Sci-fi/political slowburn turns into mahou shoujo 9 episodes in

>Sci-fi/political slowburn turns into mahou shoujo 9 episodes in
Absolute fucking madmen.

>zaShunina shows his true colors, as he plans to use us as source of information
>he is willing to manipulate the situation to his gain

>Tsukai wants humans to fight for themselves
>Tsukai is forced to intervene by zaShunina

We all know who was in the right here.

>2 aliens in search of information, one with aggressive tactics, the other who only wants to observe passively have to fight over the life of the protagonist
Best cliche ever.

I wouldn't have minded if it happened over the course of 2 episodes, but all that crazy shit got dropped on us in like 10 minutes.

Still though, the rough transition is my only problem and Tsukai looks hot in her new design. Really looking forward to how they'll deal with eachother.

>Female-looking anisotropic being using 40D physics is a mahou shoujo

Tsukai gets nuked by zaShunina and they go back to the negotiation table to talk things through and hopefully get a win-win situation for everybody.

Is this show actually good or is it yet another case of overrated shit with an overly vocal circlejerking fanbase?

zaShunina will probably reset the universe

It's very good if you like sci-fi, philosophy and dialogue-heavy series. The visuals are really beautiful too. People are just butthurt at the CGI and fujo pandering.

Well it's not like you can trust us since you're dismiss us as a vocal circlejerking fanbase so why don't you just find out for yourself?
At worst you can come to the thread to complain we made you waste your time.

Is it still pandering if higher-dimensional homolust is at the core of the story?

Shit the bed in the newest episode unfortunately.

Oh wow, my bad.
>*since you're going to dismiss
>*come to the thread later

Fujopandering makes everything shit.

Picked up

Considering it was foreshadowed and actually explained a bunch of things, I don't see how.

>code geass is shit
Yeah, no, far from it.

zaShunina's goal is to advance humanity for whatever reason. His attachment to Shindo (if it can really be considered romantic) is just a bonus.

I mean, I'm assuming it's pandering, but at this point it might actually be full canon. Honestly I couldn't care less about the romance in this story. Be it hetero or homo.

I-I'm still holding out hope they go back to hard science. the JJ Abrams stuff is just for one episode!


>just tsukai or it could be any other hippie human being wary of alien tech

SuzaLulu is pure shit

It's not really a bonus if it threw his mental state in disarray. He's reckless and confused, which wouldn't have happened otherwise.

Hindsight bias is a hell of a drug.


I'm telling you, it's that fucking beer. One sip and space jesus is literally crashing the show with no survivors.

He didn't become reckless due to his homolust. If anything, both his recklessness and his homolust would be a consequence of him reading too many books/developing human emotions. Or he could have been doing this from the beginning. Like it was said, zaShunina is above good and evil.

>watches the Sansa broadcast without any reaction
>not surprised by the Wam or zaShunina's detachable body parts
>keeps eyeing zaShunina when nobody is looking
>weird exaggerated behaviour compared to other human characters
There was always something off about her.

double dubs makes it true

The beer 4koma is now very less hilarious.

>as he plans to use us as source of information
Tsukai is also part of the anisotropic

If only it had gone like this.

I love this shot so much. Fucking perfection.

His homolust is the main emotion he developed, though. And as for books, it was Shindo's guess that they were the cause of his change. zaShunina actually left it without comment, so he probably didn't agree.

>Suddenly we have salesfags, trainwreckfags, people trying to incite fanbase wars.
Was the previous thread OP really that bad or is summer here for good. Where are the calm Kado threads?

More people picked it up because the threads have been active. That's all.

Seikaisuru Kado, more like Seikaisuru Kino.

The thread was good but towards the end people started responding to a troll that kept posting short comments about the evils of fujoshi.

They were dead as soon as the show became a dating sim where the characters are all fighting to get the protagonist and become the true route.

>He's been banned from drinking ever since.
No kidding. Gods and alcohol don't mix.

Well, then he was probably like that from the beginning. He made copies of the journalists too, in case they didn't agree to the broadcasting of Sansa. And he mentioned he wanted Shindo to go with him to "the next stage" too.

Shun is best girl

>fujoshit think this is funny

user you know moon?!

pls translate for us lowly mortals

>>keeps eyeing zaShunina when nobody is looking
>>weird exaggerated behaviour compared to other human characters
These 2 can be chalked up to her MUH HUMANITY and MUH SHINDO behaviour and having to show each and everyone reaction to sansa seems to be a waste of time. I dont disagree with her being off but her being an anistropic being herself? Series could've gone the chill route instead of this.

>gods and alcohol don't mix
Excuse me?

Not necessarily. Kado works as a legit transporter; zaShunina even uses it on himself.
>Well, then he was probably like that from the beginning.
The changes were clearly there. Even characters who barely knew him noticed that he was changing, though they obviously assumed it was a good thing.

>trying to bait the waifufags into watching this with 3 Tsukai OPs in a row
Do we really want this?

She was shown watching the Sansa broadcast. Since she was so vehemently against his influence, this detail didn't make sense until the reveal.

