I'm desperately in need of some red pills, awaken me

I'm desperately in need of some red pills, awaken me

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the celts were black

Your parents won't support you forever, you will be forced to get a job. How's that for a redpill?

The original vikings were strong black men.

The government supports him, the parents couldn't even support themselves in this day and age. Go on OP, say it's not true

You're a faggot!

Most women act like toddlers who crave cock.









The Negroid has a less developed pre-frontal cortex and is approximately 450,000 years less evolved.

-Less Impulse Control
-Less Ability To Process Mathematics


you can't handle the red pills

You will never visit the wewelsburg castle in your lifetime.

Hitler nailed it doe. Fucking haters ruin everything.


>The government
user I......


Your pseudo-cyrillic is unreadable. Jesus Christ this is worse than dog Latin.

It would have collapsed faster than the soviet union if they never started ww2

Take the black pills.



The red pill is red for communism.

There's your red pill.

you have no friends


hitler didnt start world war 2, he started a war with britain, and france.

Volunteer at a local asylum center.

You need to broaden your horizons and embrace diversity.

Imagine being this much of an ancap
Pedos get the rope

Bulgarians > Serbs



With Poland to which Britain and France declared on Germany. Strangely enough not on the USSR which attacked 10 days later and annexed half of Poland.

Iran isnt main state sponsor of terrorism, but USA's 2nd best buddy (right after Isr*el of course) Saudi Arabia is. Also ?ranians' "Death to America" chanting doesnt imply death to whole country, but rather to its jewish cocksucking, warmongering, neocon elite

you mean britain started the war

The war on terror is a genocide crusade perpetuated by Israel

Celts as in Celtic people? Celtic people diverged off the Anglais isle only for about 3-5,000 years from saxons. You nigger loving D/C kike shit sniffer


dont forget pornhub.jew owned.

Not only was he against socialism, but he also was a believer in god- Dang I really gotta wonder if he got reborn as someone else yet.