Is Aquarion generally considered a good anime? I'm only 4 episodes in so there's time for it to improve...

Is Aquarion generally considered a good anime? I'm only 4 episodes in so there's time for it to improve, but so far it's been awful.

Just skip to EVOL. It's a goddamn masterpiece.

evol is alright until the ending happens and you realize that amata and mikono are shitty characters and wonder why amata didnt choose zessica in the first place or why zessia didnt pick not apollo

Is everything in EVOL as awkwardly sexual as it is in the first series?

Genesis was amazing

EVOL was okay

Logos was utter trash that killed the series



EVOL was a helluva ride.

>Is everything in EVOL as awkwardly sexual as it is in the first series?
That's the fanchise whole schtick

Something something 12000 years, that's all you need to know.

Well then, are the characters in EVOL any better?

Genesis was pretty middling. EVOL started strong and turned fucking terrible. Logos was also middling and was barely Aquarion, but savior autism saved it from being shit.

Solid 5/10


>EVOL was okay
>Logos was utter trash
I can't believe what I'm reading

nah, most of it was retarded romance shit that they kept over using the whole fusion shit. It was during the waifu wars. That was truly hell on Sup Forums.

Genesis is considered mediocre.

Pretty sure you're talking about Evol, unless there were some hardcore waifu wars over Sousei that the oldfags never told me about.

I'm talking about all of Sup Forums I still have ptsd just surviving that hellish time.

dog fucking the anime

Watch you some fucking Logos when you're done with the original. I'm not even done and I'm having a wonderful time with it. I honestly think most of the people peeved about Logos are just mad at the lack of AKINO.

How does Logos rate compared the the others?

It's a different experience, but great fun. With the exception of one episode which is so goddamn japanese you likely won't understand it (it's all a huge rakugo gag) all the kanji related shit is fun.

Come for the episode 1 mecha NTR, stay for THE SAVIOR.

Genesis was a good show wrapped up in a really confusing and weirdly paced one, but it comes out being this quirky kinda unique show that has a lot of thought behind it.

EVOL was a mediocre show wrapped up to look like a good one and it feels like they just didn't actually have any ideas for it.

and I didn't get very far in the third one.

Logos is wonderful.

>all of Sup Forums
What? That doesn't answer anything.

I watched for the music.

Genesis is fun if you get past mid-00s storytelling.
Evol is perfect.
Logos is meh, but the final episode saves it.

it has a good song

logos got better deeper in, evol got much much worse the deeper into the season it went

Likable MCs for once, great themes, good and adorable love story and fun, but it looks ugly and has no Akino.

It's just too bad for the lack of IS, they used them properly in the second to last episode and shit was just glorious. Also Maia best Aquarion girl.