Where are the new boundaries between male and female co-workers?

This is actually a good question.

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Simple. Avoid them in the workplace. Not worth the drama.

Wherever. Just fucking cope and make money. If a female isn't attracted to you and doesn't want her butt touched during the workday, ignore her unless it's pertinent to completing a task to speak to her. If she's dumb she'll weed herself out.

>Simple. Avoid them in the workplace. Not worth the drama.


I wouldn't ever take the risk.

avoid women in the workplace entirely. Don't work with them, don't help them and under no circumstances be alone with them.

The answer as always is to put women back in the domecile where they are meant to be, males become men again and females become women.

I'm glad I'm an engineer and have minimal exposure to women.

Post all the sensitivity training videos NOW

If you're working alongside women you're either getting cheated into doing their work (e.g. female "programmers" sitting around doing nothing) or you don't have a real job (e.g. cashiering).

Women are generally incapable of useful work so there's no reason why men should be working beside them.

I just noticed. Look at the pic they showed. Some dude sitting next to a (female) dog.

Holy shit

Wapo has subtle bantz

are you neglect raping me??

This. Even if they come on to you, don't do it.

Nigga have you seen the absolute state of HR departments? Literally 90% women.

Low T

Like that old SNL skit, all men need to know about sexual harassment is to be attractive and don't be unattractive. Virtually every single man accused of bad behavior has been an unattractive man.

I hate to say this, but it's been my experience with a lot of them that the instant you start helping them, they'll offload more and more work and responsibilities on you like it's nothing and blame you behind your back when anything goes wrong.
But not all of them though. You guys generalize too much. I've worked with women who were good partners. And very often other women are terrible to them.

>In The Workplace


>took out the trash this afternoon
>walked towards the dumpster, a woman walked passed me. She smiles, I didn't make eye contact.
>As I walked back to my apartment, I noticed she was going to take the same route I was going to take back, and she was walking slow, so I would have to pass her.
>Last time I walked around a woman at my apartment complex at night, I got maced because she thought I was attacking her, so I slowed down.
>Then I remembered some fat black bitch accusing me of stalking her a few months ago when I walked behind her to get to my car.
>So I change routes, and walk all the way around the back of my complex to avoid her completely.

For all I know she was perfectly chill. Didn't look like a thot. Wasn't staring at a phone. Looked like your typical girl next door. She smiled the first time I passed by her.

But fuck that. Not risking it. Not going to be alienated or harassed for being a man, just trying to get to my front door, or my car, or my dumpster anymore.

I avoid women at work. I avoid women at home. I avoid women on social media.

>things are fine, where can we bitch about differences now?
fuck u nigger

>not all of them

Yes all of them. Avoid them all. They manipulate what ever situations they get themselves in

The absolute state of a nation filled by retarded leftists.
If they cry about it, it's bad enough but i've heard they even threaten to call the police sometimes lol
Also gotta love the subtle woman want equality, but only the beneficial part of it, for me part of equality is also getting punched in the face like a man would be.

If you're attractive, you can treat female coworkers like shit and they will do your work for you. Its fuckin hilarious. They crave that attention so goddamn much but just give it out in tiny morcels before disengaging for another couple weeks. It fucks with them and they will try to earn your approval. Its lulzy. Had this hot chick finally snap and go "WHAT THE FUCK, IS IT JUST BECAUSE I HAVE FUCKIN TITS?" ahahahahaha. I said, "nah, its the shitty tattoos." Checks me out all day everyday still to this day, and also offers to do my work for me sometimes. Chicks are easy to play.


What exactly does HR do? Is it producing much value?

Not everyone is a weed smoking nigger that works at mcdonalds like you

Was in HR once. The womans cubicle had pictures that were drawn by her young child of gay pride bullshit. The woman was a dyke. If I get brought in for trashing faggots im fucked.

I make $30 dollars an hour in manufacturing you stupid twink.

