What was she implying by those words?
What was she implying by those words?
She was extremely cute. Worth a read for her alone.
I still don't know from what chapter this is.
Kokage was extremely cute. Worth a read for her alone.
Yume is cute but Sera is objectively better
>Not wanting to marry the girl with the cute wizard hat
terrible taste
this manga really wasn't very good.
>I am committed to doing this thing!
>nothing will ever make me change my mind!
>talk no jutsu
>actually I secretly wanted to do the exact opposite of what I had been doing this whole time let me abandon my previous plan that I'd been working on for years and do something else instead
that sort of shit is annoying once, but when it happens for every damn character?
It would have been better but he was on a limited schedule and couldn't write out as much characterization as he had prepared
Anyone who knows nip can translate this? It's from the Kaguya magazine but I think it's Aka giving a course on writing manga in general?
Still, even if you drag it out, the fact remains that his plot contains multiple instances of characters getting convinced to utterly change alignments. I think it's just not a very good story, and having more time to work on it would result in the same bad manga except longer.
Don't get me wrong, there are some cool visuals and great lines, but overall it seems rather chuuni and kingdom-hearts-tier.
I enjoy his Kaguya manga, and I hope he gets a chance to make other series later, when he's grown as an author and matured as a person. but IB isn't something worth revisiting. It's sad that his dream project is kinda shitty, but sometimes that happens. Maybe if he didn't try to hold it so dear to his heart, and learned to kill his darlings, it would have been better.
It has major issues. People changing their minds isn't one of them. Thinking about characters in terms of "alignment" is fucking retarded.
I think she wanted to watch some porn.
Nothing in IB has the pacing of the first arc which is annoying because it was fucking great.
It's better to watch porn with friends
I wish Kaguya would get canned
Aka got really depressed after ib got axed. Kaguya being axed might make him commit sudoku.
Didn't she go crazy from time travel shit so she goes full Junko tier "I want you to despair when you see me get a bullet in my brain"
I liked it. Aka just wanted to do his edgy manga he came up with in high school.
Well, ib wasn't very good aside from some cute girls. Kaguya is getting stale
All ibs were kinda fucked up and as great as Yume was she was no exception. She just idealized too much her future relationship with Kuro, and tried to rationalize her own inevitable demise. Also with her death, she tried to free him from the curse of his own guilt towards Toiro. And it kinda worked. He got freed of her ghost until Iroha came to screw shit up.
To be fair he still was inmature as an author. He really did learn the lessons with Ib and applied them in Kaguya. Probably if he rebooted Ib, things would be better. Since the way Aka now does characterization is god tier, and he really has a knack for making likeable characters regardless of alignment.