Just finished this.
Man, fuck Swim Swim. Is there anyone with taste shit enough to not hate her?
Just finished this.
Man, fuck Swim Swim. Is there anyone with taste shit enough to not hate her?
Other urls found in this thread:
Man, fuck Deluge. Is there anyone with taste shit enough to not hate her?
>fuck Deluge
I'd do it but Bluebell already did it for me.
Could someone give me a quick rundown on these guys?
I just finished this yesterday myself. Swim Swim was one of the best girls.
Ripple is far and away worst girl. She had no chemistry with anyone in the cast and was boring as fuck to watch. Also her costume sucks.
I want to fuck Swim Swim
>no chemistry with Top Speed
How did you reach that conclusion?
ripple a shit
Top Speed had all the charisma. She could have clicked with anyone.
Ripple barely fucking gave Top Speed the time of day until she died. All she ever did was act like a cunt to her. Top Speed was likable and charismatic entirely on her own merits, not because of her interactions with Ripple, who brought nothing to the table whatsoever.
My Wives Swim2 and Nokko-chan are so cute.
Ripple in limited is pretty good.
Nearly forgets to post this.
Homework is importan
What a good girl.
Man, fuck Nokko-chan. Is there anyone with taste shit enough to not hate her?
The rabbit is the best.
I'm sure Princess Quake would want to protect her.
I want to be abused by Calamity Mary
Does anyone know if the pdfs and epubs are finished yet?
Unmarked, Restart and Limited epubs are done.
It's Mother Fucking Hell's Survival!!!!
To be fair, Ripple is a lot better written in the LN.
Ripple is actually supposed to be Unmarked's MC. The anime tried to make SW the MC, which doesn't work too well because Ripple is the one who actually does all the MC-like activity in Unmarked.
Shadowgale? More like Sexygale
Here's the pdf
I haven't done Limited yet due to having some IRL problems needed to sort out this weekend. I will get it out by Tuesday the latest.
I'll add it to the file on my drive. I'll make sure it gets to the tumblr too.
That's ok, no need to rush. Thanks for making the pdfs.
Peaky angels are the best. They're just normal Sup Forums shitposters stuck in a psycho-orchestrated bloodbath with an incompetent ruler, autistic slime, and last but the least a dumb doggo.
Thank you for your hair work user.
>We will never know what caused Mary to lose it
I'm still mad. Everyone gets a full and fleshed and well developed backstory but all Mary is "she started to hit her child and become an alcoholic just because lol". I want to fucking know why she developed such a massive inferiority complex. Fuck you Asari.
Is Yen Press still worth getting when we already have the re-translation?
ITT: Characters Who did nothing wrong.
The translation is surprisingly decent. We lucked out with the translator somehow. Still, the re-translation is better. Overall re-tl > jew press >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> reading summaries on animesuki >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> fanfic
Fuck off, Minael.
She was a good girl did nothing wrong.
Shy hobo who did nothing wrong.
How do we know what the translation is like, have people gotten their copies early?
Someone posted comparisons in a previous thread. Forgot to save it, though apparently YP and the reTL are very similar.
Digital previews are available already. ReTL->YP->Plat
I wouldn't say "very similar", but they agree enough that they just make Plat's version stand out as even more retarded.
Thank you. Also, the fact is that the reTL and YP at least attempt to TL what is actually written.
In retrospect I think that everyone can agree that SwimSwim did nothing wrong. She just tried to survive with framework that was given.
Everyone except waifufags
>“Flamey’s the boss of the Six Fire Fairies of Maou’s School.”
>“The Six Fire Fairies of Maou’s School? That sounds pretty amazing.”
>“At the same time, she’s also part of the Twelve Demon Generals of Maou’s School,
>the Three Celestial Maidens of Maou’s School, the Pentagram of Maou’s School, the Four >Ultimate Fists of Maou’s School and the Seven Fortunes of Maou’s School.
>She’s strong enough that many factions are courting her strength.”
Is there a good TL for the LNs?
Are there a lot of differences from the translations that were going around right after the anime?
Is it worth to read through it all again?
I haven't really been in these threads too much recently
Maou's school yearbook must be a bitch to finish with all that groups and factions.
see for a look at how awful the initial "translations" were.
Need Flamey's Navy Seal Copypasta version
Flamey really is trash.
Flamey's traumatized face is incredibly arousing.