Yeap. She could have heard her let out a blood curdling scream. Wouldn't have turned back to help or anything. wouldn't have gotten involved. --I have a good job. A good relationship with my family. I got TOPS in Highschool + Scholarships Full Free Ride. Great Friends. I'm a regular at the local bar. I dress nice, and have my clothes dry-cleaned. I'm saving money to buy land, and I just leased a brand new car.

All it would take is one accusation. Wouldn't even have to be true. To undo. EVERYTHING. And some people do it just to get high off the power.

The best advice I ever received was don't shit where you eat. I only learned the value of that advice after shitting where I at though.

These women go to bars/clubs with their co-workers, get drunk, and then tocuh each other. So male co-workers think it's ok to touch them in the workplace. and women see these actions as an opportunity to extort money from men.

The absolute state of Western civilization. I'm just glad I "had my fun" when all this bullshit wasn't going on...

Ikr, i swear to god, i don't believe 90% of the hollywood rape accusations.Cunts would do everything for exposure.
Like tell me in what other country/time would you have your entire life destroyed by being accused WITHOUT EVIDENCE.
Greece mightbe a little shitholeish but thankfully the only leftists we have down here are retarded ~20 year old brainwashed by forgeign media that literally nobody pays attenton to, get their shit fucked up by police and MATs and -thankfully- eventually grow out of it.

I remember roaming through the club and random chicks grabbing my crotch. I wouldn't even blink an eye. Not sure if it still happens nowadays (this was 10-15 yrs ago). Grinding on the dance floor, grabbing tits, everything.

It is literally ok for Jewish people to molest and abuse non-Jewish people. If you are Jewish you know this is a fact. It is just not told to you regular people because you don't like this fact and we would like to continue using you like the animals you are.


Yeah dude. Its that simple.






All false allegations

Yeap. And if you're in my position. If you're one of the town's "That kids going places" There's already a target on your back by these women.

>women: we should be allowed to work we can do just as good a job as men
>men: okay
>women: by the way now that we're working we need all this special treatment and extra time off and you have to change how you run your businesses and how you work and like don't make any jokes or have any kind of fun also we don't work as well
I think the new boundary should be the old one: men at work, women at home.

If it's up to them, and it's headed this way, It's going to be Men working outside and Women working inside. Then pretty soon it'll be Men working out of city, women working in city, with designated breeding areas. Then they'll just start replicating their dna, turning it into sperm, and reproducing without us.

Actually okay with this. Tired of living in fear of losing everything so a woman can get her spotlight/gibs.

that's his point. Why would a man be involved with an HR department unless he is consulting for hiring on the off-chance that he isn't being productive elsewhere? get a career that is so useful and fulfilling that women couldn't possibly populate the workplace as equals (engineering, medicine [

words of wisdom. let they who have ears to hear hear and those who have eyes to see, see etc etc

Sir, we are going to have to ask you to remain calm, please, friend

>Why would a man be involved with an HR department
Come to think of it, to whom do you report harassment when both parties work in the HR dept.

total sex segregation
next they'll have their own drinking fountains


lol "new boundaries" you have to be stupid. Avoid looking at and talking to all women gays and trannies, and definitely don't be alone in a room with one ever.
>The important thing to remember is that it doesn't matter what boundaries they set TODAY, because the boundaries will be different 30 years from now and they will crucify you in 30 years for violating THOSE boundaries even though you didn't cross the boundaries AT THE TIME.

t. undergrad age idiot

You wouldn't expect them to target some nigger working at kfc. It's not financially viable.

One reason women are so shitty is because they grow up thinking no one will ever hit them for anything they do. Men don't enjoy that luxury and therefore guard their speech and actions.
Women want to talk shit and not get hit.

Because there are no women working anywhere right now moron.

>mfw work in an office that is like 80 % women
>i never asked for these feels

Really though men should work on taking HR over. They make hiring decisions and decide who gets punished. Guess what happens when HR is dominated by Feminazis...
A lot of the shit men complain about women acting so shitty to men only flies because there's zero men in HR, just a bunch of fems and a token gay/nigger.

>Really though men should work on taking HR over
They are, but they're all gay soyboys.

It's not hard.

