Boku no Hero Academia

Autism thread
Pic your favourite student and argue why he would beat the ass of another one
I already place the wins and loses from the tournament, but you still can change it considering the last manga chapters
Feel free to discuss whatever you want but it's encouraged to do it with official info
Also no DeBaTo Autistic Trio because they would beat everyone, they deserve another discussion for the fight between them

I recognize that pic

I love Jirou, but sadly i think she would lose against everyone except invisitits
Why live

Post characters you didnt expect you would like
Honrable mention to Kirishima

It's best boy's birthday, say something nice.


Sero would lose to every boy, except sadrock and mineta, and will lose against every girl except hagakure maybe
In fact, would she win against some one? Surprisingly, maybe based birb would only lose against her, but just because her light refraction that seems to be quit powerful




Is Deku gay?

Current Momo would rape birb. With a stick too.

He's herosexual.

Deku knew from the beginning that OfA is passed down from person to person and All Might has only ever shown himself using the super strength, what the fuck did Deku think his original quirk might be since he never imagined AM being quirkless?

Nah, just a very, very excited fanboy

The manga skipped over the fight but since the anime showed it I now know of the potential of the purity couple.

They would wait until graduation to discuss holding hands.

And make rocket punching babies

Having kick-ass eyes.

Not all quirks good for combat, since quirkless people are such a rarity it would be normal for him to assume All might just had a minor quirk

Do you guys think Unbreakable is the pinacle of Kirishima's quirk? Like, now I think he only needs to work on making it last longer. Imagine a Kirishima that can be Unbreakable for one entire day, if the situation calls for it.

>that pose
my heart

Now that she nows toyotomi's weakness maybe she would be able to pull out a lot of flashlights
Also, do Birb have any kind of combat skills other than his shadow? He even looks so skinny that a punch would be harmless

>can't fight each other spots
>doesn't put picture of toga

He's a chunni manlet

yea he shoud lift anyone with a candle can kick his ass

Eh, I think he could refine it a bit.
Get a lighter version of it that doesn't limit his mobility. From the sounds he was making, it was probably hard for him to move with all the hard parts grinding against each other.
Opening up the joints would make him exposed, but could possibly let him move better, acting more like real armor.

After the tournament All Might tells him to work on his physical stuff and he says he will.

We haven't seen what he can do now but he learned a new Dark Shadow technique that can be used only defensibly, possibly to defend while he works on his physical shit.

>can deafeat an oponent wen she knows his weakness
wow girl power

You mean Bakugou power

I think Sero my edge out a couple extra wins if the battle takes place somewhere that isn't flat. If he's given enough space to swing around he pretty much out mobilities all but the top tier students, so even if he's fighting people with stronger quirks he can just play keep away

To be fair Bakugou fights like that.

no thast plot armor

What do you say, user?

I think it's too soon to be his top skill, but indeed a 24h Unbreakeable would kick ass, in fact in that state and going full rampage he would beat everyones ass, my only doubt is if in that state he is resistant to stuff like electricity thinking in a hard match up against pikachu. Also, he didn't even get slower in that form so it's pretty op to be honest, he seems to be in the top of class A, just below the three mc and even maybe over birb


"What a mad banquet of darkness."

He doesn't have super strength, though. Even if he's indestructable, as long as you are stronger, you can restrain him.

I remember reading in his wiki page that his hardening protects him against heat and shockwaves, but would it protect him against electricity? I don't know, I don't think we know what kind of material Kirishima's skins becomes in hardening. Depending on the material it would give him some weakness, like Tetsu's steel, in which I'm pretty sure he would be weak against water and electricity

Girls love him

He does have enhanced strength in hardening, though. He could dig through several tons of metal, and Bakugou admitted in their fight that him withstanding his explosions without stumbling was not only duo to Kirishima's hardening. I don't know how strong, exactly, but definitely not weak

Well, yeah, but Kirishima is also very, very sharp. I think even holding him would hurt you

Fire of my loins

>draw a hero
>call it a villain



I don't think he have movility problems

I always thought his skin was green





>Todoroki didn't protect this smile
When will Endeavor get the rape baby he deserves?


>Nigga punched THROUGH a laser made of fucking swords.



This tournament sucks. It's the Patriots-Seahawks Super Bowl all over again. I don't want either of these assholes to win. Bakugo doesn't deserve it for being a prick and Shoto is too OP. Literally every character I liked is out, why should I watch next week?
Can a villain interrupt this shit or something?

she seemed like the generic cowtits girl but I came around to her after the exam


I get Tintin but why are spiral girl and horse dong in the top 3?



this is how it ends, right?

Nejire has the most physically powerful out of the three. I mean, she knocked down two giants, and it looks like she can choose how powerful her blast are. And Amajiki's quirk is very versatile, not only having the characteristics of the animals he eats, but also combining them,and we have seen him be very effective with it.

I want to Uraraka those Ochacos!



Best frog coming through.


Suneater's quirk has a ton of potential if he gets ahold of the right foods.
Nejire has spiral power.

Frog is a bully

>tfw you become the bullfrog that cucks tsuyu's future husband

Delete diabetus and sadrock from that list, with don't have a clue about the extent of their power
I mean, are they even alive? If they were dead no one would even notice

frog a cute

Pinky a Perfect.

Did you honestly think it would end up any other way?

Pinky is for senpai

If we're knocking people off Ojiro and Hagakure shouldn't be included, we haven't seen either of them fight yet outside of a stray panel here and there.

Best girl coming through

I want SUSAN to enroll in UA!

All Mighty then!

But I don't think Mina is enjoying that

finaly someone with good taste


I guess that at least we can say that invisitits is the perfect counter for toyotomi

>white instead of transparent

Wanna try again, pal?

>Best Girl

How would that actually work?

mina a cute!

Which girl is the most likely to secretly have a dick

>If Toga drank Invisible Girl's blood we'd see what she actually looks like.

Momo but not secretly

Does Toga get people's quirks when she transforms into them?

She needs some development, she's cute, but all the other girls are more interesting

Read slower. Unless you haven't made it to The Provisional License Exam Arc.

>she's cute

>her special move is flashing people

god dammit

Cuteness is so much more than just appearance young one, you'll understand when you get a bit older.

Will we ever see Deku get a powerup from pure rage

Don't be ridiculous. She already gave him her technical virginity on both ends.