Post rare waifus
She was the only thing I liked about that show honestly.
Same here but people seemed to hate her because she's not your typical moeblob. Typical Sup Forums shit taste.
The rarest.
Very rare
But she's the typical uchikoshi big tits character
See lotus from 999, Alice from VLR and Mira from ZTD
As if that archetype is used more than the other moeblobs. I can give you 10 times more examples of the moeblob archetype from other shows.
Nice, which animu?
Boss, you ain't gotta be reawakening my childhood love like that. It's only pain for me now, so I'd like to ask you to stop if ya would.
A bad one.
Yeah, because she's not loved and her girlfriend went for an American.
I'm afraid I cannot do that.
Witness my tomato
For a moment i thought you were talking about mamimi
Fuck yeah China-san was every Afternoon reader's sweetheart decades ago.
The rarest.
This is my waifu.
P-ko was cute. Best girl, best voice actress.
(You)'re pretty rare, right user? I can't imagine lots of people loving (You).
>waifu means female anime character
Fuck off.
Very rare ghost waifu.
I miss this dumb show
Good taste. I almost never see anyone else with my waifu.
Those eyecatch break things were great.
Ran-dono is love, Ran-dono is life!
I'm still fucking upset about this
She got such an absolutely raw deal, it's not fair
was about to post her
>TFW this was one of the first anime you ever saw as a kid
>years later looking for it, trying to remember what it was
>all I could recall was the abortion scene
Shit hit me hard as a kid. Great anime.
I can see why you like her user.
Although she's a weird worm thing, got some mad bedroom eyes.
I support your love.
Oh my, look at this slick guy who's too cool to have a waifu!
>not having a waifu in 1239+778
>tfw can't tell if genuine newfags or just ironic shitposters
Things are too complicated nowadays desu
She's rare today, I'm the only one who ever posts about her
It's my birthday though so pls let me keep her
I've never seen anyone post my waifu or even reference the series she's from. probably because they are both bad, in hindsight. changes nothing, i love them still.
Wow, this brings me back. I think I managed to get through 4 episodes of that mess.
Best girl
No one else can have her
>liking androids
Those rare waifus all look kinda okay. I'm gonna claim them all for me, and then exchange those rare waifus for some gacha balls to win some special rare waifus.
Or should I exchange them all for some increased chance to get an ultra rare waifu with a higher waifu attack power?
She's hot, what series?
Maridafags aren't rare at all on /m/
You are a good person.