1. Ask yourself, "is what I am about to do sexual misconduct?"
2. Answer HONESTLY
3. If it is, DON'T DO IT. If not, then do whatever the hell you want.

That simple.

Meh. I have a female coworker that's constantly trying to pin problems on me.("Money went missing on your day off, you must have had something to do with it")

Lately she was spending the night at work because her shift ended late, and would begin early. After clocking out she spent an hour in a back room doing nothing, then threw her uniform in the wash and told me to swap her clothes into the dryer when the wash cycle finished. I told her to do her own laundry, but she kept insisting that I swap her clothes out.(This coming from a women who has expressed nothing but contempt towards me for months. It was an obvious set up to pin some near future problem with her uniform on me.) Anyway, there's no way in fucking hell I'm getting anywhere near her laundry, so I left it in the wash. There are other uniforms at work she can where, so whatever.

She was obviously pissed in the morning, and is no doubt now plotting ways to fuck me over in other ways. But my point is this: women don't NEED any reason to accuse someone of harassment, they can just engineer situations where you're the bad guy no matter what you do.

Exactly the sort of environment Jews want.

Im a murse, i dont talk to coworkers at all. Within 2 months i was charge nurse, after 6 months i was the nurse manager. All the women nurses on my unit do is gossip, and if you dont participate they gossip about you. Its the reason i was promoted so rapidly, i just did my work. My mom who was a nurse always told me never to talk to them just work and paid out. Nothing good happens when you socialze with them theyll use it against you

HR = Cancer

A must watch. Coach Red Pill talks about his experience with H.R. (as a employee and a boss).


apparently there is a boundary between telling a woman that when you get married you're going to have your wife sign a prenup. I was reported to HR for making such a statement.

Ignore them. Then when these whores are in their 30's and unmarried/childless they'll make their "where have all the good men gone" blogs and we can laugh at them.

never go alone into a meeting with 1 female and yourself

>money went missing
>you weren't even there

you should probably start looking for a new job bro


take the pencepill

>get an entry level office job out of college
>1 other person I would be working with in my department is female
>learn everything fairly quickly. Unsure if she is impressed or mad
>be soft-spoken and introverted. Only asked questions if needed help with something
>4 weeks later get called into HR and told I'm being fired for giving attitude to my co-worker

Join the telecommuter masterrace and you don't have to worry about sexually harassing women.

you all need to have concealed always on body cameras. who cares if its legal or not, you can post these to the web to help affect change.

they also may, in some cases, help with law suits.

Its like our ancestors knew what they were doing when they constantly seperated the sexes

This is the only way to be sure they won't destroy your life.

HR exists as a way to offload the diversity hires in a department that can't (in the short term) fuck over the company.

Guys knew, back when the 'women in the workplace' shit was starting, that women would be largely useless. But anti-discrimination laws ensure they HAVE to hire women whether they want them or not.

Well, they can't do any real work, and you get sued if you don't hire them, so off into HR they go. Which was created specifically for useless bodies to sort of 'exist' in and drain company resources. The cost of HR < the cost of fines and lawsuits, so it works out.

Unfortunately a new snag has been hit. HR is now hiring bumbling incompetent reject diversity hires into all other parts of the company. So in the end the companies are imploding on themselves despite the execs trying to mitigate the damage.

she's stealing the money and working on pinning the blame on you, alongside a sexual assault allegation to stymy any actual investigation so that whoever's in charge just throws his hands in the air and fires you, since it's both possible theft AND sexual assault.

I'd look for a new job.

Maybe you should start not overthinking the most mundane of social interactions you encounter and looking like a creepy weirdo. Mind your own business stop walking at a different pace and changing routes because you see a woman.
You literal autist

that means you triggered whatever harpy you said it to

women lash out passive aggressively like that

wise user here knows that cunt's strategy

I feel weird when my boss has his daughter stop by the shop. It's just me and him, normally. She'll come in and do clerical shit and answer the phone. It's just strange

The boundaries are keep your dick in your pants. I swear the left want women to be afraid of men.