Christians are really Satanists
Christians are really Satanists
Sweden is really a dead country.
better dead than 56% white
Nah, Satanists believe they're god and there's no other above them. Christcucks are the complete opposite and are taught to be subservient to a character that is supposed to be a god and the god
Fake Christians, sure.
OP really is a faggot though
Christians call evil good. They think they worship God but really worship Satan.
It's true
Niiq Piaf! A long distant relative of Edith Piaf, everyone
Satan is a concept of you following your own ego.
The foundation of all religions is Jew based and are created to fool people into worshiping demons like Dagon for the Catholics, and Moloch for the Judaic Jews. Jesus became the central character for Christianity instead of demons, the Egyptian ceremony coupled with the Judaic monotheism and ceremonial cannibalism remained. The most damaging part of Christianity is that it teaches followers to be subservient and never fight back.
Tengriism and Hindusim were the foundations of Zoroastrianism