Getting bullied was your own damn fault for not trying to communicate

>Getting bullied was your own damn fault for not trying to communicate
>And I don't fucking care your only way of communicating was through a notebook which I vandalized, that I never tried to learnt sing language, that I put everyone againts you or that I screw with your hearing aid making for you even more difficult to communicate
>Also I learnt sing language now just to call you a dumbass
What the fuck Kyoani

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It was honestly the teacher's fault for all that shit to be honest, he was the true villain. Ueno did nothing wrong.

Should have stuck to the oneshot.

Ueno is the only decent character with any range. Every other single character is one-note. Especially the dense main girl.

uenoshit is so garbage, she looked extremely retarded with cat ears and tail

why are virgins so angry?

I have honestly seen worse teachers before, but you are correct in that notion.

I always thought Ueno wasn't mad at her for not communicating, but for just taking the abuse and playing the victim. She wanted Shouko to stand up for herself, and she thought she was fake for playing nice.

What's wrong loser? Did Ueno remind you of that girl who bullied you in Elementary school?

Who gets bullied by a girl lmao


>tfw no Ueno to bully me
I would masturbate everyday to that memory

I actually noticed this happening IRL, too. There are people who, for some reason, are unable to take nice people at face value: they see all niceness as fake and justify treating nice people like shit with "I just wanted them to stop being fake and show their true character, which is undeniably a bitchy one"
Why does this happen?

Was that supposed to be an insult?

Please go back.

So she's a retard.
>not knowing being bullied by a hot girl is user's dream
Get out.

>Teacher just pinned all the responsibility on Ueno and did absolutely nothing when Ishida and friends were bullying Shoko

His apathy was the cause of all of this, really. If the teacher just put Ishida in place none of this would have ever happened.

This. Things can still go well for virgins.

Stupid posts deserve stupid replies.

>not masturbating to it as it's happening

Kyoani should have used all those blur filters to blur out Ueno, terrible character

Does anybody else think that Yamada's excessive use of filters, as well as the bright colours and tons of forced animation ruined the simplicity of the original manga's style?

>hey look at this cute deaf girl don't you feel bad for her
>too bad you have to feel bad for the bully and his Mary Sue mom now lmao

>forced animation
I don't think you know what that means, nothing about this movie's animation was forced.

Its not even kyoanus's fault. The author made a decent one shot but his publishing company told him to stretch it or gtfo.

This was okay as a one shot, not as a full length manga. If the source material is cancer, there is only so much you can do.

I want to throw your opinion into a pond.

They should have used multiple crosses instead of one to hide her shit face

Explain how she was a terrible character compared to the two cardboard cutout characters.

Go ahead, I'll wait for you to try to explain how any other character in this shitty movie has any personality.

Yes, that's how that's spelt.


The projection of embittered, cynical, and/or shitty people. Some people step on others because they've been stepped on; others are just cunts rationalizing being a cunt.

stupid esl-tard


Someone who gets it.

Ueno is best girl. Deaf girl is a fucking dumbass.

I tend to mistrust nice people, sure, but bullying them? No way.
>Why does this happen?
Bcs genuinely nice people are very, very rare.

Maybe because the bully knows what they are doing is bad, but wants to justfy it by believing everyone else has the same darkness in them, they (the bully) are just being more honest with how they feel. Maybe that's the truth. We can't see into each others heads, but it's probably all rotten in there too, right?

I honestly loved when she put the blonde bitch in her place. At least Ueno recognized that what she did was awfu and she played a big role in the bullying instead of trying to sugar coat it.

The funniest part of this romcom is Ueno getting cucked by a deaf girl

Chiaki, I love you. ;_;

>Ueno just wants main girl to stop being a fucking retard
>dumbass actually gets so butthurt she tries to kill herself
>boohoo Ueno is such a bitch

You're all fucking retards for hating the only real nigga in this shitty movie..

As per usual, Japanese writing especially from a woman, is garbage.

Forced animation might be the wrong word to use in this context. Let me try to restate it -
The people from KyoAni are very good at animating. However, their style is too realistic for something with heavily stylized drawings like Koe no Katachi. The frames make sense as individual drawings, because they were traced from a manga, which was drawn in black and white, panel-by-panel. They weren't originally meant to be stitched together. I'm not trying to say it doesn't look pretty. As a matter of fact, Koe no Katachi is one of the prettiest looking animated films I've seen in a while. However, its drawings don't look natural. They look very artificial. They lack the same kind of feeling I'd get from looking at scenes from Hyouka, K-On!, or Hibike Euphonium.

>Ueno just wants main girl to stop being a fucking retard
By doing what? Putting everyone againts her since day one? Fucking with her hearing aids? And then not even taking responsability and pinning everything on Ishida?

by knocking some sense into the dense retard

she's so fucking retarded she actually tries to common suicide over it

what a girl - so cute lmaooo

Sounds like something a villain would say, to be honest. Oh well, when someone smashes their teeth in with hammer or something, at least their prophecy will be fulfilled.

She took her hearing aide once. Ishidia is the one who continued. She was right to pin it on him. He's the one who went overboard.

Can't stand you oversensitive faggots who hate on Ueno for being a "meany". Grow up.

Do you bang your computer when it has problems working?

No I just bang your mom, you fucking fairy.

anime characters need to stop commoning suicide

>She was right to pin it on him. He's the one who went overboard.
No she wasn't right because she clearly played a big role in her bullying too. If she hated fake people so much she shouldn't have had any problem with sharing the guilt too, but she didn't even admit to the teacher to having bullied her too.
>Can't stand you oversensitive faggots who hate on Ueno for being a "meany". Grow up.
Didn't know that being a grown up meant thinking that bullying a deaf girl into suicide is a good idea and that it would actually help her.

