So what do you think of the reveal?
I wasn't expecting it.
Seikaisuru Kado
Other urls found in this thread:
I claim this thread in the name of zaShunina
Tsukai not allowed
>the reveal
Which one?
>no tsukai OP
Fake thread
I once said that anything would improve if you added Mahou Shoujo.
This show is really testing that theory.
>No Tsukai in the OP.
Thread fucking dropped.
I'm settling for a non-waifufag thread.
How do you feel about poor Mamika?
Fuck off to the other 5 Tsukai threads then, Jesus, waifufags are real cancer.
I just started this show yesterday and I felt entranced. It felt like Arrival, but better. I like how they handle the political aspect of how world nations would react to having an infinite control of energy. I felt like "yeah this is something we want as humanity". As the show went on the more scared I became for the humans int he show. I thought the "wams" were enough of a tool to point humanity in a great developmental direction. It's literally a Deus ex Machina for energy.
But I was feeling anxious when they introduced the device "Sansa". It's amazing, removing the need of sleep. Great thing to have, but I feel things were going way too fast. Only a month humanity has gotten a infinite source of energy and the knowledge how to create it. I understand that the reason it feels too rapid for us is because we experience time differently than beings from the Anisotropic realm.
8 episodes in and I wanted to see the growth of humanity with just these tools and I liked the first seemingly benevolent nature of the alien zaShunina. I wanted to see the progress of where these devices would take humanity but most of all, how Shindou would take on this grand challenge. This is what Shidou's been wanting. Hell I even speculated around the idea that zaShunina was preparing and teaching Shidou how to properly become a person to lead humanity slowly at its own pace to a better age and that zaShunina would eventually go back to his realm and leave everything in the care of Shidou.
I hate the turns this show took in episode 9 just now. It went from genuinely interesting show, to your typical anime drama.
Killing the by far best character was a terrible mistake.
The episode ending in the confrontation with Hime was great, but the one after was simply terrible.
It was dumb. For some reason I thought the show was smarter than this.
>blatant ripoff of Arrival
I feel like the wam was the highest point of the series so far. And it also had the best thread.
This, from the moment that they started questioning the second "gift", I knew that zaShunina would be the bad guy, they foreshadowed way too much but the other reveal at the end of the episode I didn't see coming at all, which was awesome. Really stoked about next weeks ep; I can understand that the twist seemed like it was out of the blue for no reason, but all shall be revealed in a flashback probably. I haven't been let down by the show yet.
eh, more of like Childhood's End really
unsurprisingly anti-climatic.
Yeah, everything happened too fast. It really should have been a 24ep show.
No, it was decently paced. If it was 24 episodes long then people would be complaining about the twist in episode 20
Eh, actually I was just questionning what reveal the OP was talking about.
>hanamori is gay for Shindo
>the anisotropic beings created the universe to harvest our information
>70 hours of torture
>yandere zashunina
>epic tweest, worst girl is actually best girl
This episode was like one hammer to the head after another.
I don't think so, some (most) side characters don't feel developed at all, the pacing of the last 2-3 ep was too slow (literally entire ep of moving the cube). And the great reveal feels rushed (what was that like 3 min of action?).
>the anisotropic beings created the universe to harvest our information
this was the worst one
Did someone force the writer to turn the alien into a savescumming asshole at the last second?
>the anisotropic beings created the universe to harvest our information
Honestly, I liked this reveal the most. We all knew zaShunina wasn't altruistic and had to be doing everything for a reason. This is a pretty cool reason, imho, especially since it isn't inherently an evil motivation. It's a symbiotic relationship.
>epic tweest, worst girl is actually best girl
I wouldn't go THAT far, alright
> This is a pretty cool reason, imho, especially since it isn't inherently an evil motivation.
>It's a symbiotic relationship.
This, I was so fucking glad that was the case too. But somehow it looks like it passed right above the head of quite a few anons who now think he's evil.
