Post enemies of Sup Forums

Post enemies of Sup Forums

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why the fuck is he dressed like that


Trying really hard to be American

he's at war with Russia for stealing his flag

This jigger has been in trouble for stolen valor in the past

I swear he tries so hard to dress like a blue collar white man because he is a ashamed that he is some wimpy kike who has never worked a hard job in his life.

Shia has been training us, he is an ally.

Bud Light t-shirt and army surplus chic? He's breaking new grounds in fashion.

His girlfriend's missing some chromosomes.

Less likely to be recognized

I actually went to school with these 2

stolen valor, he could be arrested


>light beer

The sensible way a coffee barista unwinds after a hard days work creating perfection in a cup. Faggot.
Shia needs some diversity sunglasses to complete his ensemble

He thinks larping as a veteran (even though he never served) will get him respect.
he's a sheltered hollywood bubble boy who doesn't realize what looks good to normal people.

That's not stolen valor, dipshits

"Fire Bannon Donald."
"We don't need a full wall Donald."
"Don't call it 'Islamic' terrorism Donald."
"Give amnesty for a little bit of funding Donald."
"Don't read conservative or right-wing news sources Donald."

No. But it is pretty tryhard.

Some kind of ironic off duty marine cosplay.

Unironically women.

the girl looks like she has down syndrome

Every single Jedi!

i wouldn't argue that

where the fuck are the rest of her features ?

>enemies of Sup Forums
Are you serious right now? He literally called a black cop a nigger to his face on video.
Jews screeching the word nigger is the heart and soul of Sup Forums.

Manlet that got raped by Weinstein now trashing against the world as his outlets as he's too cowardly to face his rapist whom is paying for his career in Hollywood.

you mean the guy in the dress?


I would


>ACU pants
>le seatbelt belt
>army combat boots
>bud light shirt
Not only is he violating the law (10 USC § 771), he is being an enormous gaylord



Does he really walk around in acu trousers? Jesus Christ



HE honestly rocks the dopest outfits
Worth 20 mil and dresses like a fashionable bum


>acu bottoms
>not marpat
>must be a Marine because shit

I thought a famous dude could do better. I wouldnt fuck that and I'm just a 31 year old loser who still lives with mom.

Did he win a trophy?


no fucking way that law is enforced. Army Surplus wouldn't exist in that case.

this guy confused his fug with his love
cringey brits

> I wouldn't fuck that
Why not ? she comes with the standart equiment and she doesn't look that bad

She's got nice tits, as seen in pic related.

I'm not dressing like him but it's just combat boots and camo pants, who cares.

It is enforced if you try and do anything with it to imply you're in the service. People asking for discounts have been charged. Definitely if you try to get onto a base.


And a bud light shirt with 2 weeks worth of stains on it

Lmao does he really blouse his marpat combats just to go shopping?

Stolen valor.

What I don't get is why he's trying to roleplay a soldier, a cop, a biker, or other traditionally manly right wing roles when he's a little fucking left wing bitch and white flag merchant.

Is there a stolen valor thing for cops or is wearing a NYPD hoodie just racist?

You think Shia was molested by a pedowood adult?

Probably found it at Banana Republic for $300.

don't move the goalposts. you said what he was doing was illegal. and what he was DOING, was just walking around.



ii think pretending to be something else for a living is cute but ridiculous, these people learn to act like somebody else and we praise them for it, we praise them to the point that they can become idols, now, remember that excesses are bad to both sides, western society is prone to loosing their minds over trying to do this very thing in their daily lives, how many people really believe all those instagram and facebook posts? these "posts" are normal people trying to act like somebody that they are not, they want the real rewards the type of people they are acting as get without the experience and learning curve, and on the other side of the equation is these kind of actors that think that just by pretending to be something else they can gain the prestige and success of these real people, people that put in the hard work to get to where they are, pretending is all that they know how to do and some would loose their minds without it

What valor are we talking about? Why is some pog allowed to steal valor and that guy isn't? I mean working in an office isn't very valor like, I know because I did.

He has the fashion sense of varg vikernes

It is against the law my dude. You're the one moving the goalposts by saying it isn't enforced. I just told you under what circumstances it is routinely enforced.
The fact that it wouldn't be enforced doesn't erase the statute from the books.
t. 27 alpha

Stop lying to these people. It isn't stolen valor and you know it

Lel poor Shia

I saw Shia LaBeouf at a grocery store in Los Angeles yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn't want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything.

He said, "Oh, like you're doing now?"

I was taken aback, and all I could say was "Huh?" but he kept cutting me off and going "huh? huh? huh?" and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying.

The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like "Sir, you need to pay for those first." At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.

When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually "to prevent any electrical infetterence," and then turned around and winked at me. I don't even think that's a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.

What a fucking cuck worse than macro

Then the entire Pennsylvania State Police is violating the law since they use Multicam.

He talks shit about blacked porn in fron of two black C.O.s here. I don’t know if he said nigger in the video. I haven’t watched it since it came out. Skip to 29:00 for that.

Maybe he did some work in the jard...

Look, faggot, I don't play dress up by putting cheeto stained wife beaters and cum stained gym shorts on to steal your look.

I hate it when I'm right.

>"or as otherwise authorized by law"
The fact you can't read doesn't change reality.

Big Daddy Salvia is Sup Forumss most powerful opponent.

its not illegal to wear military uniform pants and boots. That is also not the definition of stolen valor.

>stolen tacticool

This pasta makes me uncomfy

I was meming about stolen valor.
And yes it is. I even cited the statute. Why are you being illiterate and ignorant?
10 U.S.C. § 771



I think his girlfriend is a qt. Her eyebrows just don't match her hair.

Deep down, he wants to be a good old boy. The problem is he's a tiny emo faggot and they don't accept him.


What if I just want to wear my husband's navy PT hoodie because it's fucking comfy as shit?

>tfw /k/ memes are unknown on Sup Forums
really makes you think

I'm surprised you lived to tell the tale. Shia LaBeouf is a psychopathic cannibal.

I am the law.

>what's a surplus store?
the law only applies when you use the uniform to falsify your identity.

what eyebrows?

You sure that doesn't only apply to a dress uniform with rank on display?

Pretty sure most Army surplus stores would go out of business if owning a pair of camo pants for paintball was illegal.

and some eyebrows, goddamn

The other user was right that it's not enforced unless you try and use it to get something.
That doesn't change the fact that it's technically illegal.
Is this a confusing concept for brainlets?

He got fucked in the ass too much as a kid

No, it's only *enforced* when you do that.

what eyebrows

>That doesn't change the fact that it's technically illegal.
:^(. It's so fucking comfy though

The Negroid is approximately 450,000 years less evolved. They have approximately 3% more Simian DNA. That is why they look like chimps. They have less impulse control and less ability for arithmetic as a result of a less developed prefrontal cortex. The races are not equal. Evolution is not equal. The pigeon is not equal to the eagle. The lion is not equal to the deer. The evidence of your own experience tells you the truth. The evidence of your eyes and ears tells you the truth.