Undocumented immigrant takes sanctuary in church to stop deportation, care for wife. archive.fo/sDYQK
>Places of worship fall under Immigration and Customs Enforcement's (ICE) sensitive locations policy, which directs officials to avoid conducting enforcement without prior approval or only in extreme circumstances.
How do we stop christans from destroying white race Sup Forums?
Feed the jew worshiping faggots to lions like our Pagan ancestors did
Ayden Barnes
nice try schlomo.
atheicucks, faggots, sandniggers and kikes all go in the gas chamber
Landon Bailey
Austin Ramirez
Tell the Church it will lose its Tax Free Status and see how fast it kicks them out
Isaac Stewart
>Implying most niggers and shitskins inside white countries aren't christians Lol nice try Kike.
Xavier Evans
This is why Christianity must be eradicated from the mindset of white people. It’s inherently weak and timid and gives root to self destructive behavior such as helping in the demographic replacement of whites which is cloaked in “saving” others.
Hunter Johnson
I don't take any statistics on Atheism seriously. Because it has non-white and jewish atheists in them. White atheists are the most rightwing demographic. Your typical tricks aren't working anymore, whites are rejecting (((christianity))). Stay triggered kike.
Andrew Morris
>that image Whatcha doin Rabbi?
Sebastian Bennett
Fucking windowlicker
In Europe, as soon as atheism took root, birthrates plummeted and Muslims flooded in to fill the gaps
Poland, one of the least atheistic nations, is damn near untouched. You think that's a coincidence?