>epic tweest, worst girl is actually best girl
Please. She's not even the best fap material in the show.
Surprise, surprise, those same anons are Tsukaifags.
True the torture came out of nowhere, zaShunina wouldn't have "forgotten" to undo his time-dilation thing. I guess because Shindo still had his wit to him afterwards that he wasn't tricked by zaShun. Actually my biggest gripe is that Shindo doesn't have enough dialogue.
It's a LN adaption isn't it? Feels like one. The LN probably sucked, or they had to condense it into a 1 cour
People only think he's evil now because he went full yandere.
He recently gained emotions of which he has zero understanding or comprehension, and doesn't know how to process. To him, resetting the last few hours only makes sense, because the backup is still Shindo. Blue and Orange morality are in full effect here.
Trying to fix a blunder (albeit in the wrong way by human standards, which are just as alien to him as he is to us) does not erase all of the benefits he is doing and still desires to do.
Which is why I still think he can be redeemed with some Extreme Negotiating(TM).
There's still three episodes left, after all.
>It's a symbiotic relationship.
I see what you guys mean now. Well it does fit with the philosophy Shindou has followed as a businessman.
>It's a LN adaption isn't it?
No, it's original series. Do some research before making assumptions.
>It's a LN adaption isn't it? Feels like one. The LN probably sucked, or they had to condense it into a 1 cour
This is fake news. Do not spread it.
At least fucking read a Wikipedia before shitposting, speedwatcher-kun
Exactly why I don't think zaShunina is going to be "defeated" in the traditional sense.
A lot can happen in three episodes, somehow there will be an accord between all parties involved or the show wouldn't be about communication and negotiation.
I have a feeling maybe one Shindo will be left in the real world while the other goes with zaShunina to the anisotropic
Why can't both Shindo's exist at the same time?
that just brings up the issue of clones desu
Your whole post just got discarded because you don't even know what the series is. Never go full retard.
>True the torture came out of nowhere
I disagree, it's not the first time Zashunina is hurting Shindo by being careless.
>hey there cutie let me rape you with my information beam
>move aside shindo I need to unfold my favourite, infinite, tangent to the end of the universe 40D camping table, ah did I forget to say that out loud?
>hey let me show this cool new trick
>*70 hours later*
>cool hun
I bet he doesn't even know about the fact there's a concurrent Manga nobody ever fucking post here or talks about besides the first two chapters. Or the web comic where the kids blew up a mountain that nobody has talked about in weeks.
Or the fact we're getting a novel with homo in it.
Really wish we talked about these other things more than we spend time talking about other shit
my bad, my bad
Well, not many people here actually know moon, so whenever someone post some fresh(or not so fresh) info it always gets a lot of attention.
>Or the web comic where the kids blew up a mountain that nobody has talked about in weeks.
That was such a retarded move, that I dropped it right there. Did it get any better?
But the manga art is terrible.
This is objectively wrong.
> Sure, I'll have just one sip of beer...
> Heysh shindou ch-check out thish Gawd remooote
> Boom. Pausedzdzdzd!
> Pretty freaking cool huh?
> oh shit are you okay?
> Okay don't panic dont panic hey Shindou let's run away and get married!
> OMG Im SO shorry I didn't mean that!
> Don't run! I can make this right! I have a backup shindo!
> Just. Hold still. Okay? Thish won't hurt a bit...
Where's my doujin of zaShunina getting gangbanged by an army of Shindo clones?
Considering canon, it'd probably be the other way around.
I think I lost a rib reading your post.
ZaShunina said that the "right answer" is to always keep thinking but he only said that because thinking produces information and his alien race is informationsexual.
fuck... just fuck that's bad
plz no bully
I just wish I knew their sources, I don't read moon but I could at least curate all of it and spread it around to anons. Sometimes it feels like when people post the mag interviews or other neat things they just vanish.
I must be anisotropic because I am thirsty for that info. I was thinking of making something like a pastebin to spread to people if I could cite all the sources.
