
>"hey completely average high school guy, look at our club full of quirky characters, you'll join and have a high school filled with wacky adventures right?"
>"nah I'm good"

I'd guess it doesn't stay like this but the first chapter of the manga at least got me interested enough to check out the anime.

Anyone else picking it up when it airs?

"I play games for fun" - The LN/Anime/Manga

>mc is a casual baby who only plays mobage
well it's easier for japs to self insert that way

This is going to trigger Sup Forums hard isn't it?

The protag already prefers mobage stuff to 'real' games.

Yes, because fun is just a buzzword.

>club full of tryhard faggots
>dude just wants to have fun

Shhh, you'll trigger Sup Forums if you keep posting. You know that they hate f-u-n, it's only about who has the biggest dick and best graphics card.

Literal casual scum that plays mobile shit MC

Hey, that event boss I beat this morning was really tough, I had to buy 20 gems to do it.

Why the fuck was Gamers dropped? The first chapter was interesting, yet chapter 2 was never released.

Aguri likes Uehara.
Uehara likes Aguri.
Tendou likes Amano.
Hoshinomori likes Uehara.
Amano (obliviously) likes Tendou.

Aguri thinks Uehara may be interested in Hoshinomori.
Uehara thinks Aguri has fallen for Amano.
Tendou thinks Amano is into Hoshinomori.
Hoshinomori doesn't know Uehara and Aguri are going out, while thinking Aguri and Amano are.
Amano thinks Tendou hates him.

Cause MC is a filthy casual and a mobage whale.

I never really get why people use the term "gamers".

>mobile games

Because players was a taken word.

Oh hey, I never noticed my post became a meme. Haha.

He actually gets his own club of casual-gamers.


Best girl

>only tryhards play non-mobage games

Fix your reading comprehension, and they are all tryhards, you can't deny that.

It's like coming to Sup Forums and calling everyone a tryhard while saying you just want to have "fun" by watching nothing but Dragon Balls and One Piece.

the mc sounds downright repulsive

fucking casuals

>watching anime with 600+ episode
Should've have picked shit like Gurren Laggan.

Only that with that analogy Sup Forums would have invited him in. And he never said that they are tryhards, he just said he is too casual for them.

Blonde is top cute

and tries to force some shitty casual into a group of people who actually play games
worst girl.

That's pretty early spoilers
Tendou and Amano starts dating at the end of volume 2
Hoshinomori realizes she likes Amano at the end of volume 3

>Join Sup Forumsnime club
>I-I'm sorry I only watch narutu

>Hoshinomori realizes she likes Amano at the end of volume 3
Did she go from that other guy to the MC? Bitches aint loyal

No, her "love" for Uehara is the exact same feeling Amano has for Uehara, aka lonely otaku that get far too attached to her/his first friend

sky only did vol 1, someone else or some other group took it up. i don't remember where but looking it up might help you. the quality of the tl's might have been turned to shit though, its the only reason why i dropped it



It help train the modern japanese student for the daily grind of everyday adult life.

He's right in context
Marketers on Sup Forums abuse the shit out of that word

>post GBF
Exactly my point thanks.
Remember to let your phone up 24/24h during raids.


Why do you people always pretend you wrote this and it was a "joke"?

I wrote this, and I stand by what I said. I bet you don't even know what the context of the thread was.


I left Sup Forums after it became cyber nintendoland, but i can say fun is not a buzzword.

It definitely is by itself
There isn't a single thing that's fun for no reason
What I'm talking about are people who say it's fun (because it's made by their favorite company) and they refuse to admit that, resulting in supposed fun without reason

"Fun" is a buzzword then and it's a buzzword now.

The only time a person ever brings up fun is just describing their hippy-dippy "I feewu guuud about my geimu" garbage. It doesn't describe anything about the gameplay, sound, writing, or visuals--you know, all the fucking things which would actually affect the quality of the game. If you legitimately think, "It's fun," is legitimate, respectable criticism compared to actually outlining what it is about the game you enjoyed, you are a fucking baby looking for a soother.

Furthermore, amusement and immersion are also different things. Super Mario Galaxy is amusing, the Legend of Zelda is amusing; but neither of these games, or like-styled games are immersive in any way. The only way for a game to be truly immersive is with state-of-the-art realistic graphics, limited "creative art style," intelligent music and supreme voice-acting, and lack of "game" elements. For example, reading a visual novel is often more immersive due to the level of concentration required than a game like SOMA, or Amnesia (the topic of the time), with bad voice-acting, crummy washed out visuals, a perspective which behaves like a digital camera, and unbelievably predictable AI, level design, and bad controls.

