This is the anime of the decade.
This is the anime of the decade
>This is the most pretentious anime of the decade
This is a great anime
Aku no Hana was even more pretentious just for using the rotoscope.
meme word
It wasn't pretentious though.
Evangelion is pretentious, Ghibli movies are pretentious, this wasn't.
>Ghibli movies are pretentious
>Ghibli movies are pretentious
The fuck?
Pretentious as in this movie paints nips as good people even though they were the yellow devils of their time.
Have you seen the movie? The only fucking likeable people in the movie are the kids. Everyone else is a huge fucking asshole. It's just generic anti-war bullcrap we've all seen a thousand times. Nothing pretentious about it.
Can't blame them. Any good people at the time were beat up by the tokko and thrown in prison.
the lady who took them in was overbearing but not cruel.
the kid if anything is the worst character in the movie since he got his sister killed. I fucking hated that asshole the first time I watched it bit later rationalized that he WAS just a dumb kid.
Yes I've seen it. It's a dindu nuffin movie where nips pretend they were victims of the war even though the citizens were complicit in starting it.
I honestly can't think of a show that's deserving of AOTD.
Anything by Yuuasa is godlike naturally
Live action of Ping-pong was much better than the anime.
Yes Yuasa is a god for ripping off the story of 90's manga and slapping on some ugly animation. The only impressive thing about the show was the music, adaptation lovers are the worst.
>slapping on some ugly animation
You may not realize it, but outside of the updated setting, it's almost a point for point adaptation of the original manga, art and all. Almost all of the bullshit and lolshit drawing you see in the show have a analogue in the manga. You'd probably say that Tekkonkinkreet has shitty animation too, since the same artist drew it.
So zero visual creativity/effort? You're doing nothing but proving my point.
Good taste and yes it is.
I can't think of anything better really, might have to agree with you on that one OP
Kemonozume who was also directed by Masaaki Yuasa is a wonderful anime. Not the same kind of story but something really interesting to watch.
The Tekkon Kinkreet anime did not use Taiyo's style at all though. Just whatshisname's style from the Batman short and other 4C stuff.
Go suck on Yuyucow's nigger dick
You could've used The Wind Rises for this bait. It even has Anno in it.
You're a fucking idiot
He's pointing out that he animated the original style of the manga, and ping pong doesnt look like any old animation. It took effort and creativity to do the adaptation.
If we dont consider Tatami Galaxy being in this decade, then yes it is.
That's not Re:Zero.
Anyone saying otherwise is just being a contrarian fag.
Only the parts where the animators experimented required creativity, but copying the unique way another artist draws lines is very hard
Still I agree the PING PONG PROVES YUASA IS A GENIUS people are stupid, I think his best works are adaptations but Ping Pong is the closest to the original.
smashfags get out
>Evangelion is pretentious
It was really a great show I remember it fondly
That's just objectively wrong.
It is a good series, but Yuasa fags are annoying as hell.
>He's pointing out that he animated the original style of the manga
And it looks like shit. If it was an actually good work it would look better than the source not just as bad.
>It took effort and creativity to do the adaptation.
Yes poor animation and one to one copying sure is the height of creativity and effort.
I enjoyed it, but the praise it receives on Sup Forums is unjustified.
7/10 appears to be an appropriate rating. Far from AOTD.
Ping Pong>>>>>>shit>>>>>>Tatami Galaxy
>Ping Pong
psssh I'd like to see what your 10/10 is in that case, big guy.
I thought the older kid was meant to represent Japan's unwillingness to surrender and that drive is what causes the ending to be like it is, which is comparable to the japanese lives lost
I'm not going to say you got that the wrong way round, but Tatami Galaxy > Ping Pong without even the least bit of doubt.
That's not Sora no Woto
Or maybe Hyouka
Not quite.
1. Kill la Kill
2. The Tatami Galaxy
3. Space Dandy
4. Mawaru Penguindrum
5. Uchouten Kazoku
6. Ping Pong the Animation
7. Mob Psycho 100
8. Space Patrol Luluco
9. Yuri Kuma Arashi
10. Kyousougiga ONAs
What did you guys get out of this anime? Did you try to improve your life at all after it?
I got nothing, only enjoyment out of it.
>the best selling single anime series of all time that completely redirected the medium is "pretentious"
by what metric
do you know what "pretentious" means? most people don't who use the word anyway.
it's alright. I can think of a better title by the same director in the same decade. I feel sorry for people who don't understand that it's nichijou, though. it's as though they crave to be served half-assed garbage forever more.
>klk, dandy, kazoku, mob, luluco(?!?!), giga
this must be the better half of anime you've seen
Neither of them are pretentious, you stupid fucks.
Code Geass, for example, is pretentious. It's just a shitty rip-off of Death Note that tries to evoke big themes but the writing is so shit that it all ends up being silly and embarrassing.
Real best anime of the decade coming through.
imo ikuhara's worst title. might have beat yuri kuma if it was twelve episodes instead of stretched thin.
YKA was trash, I literally dropped it despite being the world's biggest Ikuhara dicksucker
>I haven't watched it but I know it's trash
>I'm the world's biggest ikuhara dickmongler but I haven't watched a third of his material
>even though they were the yellow devils of their time.
Spot the Ameridumb.
It's way less than a third retard. This is his shortest series, and he worked on Sailor Moon since you're probably too young to remember.