>These 2 can be chalked up to her MUH HUMANITY and MUH SHINDO behaviour
Well, that's called good writing. The signs were there all along, but they were subtle and you attributed them to her disagreeing with accepting alien technology. It turned out that they were there for an entirely different reason. If they had exaggerated it even more, or added more suspicious behaviour, then it would have been too obvious and people would have called that plot twist. That would have been bad writing.

>The changes were clearly there. Even characters who barely knew him noticed that he was changing, though they obviously assumed it was a good thing.
Sorry, didn't mean the changes in personality, but the shady copy making.

Did you miss the last thread? This is an exciting development anyways, you better get used to Tsukaiposting this week.

>Dionysus is represented by city religions as the protector of those who do not belong to conventional society and he thus symbolizes the chaotic, dangerous and unexpected, everything which escapes human reason and which can only be attributed to the unforeseeable action of the gods.
They don't.

Tsukai a cute.

Someone post that fanart of sailor Tsukai from previous thread, pixiv and twitter got nothing...

Well, I suppose I did. My bad.
>you better get used to Tsukaiposting this week
Ugh, well okay, I suppose it can't be helped.


If you think about it.

Tsukai has been hoarding the information for herself for millions of years.

Thanks user.

Waifufags and husbandofags/fujoshits are two sides of the same coin.

We need some more guys in the Goddess Tsukai camp anyway.

That falls squarely within the realm of mahou shoujo, whose power set consists of "anything and everything including no thing".

Well, she doesn't look half bad in her anisotropic tightsuit, I'll give you that.
But cute? That's going too far. Only Zashunina and Hanamori deserve the term.

Guess you're right. Moreover I'm tired of people dismissing this show just because it has fujopandering.

Is Rei a mahou shoujo?

Did Tsukai invent tiddies? Bouncy, meaty funbags have to be the most superfluous evolution to ever happen to mankind, and yet they are the BEST thing to happen to humanity. Clearly this is the work of an angel.

Maybe she was like a person watching a magic trick, trying to unravel what the fuck happening inside her head. and just her not getting sick from seeing sansa. But this reveal happened, unfortunately.

>good writing
>tsukai is anistropic being now jumping into action
>not shindo talking or negotiating his way out or science girl getting some asspull equations to enter kado due to her quirk on SCIENCE

Why don't you wait until the series ends before jumping to the conclusion that both Shindo and science girl's skills will be irrelevant?

Nothing wrong with posting a relevant development in the OP.

>science girl getting some asspull equations to enter kado due to her quirk on SCIENCE
Now that would have been a derailment of the show into power rangers territory. Tsukai being anisotropic works still within the hard sci-fi framework. Moreover, she has no power to fight zaShunina, in the end Shindo would have to negotiate.

>is just a bonus
Yeah no, if that suddenly disrupted his plans and made him spill his spaghetti and Tsukai intervened as a consequence.

Oh she developped, alright.

Reminds me of pic related

Forgot pic

Yes! I knew she looked familiar.

Oh shit, I knew this design reminded me of something.

what the hell is going on

Tsukai's reaction (and her ring) suggests he had never reloaded any clone before this one. That means he had either been 100% successful in all the speech checks or he simply hadn't been afraid of failing before.


Public service announcements

Top kek.


Yes. And the anisotropic beings are the spirals.


Why does this sort of development make me diamonds.

But she's an anisotropic being too.

zaShuina's gifts to humanity:
> fuckheug space ship
> Infinite energy
> mind expanding drugs
> Admin console

Tsukai gifts to humanity:
> Alcohol
> Sluts

Who is doing a better job?

Alien hybrid girls are best girls, ever since Solaris

Why go for 2D when you can have a 40D waifu? How can anyone else even compete?

Tsukai granted humanity no gifts, that's the point. Humans don't need to be given shit to be awesome.

>no figures of anisotropic Tsukai

>alcohol and sluts
I dunno user, that sounds pretty good to me. We'll get the space ships and god powers later.

Announcing one before would have been a massive spoiler. There will be now.

>There will be now

>hfw not eating, drinking and even breathing outside air for about 3 days straight

>Alcohol & BoiSluts

That's a hugely beneficial deal for both parties

>Humans don't need to be given shit to be awesome.
Humanity, FUCK YEAH!!!

would you say no to zaShunina, Sup Forums?

Yeah, I'm doing just that.But the reveal left a very bad taste.

It works but now there are 2 ultimate being with different views on how should humanity progress and the human in the middle is going to choose due to "I'm going to reload bro" scene and that will probably gonna affects the other billions of human on getting the anti gravity gift and more, and we still dont know if Tsukai is capable or not to fight him.Guess no freebies for humanity, hopefully not a universe reset too.

>takes Shindo to an aquarium and talks about jellyfish are our ancestors
>she actually watched humanity evolve from jellyfish

I would have gave his 3D model some circles under the eyes for the occasion. And sweat.

No. I probably would let him take me to the upper dimensions so that I can create my waifu real.

don't forget

cancer and various other diseases
global warming
the inhumane slaughter of animals
child labor/slavery and paedophilia

the list goes on...

Of course not, I think I'd be content to be the favourite pet of an alien overlord.

> Existence allows suffering
> therefore it's her fault you're allowed to exist
Ah. I guess.