Post comfy animu/manga houses. No castles. Hard mode No Witch Grottos
Comfy Houses
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i'd live in a place like this irl tbqh
That island would be gone if it ever rained there.
>pic size
Are you an ant?
cause I can't find any others
And that's all I've got right now.
I wanna see some non-traditional comfy houses. We all seen the standard ones.
It's my dream.
Not a house per se, but still pretty comfy.
"Non traditional" comfy
Extra comfy and technological
And I'm reminded again why I come here. Before you, I would've been blissful in my dream of an island home.
Thanks user!
It's the state of mind that makes it comfy
Too messy, just imagine when you have to clean.
holy FUUUUUUUUCK that's comfy
Black / Zamasu's house from Dragon Ball Super. I can't find a good screenshot of it on Google though, just this.
Hot damn, that's a good one.
what was the fucking show where they go into a house, and one girl goes "It's a Western style house, so you can keep your shoes on?" I don't really care what show it was, I just want the screencap.
not a house per say but
>you will never live in Resembool
>that feel
Aw yiss
I can't find a fitting picture, but I always liked the run-down UN office in Jinrui.
>tfw the whole mood and atmosphere of Aria does absolutely nothing for you
I dropped it after five episodes or so because it just wasn't interesting and I wasn't feeling the whimsical tone at all
pls don't (you) me aggressively
Come on it's sao don't expect him to download the show
The DB universe is one of the comfiest settings I can think of (aside from the earth being attacked by super aliens every now and then of course).
Google and post it, Faggot
If you say it, google and post it
Why is her left foot on her right side?
Though not a house, it should be ok
Not sure what'd be cooler about living here, the sheer comfiness of getting to live in a huge 5 section treehouse or casual sex with the girls every day.
Found it
It's not really whimsical at all, that's a strange descriptor
Even if you don't care for the show, you've got to admit that the aria company house is comfy as fuck.
You needed to get to at least episode 11.
Did Alicia also sleep here? Or was she shacking up with user?
My guess is her room was in the second floor while Akari was in the attic.
Not a specific house, but Jinrui wa Suitashimashita was super comfy. Post apocalypse village is great
The Nadesico looked so comfy to live on
>good meals
>good pay
>get to see broadcasts of the captain in a bunny suit
>if you die on board, the qt captain will personally perform your funeral in accordance with your beliefs
Alicia didn't sleep in the company building. She commuted every day to make breakfast and go home afterwards.
The "attic" was the second floor. The interior shots of Akari's bedroom showed that the roof was way above her head with the bed at the same level as the windows.
I have never been in a house where this happened
Exactly, what about an earthquake?
Room would be scrambled shit all over.
Can they provide a full viking style funeral though?
This entire town is comfy. I wish to live here one day
Didn't the roof start at the floor? I remember the room being tiny as fuck
I thought so too but the attic / bedroom / second floor are all the same floor.
MC's house from sidonia
Tenchi house, any of the tree ships.
The comfiest thing to ever exist
came here to post this. god tier atmosphere
This is also my favorite. Actually made me want to live in Alsace
cute sol roadtrip anime when
I actually went to Colmar a few years ago because of this show, and they really nailed to soundtrack composition in the show as well. I had my apartment windows open the whole time and I could hear music being played in the streets, and it sounded exactly like the soundtrack.
I live somewhere with frequent hurricanes. Master Roshi's house would make me anxious as shit.
Totoro house is comfy
this town can take some refugees definitely. to not do it would be racist.
Also tenchi has a pretty god damn large manor estate out in the sticks.
Not really a house but Ed and Al's hometown from Full Metal Alchemist looked really peaceful and quiet.
Have you ever been to Colmar? That shit's crammed. Not interested in getting into a political discussion, just pointing something out
>Also tenchi has a pretty god damn large manor estate out in the sticks.
Fucking love that house.
The only downside is that Noboyuki's shoujo library was destroyed when Mihoshi crashed into the old house.
I require snow.
Lots of snow.
Not the house specifically, but the entire town in DNAngel.
>tfw you will never read YKK for the first time again
>tfw you will never read something as comfy as YKK(aria doesnt count because of the shitty cat)
what anime are these?
Don't know the first one but the second one is from porco
>read YKK before going to sleep for hours
>total silence and max comfiness for extra-immersion on the the beautiful world and art
>get to the chapter were alpha receives the reader in her cafe
>everything it's so perfect
>for a moment I was there
>finish the chapter
>go to sleep in blissful peace
>next morning I feel the biggest void I've ever felt
Can't believe a work of art was so good it cheers me up and sinks me deeper into depression at the same time.
Rain, hot coffee, delicious cake. What more do you need?
Small, secure, techonological and dark is comfy.
Similar but bigger, if those are real windows and glass, it just needs curtains.
>he doesn't read with the anime OST or aria OST in the background
Where does she take baths, over the sink?
>watching the anime before reading the entire series
Why would you ever do that to you? Either way I don't think it's a good idea to listen to the OST while reading it, don't get me wrong, both of the YKK OSTs are incredibly good, but something about YKK manga just makes sounds of it's own.
Also posting comfiest song
This ship coasting along the clouds, watching out from the observation deck, seems real comfy. I can imagine sitting looking out during the day and even when the sun is setting and it's all orange and having to squint to look out and see the darkness setting in. Some parts will be really cold, and having to walk a lot of the halls could be taxing, but the ever changing views would be great.
Kinda related but if you really really like snow Aomori City is recognized as the snowiest city in the world (about 7.91m per year)
Just thought that was interesting since I would have thought somewhere in russia/canada/alaska or something.
Beautiful. I already moved to a northern state just for snowy winters, nothing at that level but it's enough to satisfy me for now.
I would have also thought Russia, thanks for sharing user.
Posting comfiest house
why did you have to remind me and hurt me like this
is that with the crew or without ?
Maybe with some, not with all. I didn't have a real issue with a lot of the cast in E7 but it's a big enough ship. Not everyone has to be chummy with everyone so I'd just nod as so and so's walked by.
Sakura's house has such nice skylights. The double blaconies and the way the roofline meets and slants down over the front door is really slick. Not to mention the house is raised a bit from the street, it's the little things.
You got me. I'm angry.
>shitty cat
I liked the cat. He made me laugh.