What's she holding Sup Forums?
What's she holding Sup Forums?
It's a floppy disc, moran
A jelly donut
A bottle filled to the brim with my semen.
Shinobu's bottled bathwater.
Shinobu is a cunt
My hopes and dreams
probably her piss
araragi's blood
>Trying to kill everybody is ok when cat does it
Fucking hypocrite, snek is precious
Why are gatari threads so dead lately?
Fermented horse semen.
People probably got too disappointed with the news of no math this season.
That's a good thing though.
Too much hate for peoples waifus in gatari threads these days. Gatari threads are going to explode next month though.
Hmmm... Looks like a bottle, user
The award for the worst gatari waifu (followed closely by math)
Then Ougi. Cat and crab are tied.
>then Ougi
What is peoples problem with Ougi anyways?
He's not a bad character, just a shitty waifu.
Cat and Crab are way worse than Snake.
Her new favorite thing.
Gahara leaving policeman Araragi in the latest volume.
What makes Ougi a shitty waifu?
Shouldn't that be attracting more people? Their relationship is over, now Araragi can date better girls.
A bottle of fun.
Spooky Ougi.
They don't like spooky characters
For what it's worth, Nadeko can hold her fucking liquor like a champ. Other girls get fucking wasted off the SCENT of sake, Nadeko chugs it and asks for more.
Can Ougi get pregnant?
I think the effects of being intoxicated don't affect her since, you know, she's a god
She's clearly drunk in that picture.
Nadeko is a legitimate heavy weight, steals her dads beer and doesn't give a damn.
So is she immune to Araragi's tongue?