Which is the better shounen?

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Boku No Hero Academia.

FMA is better than DBZ clone.

Anyone that says HxH is in complete denial.


Thank you

Who cares?

Kenshin is better than both of them.

I wanna rewatch the anime, but it butchers the manga so bad. The only good fight they adapted well was Kenshin vs Saito


FMA by a mile

>finished series with developed main characters vs unfinished series with underdeveloped main characters

Gee, I wonder

FMAB. Pic-related scene is god-tier.

The anime animators draw way better than Watsuki though.

That's cute

How could FMA's animation be so much better than HxH's?

The art's fine, it just looks really 90s anime for the first 3 volumes. His action scenes are drawn miles better than what the anime tries to adapt.

Thats a hard one, but no matter how much i like HxH FMA is still better, plz forgive me O MY RUBBER

I never seen a scene be this much better than the manga. I read way too fast for me to feel any impact so I love great adaptations.

Didn't Brotherhood have an insane budget?



>Baby's first anime
>The greatest shounen series of all time

>The greatest shonen of all time

Yup that's the FMA manga alright

FMA for the philosophy or HxH for the creativity. I think I'll pick HxH. Also regular FMA > Brotherhood

Enjoy both series, but I'll always pick FMAB.

Brotherhood lacks the drama and thematic depth, which Hunter x Hunter beats it in easily, of 2003 so all it really does well is battle shonen stuff like fights and it loses to Hunter x Hunter and even to Naruto or Dragon Ball in that department. The weird thing about Brotherhood is that it doesn't really excel in anything while Hunter x Hunter is quite possibly the best battle shonen ever made on top of doing some other stuff well too.

FMA was too shallow to be interesting.