The 18 year old MC wants to fuck a 15 year old (beggining of the manga)

the 18 year old MC wants to fuck a 15 year old (beggining of the manga)
what the fuck

And what is the problem?

dont dick children
dick adults .
dick your wive .
but not your child

is this Lucifer and the Biscuit Hammer?

Or is it just the same mangaka?

It's Japan.

Wakusei no Samidare
what he said both are right

>3 years older
>durr thats lolicon

Please go and stay go.

2 years is not even a proper age gap.

Why would he want a girl who's past her prime?

who said something about lolicon you strawmaning dumbass

Mc was 20 and sami was 17

fucking children isnt legal in all of japan and its with the consent of the parent when it is. a lot of Marines have found that out the hard way

>normalfags on Sup Forums
"what the fuck"

15 is legal in my country

Why was she such a weirdo

So a not civilized country

Age of consent is 15 on the Moon.

you're aware that a large amount of relationships are age gapped right? many 2-8 years apart.

It's perfectly legal to fuck a 15yo girl in a huge part of the world.

was i talking about age gab or the fact shes a minor

He's not currently having sex, want is not an action dumbfuck. Also as many have said 15 is a normal age of consent, and who fucking cares, the guy is 18 still a teen himself, it's not like it's some 80 year old.

Wow Mexico.

Did you expect anything better from filthy parasites, user?

Keep in mind that there could be laws in your home country that attach a law of consent to your citizenship that follows you around.

There could also be other conditions or provincial laws you don't know about (like in Japan where prefecture age of consent is higher)

age gap is great

Yeah no kidding. That says West Virginia is 16, but I'm pretty sure that if an 18 year old man fucks his 17 year old girlfriend her parents can bring forward rape charges even if the girl was 100% willing and not okay with the parents legal action.

not all of the moon

even in the US the have laws against cross border fuckery so you cant plan on fucking kids during your vacation.Mainly meant to prevent child prostitution but the law is broad

Is this lucifer and the biscuit hammer?