Nobody has posted it since they blew up a mountain. Even if it was shitty it was still neat to see the other side of zaShunina's effects on the world.
The web comic art was terrible, the Manga art was just meh, but it had good scenes too like naked zaShunina.
I want to get it translated.
Thanks, user. Had a good laugh.
Why would zaShunina want to gangbang one Shindo when he can have lots of Shindos?
What's singularity is Zashunina talking about, an universe that managed to sprout intelligent life or it's more a "Humanity is a blessed child" kind of speshul.
I also wanna chest-nut on Tsuka's.
you are the definition of "autistic self-centered weeaboo" you are not better than anyone for reading the manga
>Hey, Shindo, check this new technique x40 more dicks
Did anyone else think ZaShu was the only anisotropic being before this episode? I was thinking that he was alone in his own universe before coming over.
zaShunina going ballistic that fast felt way out of character, it was clearly done to move the plot along quickly. Could have been handled better if they had more episodes I guess.
Guys, everything is fine, zaShunina probably already made an earth backup. Even if everything gets fucked up, you just need to restore windows
the plot was leading the viewers to believe that, you are not alone
Humanity is the singularity that has created more information than anything else that was tried
And you are the definition of "doesn't read the post correctly before I call him an autist"
I never even said in my post I read the manga, my post actually said that nobody reads it or posts it.
I thought there was others and possibly they only sent ZaShu as their representative.
>making something like a pastebin
That sounds like a nice idea. Go for it, user.
If information was so important than they could have just duplicated our universe cocoon
We are the ants in a ant farm building shit for them.
how do u know they didnt?
Maybe after humanity was born in universe 1 they just copied it to a lot of universes to see different outcomes
>Yes, it was said that one of the reasons why he decided to look the way he did was to make humans focus their attention on him. Can't deliver big ideas if nobody ever remembers you.
Kind of flimsy. Why not make himself look like Trump or Beyoncé then?
well there's probably a different zaShunina talking to a different Shindou or another character entirely, maybe in the US.
Thank you, I just want to spread information clearly and correctly to the entire world
Singularity implied one cocoon
nah, zaShunina has the hots for shindo, there is only him in his heart
found on google
I'm sorry
forgive me space jesus
yeah, but after the singularity happened, wouldn't you backup it if you wanted to tweak with it?
>Ant farm
More like pen-testing bootcamp, what is humanity producing that requires that much computing power to process besides encrypted data.
>>the joke
>>your head
Yeah, I'm going to need you to delete this. Let's just nuke the thread and start over from 5 minutes ago.
anime and hentai
Zashunina go home
This faggots should kiss already
Would Sup Forums MATING PRESS Hanamori?
If Tsukai lives maybe we can hear about her administrator duties, which may include backing up data.
I found some decent stuff too
dear lord
"Ara ara, Shindo-san, you were pent up after those 70 hours"
Is this how he extracts information?
Somebody translate this please
>that pretty legit twist, immediately followed by a fucking terrible one
And there I was thinking I'd regret giving up on this a couple of weeks ago
>I was thinking of making something like a pastebin
Don't get too carried away. This could lead to bad things.
Like what user?
Mod rage.
I promise not to go yandere and blow up the world user, trust me. Take my gift to humanity.
There are pastebins in the OP of the buifag thread aren't there?
Are anisotropic beings autistic, I mean who else would create a whole universe just to have data to sort, do benchmarks and shit, it also mean they're the worst kind of autistic, the "Intel vs AMD" kind of autistic.
Just don't make generals and you'll be fine.
Don't put it in the OP.
Ah, yes, I see your point.
imagine it being like being bored of the same old shitty movies or tv shows but once in a while, one comes out that really gets to you
Maybe they are the pc master race version of aliens.
I don't make threads or OP them so you don't have to worry about that. I just thought it would be useful to have links to stuff like
"Here is where the manga is" "Here's a link to the webcomic"
Etc, etc.
Have more fan art from google.