Used goods

Post no-pure girls

our moms


Nagi from Kannagi




When was Suzaku given the dick?

>That image
Poseur detected.

>Implying someone actually wanted to fuck literally Hitler

I would. No-one knows she is as Ursula. All they see is a slightly clumsy thicc cake.

Speak for yourself. Me mum's pure.

youre waifu

Roach was never confirmed to be not pure and that will forever continue to be the case.



Is it slutty if you just do it for one man?


>You'll never geass this into your slave.

Interesting, user.
Why did you think about your mom in this situation?

Lelouch dun fucked up

Wait there, I don't want you to suck my magic.

Regardless of the body, her heart isn't pure.

Would you trade your magic for sex?

Confirmed though

Post pure girls.





>t. roachposter


Sakura from Fate

Charles regularly called him into his room to give him the emperor penis.


I think we all can agree on this

No, her being dedicated to Gino does not make her a slut asswipe

every girl in that series is used goods

>Geassing Kallen into forgetting everything but the desire to suck your dick.

>used goods

Oh God, the red rings around her eyes as she looks at you.

I love it that doujin

>The half awake smile as she happily accepts it as truth.


The queen of used goods.

Muh dick

Fuck you, I now feel bad.


So what happened to her in the end? Is she still her father/uncle's sexslave while protagonist live happily with his wife?

Mind control is hot as fuck bro, I just wish there was more about the geass in particular.

>guy chooses the Ms. Boring Whatsherface instead
This oneshot gave me all sorts of feels, including rage.

pls no

She was the best waifu in 2015

I hate this cunt so much

every mother in anime
see this is why these threads are shit, people don't actually post used goods, they just post canonically pure girls whom they dislike

Left open to interpretation because MC never bothered to find out.





When will this series fucking end?

If you look closely, they are 2

The princess of used goods



this pure/used goods meme is silly and needs to die.


>prostitute falls in love with the guy who won't fuck her
How likely is this to happen in real life? Asking for a friend.




I read this doujin routinely. It's one of my favorites.

That's Kuzu no Honkai, right?



That's damaged goods. There's a clear difference between the two.

Well you don't want to stick a pencil into a bucket either way, if you know what I mean.

The term applies more to women who have been pumped and dumped than just any woman who has had sex. The implication is that she's hand-me-down or for public use.

So this is why people hate her; it's because of muh purity.

Could you explain further, I'm autistic.

It's because of her shitty personality.

No no no, people hate her because he's an absolute BITCH in the purest sense of the word.

He's referring to the epic "getting dicked loosens up your cunt" meme.

Not at all. People hate her because she was an absolute cunt. Not to mention a giant hypocrite. She dated the MC's friend despite knowing full well the MC had thing for her. But he didn't act like a child about it and moved on. Yet when Saeko starts falling in love with the MC she gets visibly butthurt and starts sperging out every chance she gets. One on occasion she even brought up how her dead boyfriend was better than him.

it's literally how majority of girls act IRL, the author was really redpilled

Horrible, yes, but not a slut. Only has feelings for one guy, but does force him into a harem because she doesn't want to get School Days-ed.

Canonically only liked one guy. Her true love is candy now.

>A girl who just had an ex-boyfriend, no mention of sex or anything
>Instantly call her a slut

I'm starting to think you guys have purity issues. Like, you literally won't accept a girl unless she was pure as white snow.

No. Lurk two more years before posting.

>Overrated rotten peach in shit and semen
>Incest Cunt
>Daughter of bitch
>Whore, Hooker, Slut

What the fuck is that vulva. Are we sure Nemesis isn't just a castrated boy?


Fuck you, that would be ~8 years in total.

How is she damaged goods if she prostitutes herself willingly?


>Saeko starts falling in love with the MC she gets visibly butthurt
Wasn't it because she was falling in love with the MC as well?

She was in love with the MC for a while. But she got impatient because he didn't ask her out so she decided to fuck his friend instead. She had her chance.

Saeko is a billion times better anyway. Only good girl in HoTD

>she got impatient because he didn't ask her out so she decided to fuck his friend instead
There's that, but she also pushed him away herself when he was concerned about her being held back. It was her right to choose to be with Hisashi no matter what the reason and Takashi would just have to suck it up, but damn bitch, he would never "understand" if you wouldn't bother to tell him. Rei just comes off as a self-centered person who wants someone to magically conform to her mixed up wishes and desires while not bothering to empathize with them in turn.

Saeko is supposed to be the crazy one, but she is much more reasonable, understanding and cooperative. Unless the series was leading to a polygamy ending, there was no good reason to choose Rei over Saeko other than to fulfill a promise she made and tossed aside herself.

>Unless the series was leading to a polygamy ending
The author is DED, Jim.


Lies and slander, Yaomomo is as pure as pure gets.
What's wrong with her legs though?

She promised the MC her pussy at the ripe age of 6 as if that's an ironclad oath and everyone just shitposts her as a bitchy slut for forgetting dumbashit she said at her childhood.

Saeko fag btw