So apparently the left are organizing a massive protest for when Trump comes to the UK. I know pol doesn't have the highest opinions of trump but would anyone be interesting in organising a counter protest bearing in mind these people protesting will be the same who are trying to force multiculturalism and forced equality down our throats?
Drumpf bashing coming to the uk
There will be a counter-demonstration.
A lot of people here support Trump. Imagine it will largely be the football/EDL lads, along with some far-right groups and based kekistanis.
I will probably stay clear mind you.
Muslims will all throw their shoes?
>I will probably stay clear mind you.
the hell you will. you'll be right in the thick of it streaming it for us.
Oh don’t you worry. We are going to be there breaking some bones.
>support trump
Why did you elect a Muslim then?
Oh noes, The Celebrities are throwing a tantrum again.
Unless they show up in full-body vagina costumes they won't even make it onto Trump's radar.
lol my fucking sides
Get the Football Lads Alliance to mobilise, they pulled massive numbers last time
Trump even said he has no idea who comrade corbyn or Sadiq Khan is and I've never been so happy