And I watched it until I realized it was irredeemable shit, at which point I dropped it. I don't know what's so hard for you to understand about that.
No, they're simply the best TV anime of the decade.
Nichijou however is vastly aimless and inconsistent, 7-8/10 at best.
>this meticulous rationalization that brings in series he didn't create and episode lengths
>all to pretend you can talk about a short twelve episode anime you didn't watch
>aimless and inconsistent
it's SoL's out.
You sound like a fucking idiot, no wonder you couldn't appreciate a fine show like YKA. I question your comprehention of Utena and MPD as well.
And the comedy is the definition of hit and miss, as well are most of the shortest SoL segments.
that applies to every single comedy ever made. what sets nichijou apart from everything else is the incredible animation and art direction. people who have watched under thirty series don't have the context to understand this though, that's why they look over it.
Nice damage control. Just admit you didn't know he worked on Sailor Moon and was the main reason that show was amazing.
YKA was indulgent wank and you know it. None of the character development, clever plot structure, and subtext of his past two works, just the superficial demeanor of what was a formerly interesting authorial style
>that applies to every single comedy ever made.
No, just the bad ones.
>what sets nichijou apart from everything else is the incredible animation and art direction
Which make it an okay show, not the best of the decade.
Aside from Yuusa works, honestly 3-gastu no Lion is probably the first series in years that has really stood out to me. It's clean visuals, tight storytelling and characterization all resonate with me. It's certainly a personal runner up for the greatest anime of the decade.
>No, just the bad ones.
That's a question. Is there any comedy that Sup Forums can unanimously agree is funny in some way, shape or form?
>None of the character development,
The characters are about as solid as in MPD, Utena is in a league of its own.
>clever plot structure,
Utena is the only one that could be described as clever, MPD plot structure was rather poorly paced and contrived.
>and subtext of his past two works
So I was correct.
>posts meticulous damage control
>someone points that out
>"nice damage control!!1!"
okay? he didn't create sailor moon, and barely worked on any of it. it's not an "ikuhara work". it's desperate rationalization.
Tatami Galaxy is just a poor man's Hyouka but a thinking man's Bakemonogatari
I think the one that impressed me the most would be The Wind Rises.
Hyouka is a poor man's Yahari.
You know you could just watch his shortest series instead of create a circus of an argument as to why you don't have to.
as I said, it's as though people want to eat poop. the less you appreciate one of the only series to go the extra mile, the more you will be handed garbage as though you should pay for it.
>barely worked on any of it
That's it, no one in this thread knows anything, he was the series director for the entirety of R and it's his best TV work. I'm out, you 14 year olds can argue among yourselves about your hipster shows.
>he was the series director for the entirety of R
No he didn't. He took over at episode 14.
>and it's his best TV work
Oh, so you're misinformed AND have shit taste.
The Tatami Galaxy
I have trouble deciding on an order between Hyouka, the Monogatari series and Tatami Galaxy.
All three are excellent, but for different reasons.
Ping Pong is way below all of them.
>measuring pretension by a "metric"
>implying pretentious things can't also be influential
Alright, hands up, who in this thread actually knows what "pretentious" means? For fuck's sakes people
Not him, but
does not mean what you think it means.
I hope your hand is down.
Actually, one of the reasons that I liked Ping Pong so much (personally) was that it isn't really that deep at all. It's just about athletics and why people compete in them. All of the characters have their own ideas of why they play Ping Pong, and they all refer to their opinions on them explicitly through the whole thing. A few examples you ought to remember:
>Tsukimoto: I play ping pong to pass the time before I die.
>Kazama: I play ping pong for myself/the team (gives different answers depending on who's asking)
>Peco (in the beginning): I play ping pong to win
etc. So the whole thing has all these different characters talking about why they play Ping Pong, because that's what the show is about. To me, once I got to the end, everything the show was trying to say was pretty obvious. So I don't really think of it as a deep show (and a show doesn't have to be deep to be significant)
That's how you spell it when you're using it like that, you stupid idiot.
So what does it mean then, if you know, and how SHOULD one measure it? My understanding of pretension is that something is pretentious when it aims mainly to impress people of its own sophistication before actually being sophisticated. Whether something is pretentious or not comes down to interpretation for the most part, which is why it's stupid to talk about a "metric" for it.
This is actually not a terrible list.
This series was so great it was AOTD twice in a row.
There was a live action of Ping Pong?
Honestly, I have no idea how it could actually be better than the animated one, though. The neat shit they did with the medium was one of my favorite parts.
not even the best sports anime of the decade
What's next? When will Captain Tsubasa and Dragon Ball Z be marked as pretentious as well?
It's ok but not K-ON!! level of brilliance
This is the anime of the decade.
My niggas right here
Ping Pong, Hyouka, K-On!, Kill la Kill and 3-Gatsu round out the objective top 5 anime of this decade.
>Attempting to impress by affecting greater importance, talent, culture, etc., than is actually possess
explain to us why you think Ping pong the animation is pretentious
gl embarrassing yourself
fuck off
What if I told it's not the best but still top 10?
I mean that would still be pretty good right?
Is Elfen Lied pretentious?
I think it is
what's with the mouths
3gatsu fucking sucks people just fellate it for it's atmosphere. literally nothing happens.
Stick to your battle harem.