Kokoro Connect

What would be another interesting phenomenon to inflict on these guys?

Memory swapping.

How is that different from body swapping?

Every Kyoani anime nowadays gets a second season and 3-4 movies, so my Kokoro Connect continuation when?

Anyone know how the story continued/ended after the anime? I never read the light novels.


They didn't get the other person's memories when they swapped bodies did they? I don't remember.

Kyoani, Schmoani. It's all the same to me. It even has Horiguchi Yukiko's character designs. It should, naturally, also follow KyoAni practices of getting a recap film, a bunch of shorts, and a sequel film.

My fetish of course.

Character designer from one company worked on a project with a different company. Obviously that other company will follow the same business model as the other one.

Also Silver Link fucked up. Had some contest where the winner would get to be a voice actor, then told them it was "just a prank." Lost a lot of support for the show.

I don't know but I want to rape Inaba while in Yuis body

Inaba is cute

no VA's no anime sorry

The entire show to be rewritten with just Inaba

>orgasm upon physical contact

>rule63'd instead of swapping

>age forward to christmas cake period

>only for each other; must obey any command given as though they came up with the idea themselves

>half of them have total sensory deprivation, but can still see/hear/feel/etc. the opposite members who don't have sensory deprivation

Constantly hear the thoughts of everyone around them.

Have them switch bodies with their seiyuus.

swap body parts but owner still controls them

Genderbend them.

Like person A gets person B's leg but person A can't move it or feel it but person B does.

gender swapping

Actually explaining the plot, defining the antagonist's goals, and providing a method for the protagonists to improve their situation.

Inaban and MC dude break up For a very short time and get back together, or so I've heard.

pirate rape