The Pol/y bible update 1

Well, the epistles of paul are out. They didn't make the cut for the new bible God commanded me (and since you all work for me, God therefore commanded you, since I'm lazy) to compile in order for Christianity 2.0 to wash over the earth and for signs and wonders to displace the masons and shitbags in satanic churches with Christ's name fraudulently applied to them.

Reasons for excluding paul-
1. he was a huckster. Every epistle was written so he could beg for money from some church or another.
2. He babbled deep sounding gibberish.
3. He contradicted Jesus

It's tentatively decided that Charles G Finney's Lectures on Revival of Religion replace paul's epistles.

Also, a history of the Jews and edomites needs to be written for inclusion in the bible, since Jesus said there would be fake Jews in the book of Revelations, so now it's a matter of pointing out those glow in the dark jewniggers. Get to work. Don't be shy, nothing is complete and infallible but God.

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>Sup Forumsy Bible

I agree. Fuck paul. Try to reconcile Romans chapter 9 with Ezekiel chapter 18.

Can't be done

what's so special about Charles G Finney?

God tells me his words were true.



What would you change about the sermon on the mount? isn't that THE gospel?

What a shill thread.
Stop claiming God's told you to do anything.
Being a Christian is not about imitating Christ show me the scripture that supports that. It's about recognising Jesus died on the cross for your sins and went to Hell, rose from the dead and went up to Heaven.