Hopefully you aren't as disappointing as that comeback.

Japanese are soulless monsters and water is also wet.

>bullying a deaf girl into suicide

Wow you really are dense.

Don't bother, they're rationalizing irrational behavior. Lucky it's Japan where a victim will internalize everything and commit suicide out of shame, rather than good ol' America where we externalize it by pumping lead into someone.

I was expecting some Katawa Shoujo shit.
Instead the MC kept trying to make everything about himself when there was a girl with real problems right in front of him.

Also, who the fuck blames a young adult for something they did as a little child? Like, get fucking over it, they were all immature little kids.

I thought this bitch was way worse.
At least Ueno admitted that she played a role in Shouko's abuse, but this fucking bitch tried to play innocent to the fucking end. And she doesn't even apologizes or admits that she was at fault too, it made me pretty mad to be honest.

what a tender circlejerk

you over-sensitive faggots most likely got bullied growing up

Damn, that's a good point. Uenoshitters want to rationalize her behavior by trying to make it look like she hates things that are fake, but she ends up being almostly as fake as Kawai. And she continues to be fake past grade school. In front of everyone else she plays nice with Shoko only to hit her when they're alone, she makes a big show of visiting Ishida when really she would prefer that he die rather than choose Shoko over her, and in the first place she tries to make nice with Ishida like she didn't sell him down the river. What a hypocrite.

How does "knocking some sense" relate to trying to fault a deaf and mentally weak bullying victom for her own personal problems? She literally just projects her own torments and frustrations in Shouko for no real reason, other than just trying to act tough.

>she's so fucking retarded she actually tries to common suicide over it
Had Ueno actually "knocked some sense" as you claim, this would really be a valid point. She didn't, though. She just spewed bullshit because she legitimately couldn't believe that there were people who weren't cunts, unlike her.

Japanese people man..


Kawai-chan did nothing wrong.
She saw fake-ass niggas for what they were.

she was the biggest fake ass nigga though

All the characters were so terrible. Ueno would've been okay if she wasn't so exaggerated.

yeah but she saw

>everyone who doesn't agrees with me is a samefag
And don't even try replying to me faggot, I posted a smug animu girl first, I fucking won.

You bullies can talk shit all you want, but if I see one of you fucking over some misfortunate person, whether they be a cute girl or some lonely faggot, I'll fucking stab you.

How ironic, it's usually the weak-willed faggots on Sup Forums who develop edgy "law of nature" mentalities. I'm saying your precious waifu is lucky she is safe to act out against a meek girl in the Japanese society you're criticizing, because you wouldn't be singing her praises if it was America where we have options.

Guess what ya dumb cunt, the guy recognized it himself that he was projecting things into Shoko rather than treating her with respect. Did you not watch the fucking movie?

>Japanese people man
He says, when he is the one that defends bullying.

>on Sup Forums

you have to go back

>defends bullying

you're the one defending suicide

>wah samefag
It's a laugh how people who talk a good game are the biggest bitches.

Holy shit, we are at this level of cognitive dissonance. This is what Uenoshitters are like.





Not an argument.

>calls others sensitive
>g-go away
Judging by your formatting, you're the odd one out here.

hurr im autistic let me pick on a disabled kid all day

>defending suicide
What the fuck?

Every single character was absolutely terrible outside of the black haired boy named Yuzu.

But user, she's soooo hoot and not like that dumb moeblob. 10/10 character.










bitch ?

>reddit spacing

On a different note.
What was the money Ishida was saving and her mother burnt for?

Something like a life insurance payout

I don't even know what that is.

Shows how much you must visit the site.

And dang, what about when she blames Shoko for, of all things, "making it awkward" between Ueno and Sahara when it was Ueno that bullied Sahara in the first place? Damn that girl is fake as shit.

It was repayment for the hearing aids Shoya broke. Ishida's mother paid Shoko's, if you recall.

End it now you fucking faggot.

No you fucking idiots. It was the money for the thousands of dollars worth of hearing aids her dumbass son destroyed.

You'd think after the second pair got damaged the dumbass girl's mom would've moved schools.




If I was that girls mom I would have done a two-player school shooting.

This is what Uenoshitters are like. They have the mentality of children, like Ueno.

Name a better character than Ueno. I'll wait.

World's best parent confirmed. Would school shoot with.

Shoko's mother.

Really? The mother too fucking stupid to move her daughter to a different school after the 100th damaged hearing aid? The one who can't do anything but get violent? The one who doesn't even give to shits about her youngest daughter?

Brilliant character. A real genius.

Nice dubs

Didn't expect her to have so much foot service.
Kyoani fucking knows what they're doing


is this where we pretend being a sociopath is normal?

Don't take abuse, do what you can/get help, but lets not normalize the fucks that dish it out.

None of those things is true. And you're moving the goalposts: you didn't say a character that I approve of, but a "good character", which Shoko's mother is. She is a hard woman for whom forgiveness doesn't come easily, but she is able to grow past that and actually develop as a person throughout the course of the story. Unlike Ueno, who never has the ability to actually take responsibility for her actions.

There is no way he broke $17k worth of hearing aids.

The fact that there were two tomboys instead of just that one made it all worth it in the end.

Just because she's deaf doesn't make her best anything.

She is literally an imbecile.