I guess this is pasta but you should still fuck off, along with the other Sup Forumsermin.

Digging this MC

He was trying the club out and realized it wasn't for him.

He's right tho

the mc isn't at fault, it's the blonde cunt.

>join a food club
>"waaaah this Kiviak is too hardcore for me, I just want to eat a well done steak with room temperature ketchup and have fun waaah"
God, what an insufferable faggot.

He didn't enjoy the club, so he left, what's wrong with that? Just because I appreciate eating food doesn't mean I want to become a chef.

Yes and apparently Tendou and Amano break up in volume 6 and Amano dating Hoshinomori in Volume 7.

>only plays mobage
Oh come on, how is that even fun?
At least Mario Kart or something like that should interest him.

So this is gonna be shitty teenage drama right?

>Typical beta MC play easy mode games for escapism
This shit should be named "Casuals" instead. I guess people really will eat up anything.

Seriously? Dropped

Only modern Sup Forums

Chiaki definitely confessed her feelings to Amano without any misunderstanding but I don't know if he accepted, some person said Chiaki was the new heroine after the latest volume but I don't know what he means by that too.

Gamers? more like normalfags.

So this is comedy than then goes full drama instead of just games and comedy?
That sounds disappointing.

So Amano and Tendou really broke up?

Yes, this seems to be the case since volume 6.

They better get together later

>implying japan would ever portray "really real gamers" in their non-interactive fiction, whether it be manga, anime or LN

It's always either mobile games or some MMO that those characters would ever play. The only times a "gaming character" used something different like a handheld or a console is very few and usually just a detail. Sure it's not really representative for people playing games even in Japan but then again, who the hell even wants realism in their chinese escapistic cartoons anyway? If you wanna talk about games then go to Sup Forums or something. If they're actually doing that at the moment but this board is less related to this thread.

Normalfags? More like normies

Fuck off, reddit.

Except normie is a Sup Forums word, I've been here for a few years and it's been used frequently. Right now reddit is trying to steal our memes, but not for much longer.

>normie is Sup Forums word
More like /r9k/, Sup Forums, and leldit word

You seem to have forgotten that you're on Sup Forums crossboarder-kun.

And what's wrong with Sup Forums? It's one of the best boards on this site.

Everything. Now go back to your containment board, crossboarderfag.

A meme made up by those who get triggered their safe space was violated


Post more illustrations
Tendo a qt

>a term correctly used by anons for pedantic attention seeking assholes who think they're clever or original by obviously using lingo from different boards even if it has no use but to annoy others

FTFY. Maybe you should lurk more on this board before doing shit like that. Remember, you're not supposed to be or act like a minor here.

>a few years
In other words you're just a newfag who thinks he's an oldfag. Hilarious. That surely never happened before. Besides, what said is true. Sup Forumsnons don't use that word - not even "ironically" as some kids like to say nowadays.

wtf you talking about? I said that you mong.

Not an argument, triggered reddit cucks

Wasn't there that manga about actual games that got sued just before the adaptation?
That might explain the lack of wanting to mention anything specific, they will get sued instantly.

I didn't know there was a Kiniro game

God, that sounds like utter shit. Hate those "everyone likes somebody who isn't interested in them and aren't interested in the person they're loved by" cliche

The irony when half of the people over at your shit board openly admit to browsing Reddit
For a containment board, Sup Forums sure is useless at actually keeping anything contained.

>casual gamers

bunch of faggots

Sup Forums is Sup Forums, kid. It owns this website

Sure, now go back to Sup Forums, faggot.


what a coincidence

Fuck off numale cucks

You know what's not an argument? Namecalling and baseless assumptions. That's funny because that's exactly what you did. It also seems you're projecting because only anons who come from other boards or from Reddit/9GAG/Tumblr/Facebook or whatever 2.0 site use such words as "cuck", "triggered" and "reddit" as insults. I seriously hope you're just trying to troll (with the stress on trying because this isn't even trolling anymore but failing miserably) cause if you're actually serious about this then I'd advise you to either shut up and lurk first or leave and keep this board a place for actual discussions.

>he thinks a board shunned by the rest of the site owns said site
Not sure if that's cute or sad.