Post your biggest redpills about WW2
Post your biggest redpills about WW2
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If the capitalist allies had lost, america would be living in a socialist country ran by left wingers and we'd all have been speaking German.
The wrong side won and the only thing hitler did wrong was lose
The National Socialists were the good guys
I know this is hard to accept, and you've been taught they were the bad guys, but it's actually the other way around.
>Jew supports a race war
Austria was already fascist, though a different brand, before the annexation by Gemrany.
Poland was also fascist.
>ran by left wingers
>left wingers
>FDR was a capitalist
Read a book
Stalin won.
>it's another nazi claiming nazism isn't leftist trash
die new fag
Hitler was a Zionist piece of shit for not doing what actually needed to be done.
WWII was the war to save Joseph Stalin
That Hitler was not dragged into supporting the Nazi's and Thule society's exploration of the occult, he had an interest in it. He'd read things like Dr. Ernst Schertel's work on the esoteric. Also that the allies had resources poured into the occult to fight against the Axis.
Benito Mussolini and Karl Marx wrote letters to each other, Marx earned money on stock market; Axis & Allies were on the same side; World War Troll.
I could go on but infinite is a big number.
>japs were objectively the most inhumane, even if you believe in the holohoax
it's logisticall impossible to round up and make 6 million jews disappear without a trace.
France invaded Germany first.
britain declared war on Germany first.
Emphasis on trying
>be me reading book about hitler and WW2
>mfw Hitler wanted an alliance with the UK multiple times
>mfw he personally wrote to Chamberlain and Chruchill asking for peace even after the war started
>mfw he wanted France to keep its colonies
>mfw Hitler only wanted control of Europe and not the entire world like we are taught
Really makes you admire how much the world had to band together to take on it and the rest of the Axis. Germany sure did pack a punch back then. Too bad they emasculated themselves for the eternal jew post WW2.
I showed this to my boomer grandma and I think I redpilled her lmao
Yeah man, it's crazy. I've been listening to mein kampf lately and he even says as much early on in the book, that he not only deeply respects the british empire and was impressed by their harnessing of primordial rage in war, but that he thought an alliance with them was key to survival.
Britain said no.
Germany lost the war.
Britain lost its empire......