Leftist Cringe Thread










>I showed you my means of production. Answer me



















HOw dare you even call yourself an American. You should be in favor of all difference political world views. I could easily look up hugely pictures of white, bible thumping gun lovers. Wouldn't that be great to look at? balding white men who don't know there moment is gone. Do you even feel bad about the generalizations, the mental assaults with wrong ideas? Do you actually WANT a free America or just to shoot your load cause your dick is too small.


This thread is disgusting

I like it

Keep posting BIG MAN.








No one here likes Milo.





would not fuck with






interesting to note that these are all the same person


Thanks for the pics, OP. I needed the laugh.



Let's humiliate the commies and leftists IRL too.


f u


lol, these "communists" are fucking scum



the absolute state of white race hahahaha










Yet those same people you bash are having a load of laughs and a better time than you and your side who act absolutely nuts and froth at the mouth at every moment of insult.


shut up nazi

Iron baseball bat?

Bring it commie. Xir couldn't swing an iron baseball bat if one existed.


>Being so fragile in your faggoty beliefs you have to spam the thread.



Isn't that true for both sides though?


Try hard commie nigger


Hey! It's you from last night. How's it going buddy?


Just the way you react is proof enough that you are naught more than a thin skinned child who needs to have his diaper changed. You are hollow and sad and will never be content in life because of you having no purpose. (And no, "Bashing the Fash" will not serve any purpose but to further the ends of the next group you will go against when they turn on you)

cool thread OP

They are so naive. That is the aspect I hate the most of them. To fucking naive.


Fuck off nazi

Does anyone have the video with this fag





Well maybe I should then don the mantle of Nazi and call for the culling of trash like yourself, but then again your new commisars will do that to Lumpen-Proles like yourself anyway even after your win.

I wonder if they have threads like this on reddit about us


Does the stupid nazi need a safespace?