fucking disgusting, innit?
Why are nips so obsessed with traps?
Other urls found in this thread:
Traps are a miracle of the universe and not gay.
It's lets closet faggots pretend they aren't closet faggots for jerking off to men.
just make sure the balls don't touch and you'll be fine
What if I like traps and admit that I'm gay?
But traps are not gay.
>fucking disgusting, innit?
only in real life, 2D is fine
Yes I am
faggots dont like traps you retard
traps look like girls, gays want guys who look like guys
>iqdb/saucenao return nothing
>google search
The doll is a trap.
I like dicks! But only when they're attached to girls! That makes it totally not gay, right? RIGHT?!
Feminine and submissive boys are perfection. Have a friend right now who's wearing a cute cock cage and who only wants to cum anally.
Found the source, it's not even a trap doujin.
Was still pretty good.
I've never seen Brits said that word on the internet. So that only makes you a Brit wannabe shitskin.
Sauce pls? Google gives me bloodborne
Use yandex.
It was lost to the panda during the great purge so don't expect to find it there.
If the balls don't touch, it's not gay. Queer
>tfw balls-touching fetish
Those boobs look so real though
not a trap doujin but they do have fake breast straps.something I saw on twitter
Would you be so kind as to share the title?
Typical vanillafag.
I literally only go onto these threads to get off to calling closet-faggot anons gay and teasing them for it.
joke's on you, textual humiliation is my fetish
No. Some gays want masculine men, the rest want queen faggots and traps. Have you see any Pride Day?
Wow, you get off to that? I mean, not that I can talk, but that's pretty pathetic, fag.
No but the artist is mojarin.
still cant find sauce
It's not on the panda anymore if that's where you're searching.
Asian men are more easily androgynous than others.
And it's a little bit like Sup Forums taste when you like both hot female bodies and dicks you ought to like the combination of both.
took me 5s, your iq 2 digits by any chance?
Not unlike straight men or lesbian wanting masculine or feminine girls.
Girls sometimes like feminine guys too.
>It's actually on the panda
What, I thought everything not loli made by mojarin got purged?
There's also the cuntboys trans. Masculine bodies with female genitals. Does it feels gay for you?
how do i get past the panda image? tutorial please
>Delete cookies
>make an e-hentai account
>wait a week
You should have access if you follow the steps
>cannot find the source by himself
>cannot get past the panda
>Wait for a week
isn't there an easier way?
Yeah kys my ass, underage.
>never stops dressing as a girl from that day on
>that series ending
No. We've already spoonfed you just take it and be grateful
im very grateful thanks. Now tell if there are easier ways to access enhentai please
>It's not a trap
>that image quality
fuck off faggot
learn how to google faggot
Don't be rude. I asked nicely, didn't I?
Most guides I found are very confusing. Now tell me if there are easier ways to access exhentai.
delete system32 folder
That's your first test, to learn to read, also the second test comes from discerning between useful and not so useful information, the third test comes from the ability to follow steps as they are laid to you. If you don't pass any of the aforementioned tests you don't deserve access. The panda is not there for secret club purposes but to weed out undesirables that don't possess the minimum qualifications to access the community.
They should kill themselves.
>He isn't obsessed with traps
straightfags get out
>>In the end the tomboy didn't get spit roasted by traps.
>>Get ax'd after just 10 chapters.
Wasted potential.
Fuck off, I'm straight and obsessed with traps.
>that one where the guy actually gets trapped and raped
Then you are just honest.
I want to nuzzle my face against a Trap's bulge.
board culture is teached the second week here. how about take your time and drop your reddit formating first?
you have a bind for this post? because you gona need one with people see how easy you feed them
Go back to tumblr.
Learn how to English, filthy shitskin.
tutorial plz
and not that yt guy i dont like his voice
>Don't be rude I asked nicely
There's a place for your kind
Because it's cute
> tits
> trap
nigger learn your definition before shitposting.
Also if its a futa why the fuck not
>What are pads?
>What are push up bras?
What position are traps meant to be fucked in?
Any position which allows french kissing.
Reverse cowgirl.
because they have anti homosexuality laws for acountry whose origins allow homosexuality.
I know. Kinda fucked up. One more thing America fucked up.
Any where the balls don't touch
>anti homosexuality laws
No such thing, homosexuality is legal in Japan.
>Google this image
>Fucking Bloodborne
At the beginning, you fuck them in the ass doggy-style so you don't see their front and can pretend they are actually women.
Then you start kissing them all over and think sucking their cute nipples ain't so bad. Before you know it, you'll be looking at their cute trap dicks. Curiosity will win out and you'll start stroking it once during sex. Then every time.
Before you know it, you'll see that trap dick glistening with cum and put it in your mouth.
Incels gets so frustrated, they believe that a trap would be desperate enough to sleep with them.
It's weird, I wonder if all his other stuff is still available too if you still have the url.
Nope, here's the original link: exhentai.org
Boys make the best girls
because America bombed the masculinity out of those asian fucks.
Could you fuck up an image any worse?
Google works find for me.
Title is Hanako-chan Next Door by Mojarin
It's a vanilla doujin about helping an hikkokomori girl get over being bullied
Title is Next Door Hanako-chan
Be honest user-kun, Google is no help
Author is MINAZUKI Futago, maybe google in your country is fucked up, my google has show 3 legit sauces of that image.
You deserve to rot in hell
Japanese are very feminine, traps in Japan tend to work out very well, Manga reflects that.
I'm pretty sure this is an edit
here you go my dude