Guess which one will end up on Sup Forums
Guess which one will end up on Sup Forums
Other urls found in this thread:
Kid with the Vulcan 300
The one masturbating in the bush
One who is skipping school to post on Sup Forums.
The one slapping youre waifu's ass.
the one taking the pic and using it in his desolated house
none, they're japanese
The one who is counting the days remaining to E3 in the classroom calendar when no one's looking?
It's funny because user is lonely too.
>implying Japs don't come to Sup Forums
They could be in this very thread
All the posts in this thread have used coherent, natural English so probably not. There are some real Japosters on Sup Forums and they can't speak English for shit
What is the girl with the box trying sell them
Fake rock cds.
the one in the middle with the book, duh
i was actually the popular kid when i was 6
and i invited everyone to my birthday party and it was a blast
and. i don't know what happened man. Maybe because of pic related my parents thought was a good idea for a few years.
Haha what the fuck is this? Literally No Fun Allowed Academy?
Its probably for exams
The one with the penguin doll probably browses Sup Forums.
No it's not just for exams. It's worse than you think.
don't forget bible belt science.
I've just been a loser since day one. Total autistic sperg, unable to talk to others in a socially acceptable manner. I don't regret it though, because the one friend I did make, in highschool, was closer and more cool to talk to than anyone else I've ever met. He got me into anime and manga too.
Trap in bottom right trying to buy friends off with Pokemon cards.
lel i thought the same
>tfw you get good grades but an F in social skills when you leave.
>good grades
the curriculum itself is not good either.
it's self-study on your own, as a clueless child, really just memorization. Doesn't help that a big part of the "science" curriculum is Creationism and proving that the Flood is real because there is a large object on some mountain that might be the ark
I was only that way in middle school, then I forced myself to come out of my shell. Why am I here?
probably because im a faggot
I've seen plenty of japs on Sup Forums that use perfect english