that were true, they'd be an unstable race with the inability to exist in the sun and from the conquests of the entire globe, we can see that they survive the sun just fine.
There's one shitposter who posts central and south asian caucasoid albinos who still have weird nonwhite facial features and he thinks they're "white." Also, whites can produce a fair amount of melanin when exposed to sunlight anyway so it's kind of dumb.
This shit. Again
An example of the type of shit he would post and pretend they look "white"
why do they all look like inbreds?