Beautiful art

Post the best art you got


anyone got this without the dates?


I love Dragon Knight's design.
New chapter fucking when?

Never series ends with beelz cucking D.S

well memed







Is that fucking 3D?


Woah, what the hell, looks fucking amazing. Sauce?

>Redrew the whole manga in the shittier new style
Did he fucking finish or what? Seriously, what's the excuse for no continuation now?









Great taste.

I loved this fight so much, literally on my Top 5


same as OP

Is this Harukoma?

Uriel vs D.S was better

Wait, loli mage and eclipse in the same panel? Did I miss a chapter of Berserk?

That's when she saved Gut's mind from the Berserker armor the first time he put it on.

No, but it's the same mangaka so good eye. It's called Ran to haiiro no sekai.

How right, damn that was a while ago, thanks user.

That fight dragged too much for me, How many volumes did that single fight last? 6?

Ran in the Grey World

>aslan vs jesus




They're one and the same.

>Thread about great art
>posts shit
What did he mean by this?

good stuff




Mah nigga, I love this manga. Is it still being translated?


yeah, a new chapters was out a few days ago and seems like the dude behind it is gonna be putting out more of them more frequently now.


Araki's art is amazing when he tries



what is this called



Man with an art like this.
I wonder what will Hiroyama do, once he finishes prisma.

Seriously is there anything there that even compares RoT?



generic art style looks pretty shit though.




















Such a beautiful manga, it was.






You can stop now. We get it, you like GG.

You can stop with the Getter Robo. We get it.







People breathe air
Brain-damaged Gundam nerd ruins everything
Water is wet





