This is how Europeans see America and Americans. What do you yanks think about it? Fair? Unfair?

This is how Europeans see America and Americans. What do you yanks think about it? Fair? Unfair?

Other urls found in this thread:

>caring what a dead continent thinks about you

both my parents are European citizens. I have dual citizenship to a European country. I travel to Europe very frequently and have interacted with many Europeans in my life. I say this is a God fearing, patriotic American that the European opinion of Americans means absolutely noting to me. European men are feminine and weak pussies. Donald Trump will continue kicking ass and you faggots can continue being irrelevant retards thousands of miles away in your irrelevant countries. No one cares. Not a single American worth a fuck cares that some faggy European doesn't agree with his political views.

Why do you hate white people?

>This is how Europeans see America and Americans
implying the chad american care about what others think about them

agreed. I love jews and degeneracy, fuck europe and fuck white people!

We really don't care what Europeans think if anything we are amused that you guys think we are equals.
Finand's GDP, in 2015, was 230 million
There are 24 US States that made more than 250 million in 2015
You guys are simply irrelevant dinosaurs


No, THIS is how Europeans see America and Americans.

Did you even watch the video? Nobody is denying that america is economic super power. It's about you as a person, americans. I would much rather be seen as a great person rather than "hey you have a great country but you, yourself are quite unsophisticated and uncultured character".