>Good trope
>Bad trope
>Good trope
>Bad trope
>annoying thing that occurs frequently in anime
>Good trope
Strong, independent woman
>Bad trope
Mysogynistic patriarchy
I'll be saying "no" to this thread, thank you very much.
>Rude/deliquent guy is actually nice
>MC learns how to use X bullshit at the last moment
>MC stumbles and falls on girl
>Proceeds to accidentally grope/fall on her tits/ass/vagina/kiss/hold hands
>Beats the shit out of him and runs away
>Good trope
Hard work leads to nothing, and is a coping mechanism for people with no talent.
>Bad trope
"muh willpower"
yeah... thats fucking my favorite bro. fuck anyone who works hard... this world's cruel.
>Good trope
Blue or silver haired girls are shy and quiet
>Bad trope
They are also often sexual fiends
I don't understand, is this a good trope or a bad trope?
>Good trope
insane amount of fan service
>Bad trope
deep story
>bad trope
>even worse trope
uh you got those backward
>good trope
panty shots
>bad trope
"character development"
>tsundere cunt who beats the shit out of MC because of situations she caused
>MC is actually enough of a faggot to let her get away with it
>good trope
deep meaningful discussion about anime
>bad trope
shitty Sup Forums-tier greentext meme threads like these
>Good trope
Has loli's
>Bad trope
They are actually 1000 years old
>bad trope
>even worse trope
I think that's as bad as it gets really.
kys senpai
>bad trope
>even worse trope
First girl is the blandest shit ever and yet it's obvious she'll win in the end
Fuck off
Look, here come's an s
It's "good" in the sense of accuracy, not fun to watch.