JC thread

JC thread




what is JC?

Please help me. My country
has no rules

Juicy Child

jewish child

JC are the best!!


I like my JC hot and sweaty!

Jesus Christ, is what these child molesters need in their lives

Sorry what? JC?

shitty /jp/ 3dpd lingo

this is the designated 'actually it's called ephebophila' thread


What the hell is a JC?

Hebephilia you dumb shit!
Keep your JK hags.

I prefer loli.

Left is best. Talking about the image not politics.

Not everybody can agree what a loli is. That was the point of differentiating. And it's easier to type than middle schoolers.

child molesters, the only JC you need in your lives is Jesus Christ


Fuck off Jesus! Satan is guiding my cock!

Is there any way to have the CIA monitor Sup Forums? This shit cannot be allowed. This is CP.


Yep. Confirmed child molester. Inhuman garbage.

a). They don't give a fuck.
b). The CIA doesn't monitor electronic communication, the NSA does.
c). Criminal investigation of sex crimes falls to the states, unless it involves kidnapping across state lines, then it goes to the FBI.
d). You're a prick!

The more realistic it look the better it is.



Goddamn Sup Forumsutists.


may you all find your way back to the truth and light.

Buds are best!


i can only see the good ol' cartoonphilia and escapism

Are they still considered JC if they don't go to school?



I want to lick a 12 years old.

Same age range so I guess it's OK.

Only if they are enrolled in a middle school.

I love me some detailed shading!

I say as long as the age range is correct it's OK.

What about JS?

I don't see what the big deal is. Girls used to be married off ASAP once they hit this age range.

What authority do you have?

Cute, would hug, headpats, standing BJ.
Hard to go balls deep though. JC can be penetrated to entirety.

None. Just my personal preference. If they're in the strike zone, go for the hit!

>has goggles
>chooses to keep her eyes wide open and unprotected in a chlorinated pool
Keep that up and you'll be blind by 30, lil miss.

What does your personal preference have to do with how they are called? You can't love a 14 year old unless they identify as JC?

that guy from Deus Ex

What if for some reason a cake enrolls in a middle school? She'd technically be a JC. Stuff similar to it has been done before.

Funny, I thought I just got through saying school identity didn't matter to me.

You said it's fine to call them JC even when they aren't school girls.

>It's a crime to masturbate to these 2D cartoon drawings
What did he mean by this?

JC > JS > JK > JD
Fite me faggots

>blind cake
My dick.

I love that artist, he adds so many new drawings everyday


>that mole
w e w

>it's ok to masturbate to 2d depictions of actual children
What did he mean by this?

Honestly, who do you think you're gonna fool with your
>o-o-only 2d!
bullshit. You're just too autistic to act on it. If given the chance, all the freaks here will 100% rape a child. That's enough for a lifetime in prison. Remember: Possession of CP -> bye-bye

Wikileaks showed that the CIA has a bigger surveillance apperatus than the NSA

>If given the chance, all the freaks here will 100% rape a child

Not gonna deny it.

>this thread
Please tell me all the faggots asking what JC is are elaborate rusemen. People know what JK means but they can't figure out what JC are? You have to be kidding me.



This user is right, think o the cartoon children! We can't let these thought criminals roam free.

unfortunately for you thought crime isnt a thing yet
and 2D is not illegal unless you live in shithole like sweden or canada

Who would win in a fight between a loli and a JC?

My penis.

What are their powers?


They're drawings that look nothing like 3d people

>If given the chance, all the freaks here will 100% rape a child
By that logic, all the non-loli people here will 100% rape a woman if given the chance

Not him, but
>fictional characters imagined up then drawn by someone = actual children
Wut? One of those is real user, the other is an imaginary character. your train of thought leads to criminalizing thoughts aka thought crimes which have no victims. Also
>implying implications
I do agree that those who intentionally hurt children should be locked up (kids are weak and can't properly defend themselves), locking someone up for looking at drawings of imaginary characters is not too far and not an equivalent to hurting kids. While cp on the other hand does have an actual victim. If you can't make the distinction between real and imaginary you should really seek psychological help. Your train of thought would also lead to banning drawings of people getting killed.

Mayoi's perfect thighs!

*is not too far from being dictatorial


Was it a taiyaki shop in Portland that used a rustle picture without realizing what it meant?

Don't know if it was in portland, but for the rest, yes it was. Anyone have a picture of the ad?

It's happened before.
No, but I have this.

I want to shake the hand of the bro who painted this.

IIRC there's also a picture of two guys with that snowman, don't remember if they were the ones who painted it.

>skirt over pants

wasnt this on purpose

Yup. I guess he figured either no one would notice, or if they did, they'd never admin to it.

I'm not really familiar with Rustle-stuff since I'm not a fan, can someone explain the pic?

What if I want to molest Jesus Christ

>If you shoot people in a videogame, you will 100% turn into a school shooter in real life


I want to molest a JC.

This one isn't Rustle!
If you don't recognize it, I'm not going to tell you!
There is no hope for you anyway.

Huh really?
Was it LO's Takamichi reference then?
I don't get it at all


You're gonna burn alright.

What makes this guy's art so unbelievably lewd?

90% eye theory + having a god tier eye for composition

How do we stop JCs?

why are threads like this even allowed? take it to

JCs are just bigger lolis

Thought crime is a tumblr sjw thing, you might find people like you there.

So JKs are even bigger lolis? The college students are bigger than bigger lolis? OLs are biggest lolis?

Could it be that I'm a loli?