White Brazilians

Name: Malu Rodrigues
Age: 24
Birthplace: Rio
Country: Brazil

Just a reminder that Brazil has white people too.

At least 40 million people are white in Brazil.

Most Brazilians are not white, but they're a mix of European, Native and African.

Blacks are only 13% of this country.

Other urls found in this thread:


whatever you need to fall asleep at night, my ape friend

I bet her farts smell amazing

bland looking pale skin gal with a fish mouth. cheers, bud

Even if it's true, surely you realize how embarrassing it is to post it, don't you?

If you're going to post attractive Brazilians

At least post an attractive castiza and not some fish faced nord

13% Are niggers. The rest are non-white people. Here is the only place in the world a nigger wont call itself a nigger because there are darker people and because he was mixed.

I agree with you my muslim friend.

She's pretty cute.
Would sniff her butthole/10.

Brazil's DNA:


We have at least 40 million people that are white.

There's many misunderstandings about Brazil's History spread by the US.

Brazil received 6 million Africans, but they get mixed with Natives since the 15th century.

In the 18th century more millions of Europeans have arrived in Brazil.

In the 19th century more millions of other peoples and races.

That's why only 20% of Brazil's DNA is African.

80% of Brazil's DNA composed by European (60%) and Native (20%).

Americans have spread misinformation about us.

>have more than 100.000.000 of European people
>less than 40.000.000 remains European
Too bad