Yeah, I tried to read the first one but obviously it didn't work out. When are the new ones coming in?
If someone can color the lower panel I'll use it to end the Uttakatta vs Flamey scene instead.
Please do not bully Flamey she is a strong girl
Makes me wonder at what point she went rogue.
Basically: yes, the TLs going around after the anime were... well, they're just bad. is an example, but you can also compare things like this:
>The sound of underground movement was now far away, but Clamberry did not give chase. Rather than chasing down a beaten dog, her priority was to deal with her present circumstances. She could no longer hear the sound of an angel’s wings overhead.
>Clamberry moved carefully. Despite her wariness, she moved in a way that concealed it from others, with a natural ease. She walked around the algae-encrusted trees and stepped over low-growing shrubs. She swung over a valley on a vine. She was getting closer. There were several notes of tension in her heartbeat. Given the effective time of the Vitality Medicine, she would have to make an attack now. Dropping her pretense, Clamberry stepped into a patch of vegetation and stabbed her right hand into a rock without any warning. After impaling the human-sized rock with her right hand, she raised it and slammed it heavily onto the ground.
She had listened to the scratches underground. They weren’t chasing her or coming towards her. In fact, it looked like the noises were moving away from her.
Suddenly, a large rock began flying in the air towards Clamberry. Fast. Durable. This wasn’t a normal rock.
The rock kept hitting her.
It was fast. The arm, then the back, then it flew over to her shoulder.
Clamberry focused on the movements, her reflexes are far too fast for the rock to anticipate, and calmly, she aimed her fist at the incoming rock."
Maybe after she got beaten in the Hell Survival she was so completely disgraced that she decided to run death games, then SW comes and beats her the exact same way she lost all those years ago.
looks like it's time to reread and then despair over the fact that restart will never be animated
>MGRP BDs sold well
>merchandise printed money
>Is now getting re-aired
S2 imminent?
So what's after queens?
>MGRP BDs sold well
Source? I don't doubt other likes merchandise.
That's a prequel though.
based magical girl (male)
(guessing the next page is bend over and pick something up?)
More than broke-even and pumped up LN sales substantially.
Pretty much, LP is an uber slut in that one.
Thank, man. I really loved the show but the first TL felt wrong. I'm sure I'll have a better time with this.
>all those 0 or less than 10 sales.
The actual writing is a much better read.
Are there any translations of F2P or just the shit from the fanfic guy
Just the shit, but the plot is simple enough, Fox Girl a best.
well if anyone is interested
raws are here
My nip is pretty shit ~1k kanji so I probably couldn't translate it
I'd like to try though
unless some other kind user can and then I could just edit and such
Also as if you didn't need another reason to hate the fanfic guy
Here is a page from F2P chapter 1
forgot pic
And here's his version
He switched around what was in some bubbles for convenience
used ugly as shit fonts
and made the text was in the wrong bubble squish just to fit in it
That's just what I noticed on this one page
Why did people let this carry on
He only did two of those chapters but it was still garbage
Are the epubs missing the color illustrations? Like IIRC Unmarked is supposed to have a color illustration of Ripple at the front.
Huh, I guess they are. Not sure if I can get Mr. Shy to do a v2, though. I'll jsut put them in for the Google Drive version.
pic related did nothing wrong
would you all be willing to get into a chatroom with kuso-kun? that way, all of us can talk to him at once about his translation and see if he's really that bad.
Here? We were just naive, we got deceived, and the moment the lie was uncovered everyone turned on the guy and searched for solutions for everything as well as they could.
Outside here? Redditors and people from Discord who have been brainwashed, some of them are literal kiddies not even past 16, and in hard denial about the first "translations" being plain wrong in many aspects despite proof being rubbed on their faces many times.
Fuck off Puck
I'm not a big fan of the 6 month schedule though. Although maybe they needed it because of how long Rewrite compared to an average novel.
Already did that, I actually helped proof some of his TLs and he rejected almost every change I suggested, after a while I decided not to bother because everything he did was so different from the original text that it would be faster to TL it myself.
I mean, seriously, just look at and tell me where you would start suggesting changes that were not essentially a complete rewrite.
That's just jew press being jew press. They are extremely slow. They spend more time licensing things than actually translating them.
Their usual schedule is 3 or 4 months between volumes, which is about as fast or slightly faster than the speed at which they get written in Japan. There has to be something else going on for them to have to extend that schedule for MGRP.